Lise Rochaix, membre du Collège de la HAS








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Posted on Mar 27 2008 She chairs the economic evaluation and public health committee: CEESP – Commission d’évaluation économique et de santé publique - which reviews the economic analyses produced within the full health technology assessments carried out at HAS. Before joining HAS, Lise ROCHAIX was full professor since 1994, first at the economics department of the university of Western Brittany and subsequently at Aix-Marseille II where she was head of the public economics master’s degree, teaching public economics, labour economics and health economics. She obtained her French doctorate in 1986 at the university of Rennes and her Ph.D in economics at York University in 1991. She is a member of GREQAM (Groupe de Recherches en Economie Quantitative d’Aix-Marseille) and IDEP (Institut d’Economie Publique) in Marseille. She is member of the Board of Directors of the French economics association: AFSE - Association Française de Sciences Economiques -  and of the French association of health economists: CES - Collège des Economistes de la santé. Her research is mainly in health economics and her areas of interest are related to regulatory issues, in particular the analysis of incentives and their impact on both providers and patients, from an efficiency and an equity point of view. She has published a large number of articles on these topics and also took part in various governmental task force reports on health care reforms. Posted on Mar 27 2008
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Lise ROCHAIX Born April 9th, 1958, married. Full Professor in the economics department at the university of Aix Marseille II since 1999. Researcher at IDEP (Institut dEconomie Publique) and GREQAM (Groupe de Recherches Quantitatives dAix-Marseille) Currently in secondment at the Board of HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé). University degrees and national competitions National competition for university professorship in economics (Agrégation du supérieur en Sciences Economiques), July 1994. National degree to supervise research (Habilitation à diriger des recherches), with A.M. FERICELLI, G. DURU, J.M. HURIOT, R. LAUNOIS, C. LE PEN, C. PIATECKI, University of Paris-IX-Dauphine, July 2nd, 1993. Ph.D in Economics :"Adjustement Mechanisms in the Physicians' Services Market", January 9th, 1991, Department of Economics and Related Studies, York University, U.K. ; Supervisor : Professor J.D. HEY ; External examinor : Prof. L. EEECKHOUDT; Internal examinor : Prof. A. MAYNARD. National researcher competition in economics at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), 1986 French doctorate (thèse nouveau régime) : "Asymétries informationnelles et comportement médical",December 17th, 1986, mention très honorable et félicitations du jury à l'unanimité, Université de Rennes I, Département de Sciences Économiques. With R. LAUNOIS (Supervisor), H. GUITTON (examinor), Th. LEBRUN (examinor), J.D. HEY, et G. DURU. Master of Sciences in Economics, 01/09/1982, Economics Department, York University, U.K. Teaching experience Ph.D students : 8 trained students, 4 in training. Member of Ph.D panels in France (25), in the UK (2) and Spain (1). Teaching areas: Public economics, history of economic thought, European economics, industrial economics, labour economics, microeconomics, social policy, health economics Health economics teaching in various training programmes: DEA, "Méthodes d'analyse des Systèmes de Santé", Université de Lyon I, (1986  2001) ; DESS 210, Université de Paris IX Dauphine, (1993-1999) ; DEA,  Économie Mathématique et Économétrie , Université de Paris II, (1995-1999) ; DESS, "Économie et gestion des systèmes de santé", Université de Paris I, (1995-1999) ; ENSAI, option économie de la santé, troisième année filière 'Sciences de la Vie' , Rennes, (1996 -) ; Master of public economics, GREQAM (2001- ) ; Master of Public Affairs, IEP Paris (2006 - ). Current position I was appointed by the President of the Senate in December 2005 to the Board of Directors of the French National Health Board (Haute Autorité de Santé  HAS) for a two year secondment period. I have been reappointed in January 2008 for a six year mandate. As member of the Board, I am associated with all strategic decisions. My main areas of competence within the Board have been the development of the international strategy of HAS, of research both within HAS and in partnership with the academic community, and the introduction of economic analysis into the decision-making process. I chair the Economic and Public Health Evaluation Committee (Commission dévaluation économique et de santé publique - CEESP) which reviews economic assessments and public health recommendations produced by HAS. The committee strives to document decisions both from an efficiency, an equity and an ethical point of view, (an approach described under the notion of added value to the community (Service Rendu à la Collectivité  SERC).
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