Why they chose Israël - article ; n°1 ; vol.9, pg 129-144









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Archives des sciences sociales des religions - Année 1960 - Volume 9 - Numéro 1 - Pages 129-144
16 pages
Source : Persée ; Ministère de la jeunesse, de l’éducation nationale et de la recherche, Direction de l’enseignement supérieur, Sous-direction des bibliothèques et de la documentation.
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Publié le

01 janvier 1960

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1 Mo

Samuel Z. Klausner
Why they chose Israël
In: Archives des sciences sociales des religions. N. 9, 1960. pp. 129-144.
Citer ce document / Cite this document :
Klausner Samuel Z. Why they chose Israël. In: Archives des sciences sociales des religions. N. 9, 1960. pp. 129-144.
doi : 10.3406/assr.1960.2683
http://www.persee.fr/web/revues/home/prescript/article/assr_0003-9659_1960_num_9_1_2683THEY CHOSE ISRAEL WHY
Basel years not several in create Jewish of would nationalist social understood colonization Jerusalem young initiate The by of exceeded need Program for social be intelligentsia national decades this public Basel The Preparatory agricultural ciousness to of laws their students Zionism awakening in that Jewish appropriate the movements end Safed promotion order organization strengthening law of Program to most the at sentiment encouraging movement attainment Written Palestine each strives The the and from to Jewish expectations state Fifteen effective steps facilitate the country Congress institutions other First on expressed They to industrial Russia in periodical and suitable in of toward create home such years and Hebrew cities 1897 Zionist the come undertaking Jews binding its contemplates fostering were of making as for had aim before obtaining realization lines workers local That It the into to social Hashahar Palestine met Congress and is of disembarked together Jewish of Hovevei being this possible Zionism by general the movement debating Jewish government international Congress already state The colonization was in seemed of people leaders following Zio the response European rule framers would being national at the settled already whole more colonization had that the Jaffa who home consent means read problems be in to of Bilu been organizations realistic sentiment Jewish in hammered accordance of societies an Palestine the to widely underway to existence Jewry already an where in Basel undertake the of communities organization than among Palestine attainment and by necessary fostering Program with out existing in secured aiming secular do Jewish It means cons fifty did not the for
Cette étude dont nous donnons ici la première publication imprimée constituait sous
forme polygraphiée le document inscrit sous la référence Publication A-244 du Bureau of
Applied Social Research de la Columbia University Les formulations théoriques résultent
une série études patronnées par American Foundation ofIieligionaîidPsychiatry(.N.D.L.R.)
The subsequent growth of Israel may be traced in its statistics of immigra
tion The over million Jews who quit lands in which some of their forefathers
had dwelt for over two millenia for new life in Palestine and Israel are part of
general migration of four million Jews throughout the world However in
certain respects the motivation and character of the Palestine-bound migrant
Understanding this migration requires an examination of the social conditions
existing in the lands of emigration and in Palestine and Israel The very same
conditions which led to the also led to its verbal formulation at the
Congress This paper will analyze some of the conditions associated with Jewish
emigration to Palestine 2)
Two chapters in the immigration story will not be discussed One has to do
with the organization and the binding together of the whole of Jewry by means
of appropriate institutions These organizations provided the financial facilities
for transporting migrants 3) and acted in obtaining government consent where
necessary The other chapter concerns the process of absorption of immigrants
in Palestine and Israel short concluding note will touch upon this process
Despite these deletions it should be remembered that all three aspects of immi
gration are interrelated Without the provision of facilities to transfer the
grants no large-scale emigration could have taken place Were it not for the
possibility of economic and cultural absorption within the Yishuv Jewish
community of Palestine and Israel) emigrants would not have been as likely to
turn to Palestine and Israel 5)
The pre-history of Zionist Aliyah immigration of Jews to Palestine may
be said to begin with the coming of Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees or with the
Hebrew invasion under the Judges There is certainly some parallel to it in the
