PatientsAssociationsCooperationFramework EN








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Patients’ organisations: how to contribute to the work of the French National Authority for Health General Context: One of the main objectives of the French National Authority for Health (Haute Autorité de Santé, HAS) is transparency.
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Patients’ organisations: how to contribute to the work of the French National Authority for Health
General Context: 
One of the main objectives of the French National Authority for Health (Haute Autorité de Santé, HAS) is transparency. It concerns relationship between HAS and patients’ associations. That’s why HAS has published a methodological guide called HAS-Patients’ association cooperation framework.
Main objectives:
 working rules between associations and HASTo describe  To facilitate the associations’ involvement in the work of HAS  To guarantee optimal conditions for cooperation
Actions:  Step 1: The framework was created by a common working group - HAS and patients’ associations.  Step 2: The framework was open to public consultation on the HAS website for 5 weeks before validation by the HAS board in May 2008.  Step 3: The framework was published on the HAS website.
Which rights, which duties for patients’ representatives?
Main principles are based on strong values:
To reco nize and to increase the value of atients’ ex ertise whether it is based on personal experience of disease or family or people in contact with someone affected.
Conse uentl , to consider atients’ re resentatives as ex erts b rovidin them the same rights and duties as medical or scientific experts, which means:
o A right to be paid for their time, and reimbursed of their costs of participation. o Prior to participation, an obligation to complete a declaration of potential conflicts of interests. o obligation to respect confidentiality of documents until publication byAn HAS.
This framework will be translated into English ASAP. To download it in French, go to 
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