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Publié par
Date de parution
05 mai 2008
Lesson 2: Principles of Feng Shui.
Lesson 3: How to Use Feng Shui.
Lesson 4: Applying Feng Shui to Your Home.
Lesson 5: Feng Shui Room by Room.
Lesson 6: Feng Shui Outdoors.
Lesson 7: Feng Shui for Your Workplace and Career.
Lesson 8: Feng Shui for Wealth.
Lesson 9: Feng Shui for Health.
Lesson 10: Feng Shui in Relationships.
Lesson 11: Your Personality and Destiny.
Lesson 12: Feng Shui and the Power of Intention.
Appendix A: Sources and Suggested Reading.
Appendix B: Feng Shui and Clothing.
Appendix C: Feng Shui and Food.
Appendix D: Palm Reading.
Appendix E: Feng Shui for Travelers.
Appendix F: Feng Shui Colors for Your Business.
Appendix G: For Aspiring Feng Shui Professionals.
Glossary of Feng Shui Terms.
Publié par
Date de parution
05 mai 2008
The Learning Annex
Feng Shui
The Learning Annex with Meihwa Lin
Copyright 2004 by The Learning Annex Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., New York, NY
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The Learning Annex is North America s largest provider of adult education, dedicated to enhancing the quality of people s lives through informative and inspirational seminars. We offer short, inexpensive courses that provide nuts-and-bolts information on a variety of topics, taught by respected leaders and luminaries in each field. The Learning Annex operates schools in numerous major cities across the United States and Canada, and through its monthly publication, it has emerged as a cultural barometer of what is of interest to the American people.
Meihwa Lin is an accomplished feng shui practitioner, teacher, and mentor. She was a speaker at the 2001 International Feng Shui Conference in Zurich, Switzerland and is a frequent lecturer for the United Nations Staff Recreation Council in New York City.
A member of the International Feng Shui Guild and faculty of many professional feng shui schools, Ms. Lin holds certifications from Feng Shui Research Center, BTB Professional Feng Shui Organization, and The Metropolitan Institute of Interior Design. She trained in the Black Sect tradition under Grandmaster Lin Yun and studied classical compass feng shui with Master Yu.
A native of Taiwan, Ms. Lin integrates her feng shui heritage of traditional schools with Chinese astrology and spiritual teachings and practices of the Black Sect school. She teaches extensively on feng shui and astrology, and she has a successful consulting business in New York. Ms. Lin has been featured on television and radio, as well as in newspapers and magazines, including Fortune .
Prior to developing her feng shui practice, Ms. Lin was an executive with The New York Times . She is the founder and President of ML Associates and the designer of The Feng Shui Collection By Meihwa.
She can be reached by email at MeihwaL@aol.com and by phone at 516-747-4796. You can also visit her web site at www.fengshuicollection.com .
I would like to thank the following people at The Writers Lifeline, Inc.: Ken Atchity, Andrea McKeown, John Robert Marlow, Jaqueline Radley, Rosemary Serluca, and especially Julie Mooney. Also my thanks go to Roxanne Cerda and Cindy Kitchel of John Wiley Sons, Tim Ryan of Ryan Publishing Group, and Steven Schragis of The Learning Annex.
I am grateful to Grandmaster Lin Yun for sharing his profound knowledge of BTB Feng Shui, and Master Joseph Yu for his generous and invaluable teachings. I am deeply indebted to Melani Lewandowski for her insights and encouragement, and for writing the Foreword for this book. My thanks also go to Barry Gordon, Steven Post, and Edgar Sung.
I am very grateful to countless helpful people in my life for their love and support. To all my wonderful students and clients, I thank you. You are my inspiration.
table of contents
Lesson 1: What Is Feng Shui?
Lesson 2: Principles of Feng Shui
Lesson 3: How to Use Feng Shui
Lesson 4: Applying Feng Shui to Your Home
Lesson 5: Feng Shui Room by Room
Lesson 6: Feng Shui Outdoors
Lesson 7: Feng Shui for Your Workplace and Career
Lesson 8: Feng Shui for Wealth
Lesson 9: Feng Shui for Health
Lesson 10: Feng Shui in Relationships
Lesson 11: Your Personality and Destiny
Lesson 12: Feng Shui and the Power of Intention
Appendix A: Sources and Suggested Reading
Appendix B: Feng Shui and Clothing
Appendix C: Feng Shui and Food
Appendix D: Palm Reading
Appendix E: Feng Shui for Travelers
Appendix F: Feng Shui Colors for Your Business
Appendix G: For Aspiring Feng Shui Professionals
Glossary of Feng Shui Terms
The Learning Annex Presents Feng Shui is the resource to create a more satisfying life. It is practical, inspiring, and direct.
These are exciting and challenging times. Change is the constant from which great opportunity emerges. In these times, you can test your way of thinking and expand in ways not previously imaginable.
Feng shui is the ancient art of placement. It is a tool that provides for clarity, strength, and flexibility. It supports you in your effort to live to your greatest potential. In the 3,000 years since its conception, feng shui has empowered thousands who have had the good fortune to meet the path of a feng shui master.
Feng shui is a vast subject. It requires years of study, contemplation, and experience to grasp the subtle nuances that give power to the work. And it can be applied very successfully with minor changes under the direction of a skilled teacher.
Meihwa Lin is a feng shui master and brilliant teacher. She lives the balance of insight and action to synthesize the teachings and make them most readily available. She is the work!
I had the opportunity to teach a class at the Metropolitan Institute of Interior Design-Feng Shui Training in the mid-nineties, where Meihwa was my student. She was smart, analytical, and committed to knowing the depth of the teachings from all angles. You might even describe her as relentless in her pursuit to know the core philosophy of the teachings.
As her teacher I was inspired, as I know she will inspire you. Meihwa reinforced for me the importance of continuing to forge forward in my own personal journey of healing, learning, and living the work of consciousness and place in order to make this world a better place for all.
You have the good fortune to find this book as part of your journey-or possibly this book has somehow found you. The Chinese say that luck is a combination of the will of heaven, your personal wishes, and how you bring the two together in life. The words and energies of this book make this wisdom accessible to you right now, so that life will flow most fortunately for you.
I encourage you to use this book as a guide. Know that, page-by-page, it will support you through good times and those of less fortunate circumstance. It will nourish your growth both personally and professionally.
I encourage you to meet Meihwa in person, if at all possible. Feng shui is an oral tradition brought most vividly to life in the presence of the master. You will experience the exuberant joy, wisdom, and depth of this captivating teacher.
The Learning Annex Presents Feng Shui successfully transmits the sacred energies passed down from teacher to student over the thousa