return of the exiles from Babylon Almost from the moment of the dispersion
following the failure of Bar revolt trickle of Jews made their way to
The Land of the Fathers Throughout the Middle Ages small bands of Jews
fulfilled religious pilgrimage to the Mount of Zio they came from thirteenth
century England and from fifteenth and sixteenth century Rome and Sicily
Hasidim from Central and Eastern Europe were more recent pilgrims By the
nineteenth century these European AUyot were outnumbered by those from the
Moslem lands of the Near East and North Africa Though some of these immi
grants might have been willing to consider themselves the precursors of religio-
nationalist Return to Zio it is doubtful that they would have assented to
the role allotted them in the pre-history of secular nationalist movement True
secular nationalist immigration may be said to have begun in 1882
The contemporaneous migration of Arabs to Palestine from the surrounding countries
is also worthy of study but will not be treated in this article
The history of organizations involved in transporting Jewish migrants is told by Mark
WISCHNITZBR in To Dwell in Safety Philadelphia The Jewish Publication Society of America
The best general theoretical study of absorption is The Absorption
of Immigrants encoe The Free Press 1955
Even cursory exploration of the conditions associated with Jewish emigration is too
complex matter to be treated adequately in single article Consequently this paper makes
no pretense to detailed account of this movement nor to exhaustiveness in the explanatory
ideology followed 1914 First 1882 administration Reliable During and AUyah by This 1903 another the consisting data Second are some first on difficult wave World Aliyah 20000 Jewish of young of War to brought immigrants immigration obtain Palestine middle about However class from arrived was 35.000 to students Russia battleground Palestine This to it is bearing is from estimated commonly during and Russia between Socialist many the that termed They potential 1904 Ottoman between Zionist were and the
gration emigrants dropped were involved off severely in the defense of their homelands Conseauently immi
blishment wing Better Table of statistics summarizes country Israel in are of 1948 Jewish birth available and immigration from that the British date to Palestine through Mandatory from 1955 period 1919 according to The the to follo esta the
Jewish Immigrants registered by Country of Birth
Number of
1919 Dec May 31 15 1948 1955
May 14 1948
Country of Birth
All countries .............................. 771697 452158
Asia ..................................... 251660 40776
Turkey 35278 8277 Iran ................................. 27660 3536 Yemen ............................... 45749 14566 Illustration non autorisée à la diffusion Aden ................................ 3422 1272 India.................................. 4869
Other Countries mainly Iraq ......... 134682 13125
Africa ................................... 152510 4033
Tunisia Algeria Morocco et Tangier ..... 98834 994 Libya 32681 873
Union of South Africa .......... 732 259
Other Countries mainly Egypt ........ 20263 1907
Europe .................................. 342895 377487
USSR .............................. 8455 52350 Poland ............................... 107787 170127 Rumania ............................. 121968 41105 Bulgaria 38413 7057
Statistical Abstract of Israel 1955/56 Table
Number of Immigrants
May 15 1948 1919
Dec 31 1955 May 14 1948
1944 Yugoslavia............................ 7778
Greece .............................. 2336 8767
Germany ............................ 8692 52951
Austria ............................. 2796 7748
Hungary 15056 10342
United Kingdom ..................... 2240 1574
Illustration non autorisée à la diffusion 1208 Netherlands ......................... 1368
1637 France 3460
1554 Italy ............................... 1411
Czechoslovakia ....................... 18943 16794
2329 Other Countries 2192
America and Oceania....................... 5825 7579
6635 United States 1815
Canada ............................. 332 816
Argentina............................. 1926 238
Other Countries America ........... 1589 318
72 Australia and New Zealand ............ 163
22283 Not Stated................................ 18807
It is obvious from this table that immigration between the World Wars was
primarily European During the twenties continued flow of immigrants from the
USSR in the wake of the Revolution and the Civil War was accompanied by
movement of middle-class Jews from newly independent Poland With the rise
of Hitlerism the tide of immigrants from Germany and Austria increased Jews
quit Hungary and Rumania as Nazi influence reached those countri

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