Academic Freedom and the Social Responsibilities of Academics in Tanzania , livre ebook









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When the Dar es Salaam Declaration on Academic Freedom and Social Responsibility of Academics came up in the early 1990s, African higher-education systems were in a serious, multi-dimensional and long-standing crisis. Hand-in-hand with the imbalances and troubles that rocked and ruined African economies, the crisis in the academia was characterised by the collapse of infrastructures, inadequate teaching personnel and poor staff development and motivation. It was against this background that the questions of academic freedom and the responsibilities and autonomy of institutions of higher-learning were raised in the Dar es Salaam Declaration. In February 2005, the University of Dar es Salaam Staff Association (UDASA), in cooperation with CODESRIA, organised a workshop to bring together the staff associations of some public and private universities in Tanzania, in order to renew their commitment to the basic principles of the Dar es Salaam Declaration and its sister document - the Kampala Declaration on Intellectual Freedom and Social Responsibility. The workshop was also aimed at re-invigorating the social commitment of African intellectuals. The papers included in this volume reflect the depth and potentials of the debates that took place during the workshop. The volume is published in honour of Chachage Seithy L. Chachage, who was an active part of the workshop but unfortunately passed away in 2006.
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15 janvier 2008

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Edited by Chachage Seithy L. Chachage
Council for the Development of Social Social Sciences Research in Africa
Academic Freedom and the Social Responsibilities of Academics in Tanzania
© Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, 2008 Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop Angle Canal IV, BP 3304 Dakar, 18524, Senegal Web site: All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-2-86978-243-3
Typeset by Daouda Thiam Cover image designed by Ibrahima Fofana Printed by Imprimrie Saint-Paul, Dakar, Sénégal
Distributed in Africa by CODESRIA
Distributed elsewhere by African Books Collective, Oxford, UK. Website:
The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is an independent organisation whose principal objectives are facilitating research, promoting research-based publishing and creating multiple forums geared towards the exchange of views and information among African researchers. It challenges the fragmentation of re-search through the creation of thematic research networks that cut across linguistic and regional boundaries.
CODESRIA publishes a quarterly journal, Africa Development, the longest standing Africa-based social science journal; Afrika Zamani, a journal of history; the African Sociological Review; African Journal of International Affairs (AJIA); Africa Review of Books; and the Journal of Higher Education in Africa. It copublishes the Africa Media Review and Identity, Culture and Politics: An Afro-Asian Dialogue. Research results and other activities of the institution are disseminated through ‘Working Papers’, ‘Monograph Series’, ‘CODESRIA Book Series’, and the CODESRIA Bulletin.
CODESRIA would like to express its gratitude to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA/SAREC), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Ford Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), the Danish Agency for International Development (DANIDA), the French Ministry of Cooperation, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rockefeller Foundation, FINIDA, CIDA, IIEP/ADEA, OECD, OXFAM America, UNICEF and the Government of Senegal for supporting its research,training and publication programmes.
Notes on Contributors.................................................................................................iii
Chapter 1. Introduction: Academic Freedom and the Social Responsibilities of Academics in Tanzania Chachage Seithy L. Chachage ..................................................................................1
Chapter 2 Academic Freedom, Social Responsibility and the State of Academia in Tanzania: Glimpses of Nationalist Academics G. Mmari .....................................................................................................................6
Chapter 3 Academic Freedom, the Autonomy of Institutions of Higher Education and the Social Responsibility of Academics Josaphat L. Kanywanyi............................................................................................12
Chapter 4 Implications of Privatisation and Marketisation of Higher Education for the Generation of Knowledge and Social Transformation Amos Mhina...............................................................................................................24
Chapter 5 The University as a Site of Knowledge: The Role of Basic Research Chachage Seithy L. Chachage ......................................................................................32
Chapitre 6 The Obligation of the State and Communities in the Provision of Higher Education M. K. Possi ................................................................................................................52
Academic Freedom and the Social Responsibilities of Academics in Tanzania
Appendices Proceedings.....................................................................................................................61 Resolutions......................................................................................................................77 Kampala Declaration on Academic Freedom and Social Responsibility.......................................................................................80 Dar-es-Salaam Declaration on Academic Freedom and Social Responsibility of Academics............................................................86
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