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Put sophisticated
analytical tools to work
for your company.
Smart companies constantly look for ways trends. And get information that can help You Provide
to extract more value from their investment you establish goals and performance Company information (such as industry
in a Procure-to-Pay process. They want targets to streamline operations, increase and revenue) and high-level card program
new ways to optimize performance and efficiency and reduce costs. data (such as monthly volume, total
procedures. That’s why Visa has developed transactions and cards issued) to Visa
Best Fita robust suite of analytical tools, including or your commercial banker.
Companies with existing commercial the Industry Benchmark Analysis. Use
card programs seeking ways to The Right Tool for the Jobthe tools to help assess how well your
improve their performance through procurement and payment processes are Visa’s suite of Program Optimization
comparison with peer companies in performing and, more importantly, how Analytical Tools also includes the
the same industry.they could be enhanced. You can benefit Accounts Payable Analysis, Average
from the use of leading-edge tools and Transaction Analysis, Return on
data analytics, combined with practical Investment (ROI) Analysis and
Optimize cost-saving and efficiency suggestions from Visa and your Performance Gauges.
benefits for your bottom line.commercial ...
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V I S AC O M M E R C I A LS O L U T I O N S I N d U S T R yB E N C h M A R kA N A L y S I SO V E R V I E w Put sophisticated analytical toolsto work for your company. Smart companies constantly look for waystrends. And get information that can helpYou Provide to extract more value from their investmentyou establish goals and performance Company information (such as industry in a Procure-to-Pay process. They wanttargets to streamline operations, increase and revenue) and high-level card program new ways to optimize performance andefficiency and reduce costs. data (such as monthly volume, total procedures. That’s why Visa has developed transactions and cards issued) to Visa Best Fit a robust suite of analytical tools, including or your commercial banker. Companies with existing commercial the Industry Benchmark Analysis. Use card programs seeking ways toThe Right Tool for the Job the tools to help assess how well your improve their performance through procurement and payment processes areVisa’s suite of Program Optimization comparison with peer companies in performing and, more importantly, howAnalytical Tools also includes the the same industry. they could be enhanced. You can benefitAccounts Payable Analysis, Average from the use of leading-edge tools andTransaction Analysis, Return on Benefit data analytics, combined with practicalInvestment (ROI) Analysis and Optimize cost-saving and efficiency suggestions from Visa and yourPerformance Gauges. benefits for your bottom line. commercial banker. Learn more about how Highlights Visa Industry Benchmark Analysis Visa’s Program Optimization Compares your information with data How do you know if your commercialAnalytical Tools can help drive compiled for Visaby RPMG Research, card program is delivering as much valuethe success of your company’s an independent firm specializing in as possible? How does it compare tocommercial card program. payments industry analytics. other companies’ programs? And whereContact Visa at PO@Visa.com or your commercial banker can you make improvements to helpProduces a report evaluating your for more information. drive profitability? Visa’s Industryperformanceincluding: Benchmark Analysis evaluates your  –Your card program metrics compared current purchasing or corporate card to benchmark averages for similar-size program performance against a select companies in your industry. peer group of companies of similar  –Quartile rankings showing where you revenue size in the same industry, stand relative to your whole peer group. providing averages and quartile scoring.  –Recommendations for improving You’ll understand performance against performance against each benchmark. key metrics, industry behaviors and
Industry Benchmark Analysis:Excerpt of Sample Report
Purchasing Card Industry Benchmark Report
Large Market Manufacturing
Monthly total purchasing card spend
Monthly spend per card
Monthly transactions per card
Average transaction size
Cardtoemployee ratio
Percent of active cards in a typical month
Percent of transactions under $2,500 paid by card
Percent of transactions between $2,500 and $10,000 paid by card
Large Market
Monthly total purchasing card spend
Monthly spend per card
Monthly transactions per card
Average transaction size
Cardtoemployee ratio
Percent of active cards in a typical month
Percent of transactions under $2,500 paid by card
Percent of transactions between $2,500 and $10,000 paid by card
Monthly total purchasing card spend
Monthly spend per card
Monthly transactions per card
Average transaction size
Cardtoemployee ratio
Percent of active cards in a typical month
Percent of transactions under $2,500 paid by card
Percent of transactions between $2,500 and $10,000 paid by card
Your Metric
$770,000 $8,750 11.1 $788 4% 95% 10% 5%
Your Metric
$770,000 $8,750 11.1 $788 4% 95% 10% 5%
$749,829 $3,395 9.3 $368 11% 81% 28% 14%
Organization Name:ABC Company Organization Type:Private
 Percentile Quatile Comariso 0  25th25  50th50  75th75  100th
Benchmark 0  25th $874,366 $4,554 15.5 $385 14% 80% 29% 14%
Percentile Qua tile Comarison 25  50th50  75th75  100th
 PercentileQua tile Comarison Your MetricBenchmark 0  25th25  50th50  75th75  100th $770,000 $1,607,598 $8,750 $4,137 11.1 14.5 $788 $374 4% 12% 95% 80% 10% 26% 5% 11%
Note: Benchmark data are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent actual figures from the data set.
The Industry Benchmark Analysis and reports are intended for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for marketing, technology, legal, regulatory, tax, financial or other advice. The information is not intended to advise you of strategies applicable to your specific situation, but rather to highlight issues for your consideration. Therefore, you should consult your own advisors. Visa is not responsible for your use of the tool, studies, reports and information, including errors of assumptions or conclusions of any kind that you might draw from its use.
© 2008 Visa. All Rights Reserved.
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