A Theory of ISIS , livre ebook









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The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has been the subject of intense scrutiny in the West. Considered by many to be the most dangerous terrorist organisation in the world, it has become shrouded in numerous myths and narratives, many emanating from the US, which often fail to grasp its true nature.

Against these narratives, Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou presents a bold new theory of ISIS. By tracing its genealogy and documenting its evolution in Iraq and Syria, he argues that ISIS has transcended Osama Bin Laden’s original project of Al Qaeda, mutating into an unprecedented hybrid form that distils postcolonial violence, postmodernity and the emerging post-globalisation international order.

This book analyses ISIS from a social sciences perspective and unpacks its dynamics by looking beyond superficial questions such as its terrorist nature and religious rhetoric. It transforms our understanding of ISIS and its profound impact on the very nature of contemporary political violence.
List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Abbreviations


Introduction: The Islamic State and Political Violence in the Early Twenty-First Century

1. Al Qaeda’s Matrix

2. Apocalypse Iraq

3. From Qaedat al Jihad to Al Dawla al Islamiya

4. Modernity and the Globalised Insurgent

Conclusion: Colonialism Boomerang




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Date de parution

20 novembre 2017





Poids de l'ouvrage

4 Mo

A Héô ô ïSïS
A éô ô ïSïS Pôçà Vôéçé à é àŝôàô ô é Gôà Oé
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ŝ ûŝé 2018  Pûô Péŝŝ 345 Açà Rôà, ôô N6 5AA
Cô © Môàà-Màôû Oû Môàéôû 2018
Hé  ô Môàà-Màôû Oû Môàéôû ô é éIé àŝ é àûô ô ŝ ô àŝ éé àŝŝéé    àççôàçé  é Cô, Déŝŝ à Pàéŝ Aç 1988.
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ïSBN 978 0 7453 9911 9 ïSBN 978 0 7453 9909 6 ïSBN 978 1 7868 0169 2 ïSBN 978 1 7868 0171 5 ïSBN 978 1 7868 0170 8
ààç Pàéàç PD éBôô Ké éBôô EPUB éBôô
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éŝé  Sàô DP Sévçéŝ, Nôàô, Eà
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Lîst of FîguresLîst of TablesLîst of AbbrevîatîonsAcknowledgements
Introduction: The Islamic State and Political Violence in the Early Twenty-First Century Mŝûéŝà ïS  Gééàôéŝ ô Né Vôéçé  éôŝ ïS
1. Al Qaeda’s Matrix Uéàŝ àŝàôà Vôéçé  Révéé ô é ‘Aàé Mûŝŝ’  é MçDôàŝàô ô éôŝ
2. Apocalypse Iraq Côôàŝ Rééŝé  Môŝé  Aéçà ïà  ‘ï  ŝéé ôû  Né Yô’
3. From Qaedat al Jihad to Al Dawla al Islamiya Méŝôôàà Réçé  ïô évàé Bàé  Sàé-Bû ô àçŝé ô Réô
4. Modernity and the Globalised Insurgent Ré Vôéçé  ïéà Réçôéçôŝ  é 1970ŝ Réû
v v 
1 6 22 28
31 32 49 57
65 66 74 83
88 90 96 100
124 126 146 158
. v a theory of isis
Conclusion: Colonialism Boomerang Réû ô Séé  ûûé Pàŝŝ ô ïS Pensamîento Nuevoô éôŝ
166 170 178 185
190 192 219 244
ŝ ô ûéŝ
3.1 é çà çôéŝ ô àŝàôà ïŝàŝ 4.1 é ô ô é ïŝàç Sàé 5.1 éàéŝ à éôàéŝ ô ïS
112 156 168
ŝ ô àéŝ
1.1.A Qàéà’ŝ àô àŝàôà ôéàôŝ, 1995–2005 1.2.A Qàéà’ŝ àçŝéŝ, 2004–14 3.1. Evôûô ô ïS 3.2. é ŝévé àéŝ ô ïS 3.3. Pééŝ ô àéàçé à/ô ŝûô ô ïS 3.4.Wîlayas(éôŝ) ô ïS 4.1. Aàçŝ é ô ŝé  ïS, 2014–17
55 61 90 101 115 119 138
9/11 AQAP AQï AQïM CïA Bï GWO ïCRC ïS ïSï ïSï ïSïS PP UN UNSC
ŝ ô Aévàôŝ
A Qàéà’ŝ ààçŝ ô é Ué Sàéŝ, 11 Sééé 2001 A Qàéà  é Aàà Péŝûà A Qàéà  ïà A Qàéà  é ïŝàç Màé Céà ïééçé Aéç ééà Bûéàû ô ïvéŝàô Gôà Wà ô éô ïéàôà Côéé ô é Ré Côŝŝ ïŝàç Sàé ïŝàç Sàé  ïà ïŝàç Sàé  ïà à é évà ïŝàç Sàé  ïà à Sà Pôûà ô ô é éàô ô Pàéŝé Ué Nàôŝ Ué Nàôŝ Séçû Côûç
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