Framework Programme 7 (2007-2013) Research infrastructures projets METAFORMETAFORProject acronym: METAFORSummary: METAFOR will take the irst step in doing for climate data and models wh at search engines have done for the Internet: it will put users of climate data in touch with Project n°: RI-211753the information they need. Unlocking existing and future climate data repositories and model description for new communities will provide new exciting opportunities for Project type: CPCSAscientii c research, policy making, and private sector competitiveness.Start date: 01/03/2008Objectives: he main objective of METAFOR is to de ine a Common Information Duration: 36 monthsModel (CIM) that describes in a standard way climate data and the models that produce Total budget: 2 890 000 €the data. METAFOR will build on existing metadata (data describing data) currently used in existing data repositories and address issues like metadata fragmentation, gaps, Funding from the EC: 2 200 000 €or duplication. In close interaction with related initiatives at the international level, Total funded eff ort in person-month: 286METAFOR will propose solutions to identify, access and use the climate data in these repositories and standardise model description. To support the adoption of the CIM, Web site: http://metafor.enes.