TOWN OF PROSPER, TEXASFinancial Statements(With Auditor's Report Thereon)September 30, 2009TOWN OF PROSPERAnnual Financial ReportFor the Year Ended September 30, 2009 Page NumberIn d ep en d en t Au d i tor’s Rep ort .................................................... 1 Ma n a g emen t’s Di scu ssi on a n d An a l y si s............................................ 3Basic Financial Statements:Government-Wide Financial Statements:Sta temen t of N et Assets ................................................. 1 3Sta temen t of Acti v i ti es .................................................. 1 4Fund Financial Statements:Ba l a n ce Sh eet - Gov ern men ta l Fu n d ....................................... 1 6Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet of Governmental Funds to theSta temen t of N et Assets.............................................. 1 9Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - Gov ern men ta l Fu n d s ................................................ 2 0Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fu n d Ba l a n ces of Gov ern men ta l Fu n d s to th e Sta temen t of Acti v i ti es ........ 2 2Bu d g et a n d Actu a l - Gen era l Fu n d ..................................... 2 3Bu d g et a ...