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Ce lexipro français-anglais est un outil de travail pratique pour acquérir ou réviser le vocabulaire de la sécurité en anglais.Les mots spécifiques à ce secteur y sont classés par thème : sécurité routière, travail policier, situations d’urgence, droit et justice, etc.Outil complet pour une maîtrise parfaite du lexique lié au tourisme et à l'hôtellerie, il propose :- une sélection de mots et expressions idiomatiques ;- la ou les traductions possible des mots et leur présentation dans une phrase de mise en situation.Pour faciliter la recherche, deux index alphabétiques sont disponibles en fin d'ouvrage : l'un de tous les termes français, l'autre de tous les termes anglais.
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01 janvier 2022





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Les mots clés de la sécurité
978-2-7495-3714-6_motclessecurite_BAT.indd 1
Pierre Couturier
12/09/2017 15:54
L’AUTEUR Professeur d’anglais, Pierre Couturier est membre du jury de concours de la fonction publique pour les épreuves d’anglais. Il est aussi le directeur d’ASL Linguistique (www.asl-linguistique.com), organisme de formations linguistiques à l’étranger.
© BRÉAL 2017 Toute reproduction même partielle interdite ISBN : 978-2-7495-3714-6
978-2-7495-3714-6_motclessecurite_BAT.indd 2
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Introduction- Introduction 1. Institutions et agences- Institutions and agencies2. Personnes- Persons
Le travail policier- Police work 1. Le travail administratif- Administrative work2. L’enquête policière- Police investigation3. Matériel et équipement- Equipment4. Bavures policières- Police blunder
Sécurité routière- Road safety 1. La circulation routière- Road traffic2. Infractions routières- Road traffic offences
Sécurité des personnes et des habitations-Peoples and home security
1. Sécurité des personnes- People security2. Les armes- Weapons3. Sécurité des habitations- Home security
Sécurité dans différents lieux- Safety in different places 1. Vocabulaire général– General vocabulary2. Panneaux fréquents– Frequent signs3. Gare/train– Train station/train4. Aéroport/avion– Airport/plane5. Douane– Customs6. Établissements scolaires et universitairesEducational institutions7. Édifices religieux– Religious buildings8. Banques et centres commerciaux– Banks and shopping centers
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7 7 11
13 13 14 17 18
21 21 24
27 27 28 29
31 31 31 32 33 34
36 36
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9. Piscines et plages– Swimming pools and beaches 38 10. Sécurité des sites industriels– Industrial sites safety 39 11. Manifestations, émeutes– Demonstrations, riots 40
Sécurité informatique- Information security1. Vocabulaire général- General vocabulary2. Sécurité informatique- Information security
Situations d’urgence- State of emergency1. Catastrophes naturelles et conditions météo-Natural disasters and weather conditions2. Problèmes de santé- Health problems3. Autres situations d’urgence- Other emergency situations4. Premiers soins- First aid5. Prévention- Safety
Sécurité nationale et défense- National security and defense1. Sécurité nationale- National security2. Contrôles aux frontières- Border controls3. Terrorisme- Terrorism
Droit et justice – Law and justice1. Le système judiciaire- Legal system2. Crimes et délits- Crimes and misdemeanours
Prison et peine de mort – Prison and death penalty1. Prison- Jail/prison2. Peine de mort- Death penalty
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43 43 46
49 50
51 53 54
55 55 57 58
61 61 64
69 69 71
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Communiquer – To communicate1. Exprimer des données chiffrées- Using numbers and figures2. Exprimer une quantité- Talking about quantities3. Utiliser les mots de liaison- Using link words4. Poser des questions- Asking questions5. Utiliser les modaux- Using modals6. Les adverbes de fréquence- Frequency adverbs
Index français
Index anglais
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73 73 74 75 75 76
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agence de renseignements (l’) intelligence agency The American President has accused several intelligence agencies of illegally giving information to the press regarding his team’s alleged contacts with foreign officials.
armée de terre (l’) Army The Army is looking for people seeking a physically demanding career in the mili-tary. They must be able to work in a disci-plined environment, to work as a member of a team, to resist high pressure. Applicants must be available for a long period of time as they will serve in their own country as well as abroad. Applicants must be between 18 and 25 years old when they send their application. A photocopy of their diplomas and qualifications as well as a CV will be 1 required .
> armée de l’air (l’) Air Force
> marine nationale (la) Navy
Brigade anti criminalité (BAC) (la) Anti-crime squad/Anti-crime unit In an exclusive CBS TV report, the NYPD’s elite Anti-Crime Unit allowed a camera in their undercover car.
1Required= exigé.
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brigade des stupéfiants (la) drug squad The drug squad are special police units ded-icated to the investigation of drug-related cases. They deal with drug offenses that take place in a given district or location and they conduct narcotics investigations that involve responding to local complaints regarding drug activity, searching premises, monitor-ing drug areas, seizing illegal narcotics. caserne de pompiers (la) fire station CIA (la) Central Intelligence Agency The CIA is an independent agency respon-sible for providing national security intelligence to senior US policymakers. The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (D/CIA) is nominated by the pres-ident with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Director manages the opera-tions, personnel, and budget of the Cen-tral Intelligence Agency. CIA’s primary mission is to collect, ana-lyze, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the President and sen-ior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to national security. This is a very complex process and involves a variety of steps. Source: http://www.cia.gov/ commissariat de police (le) police station The police station reopened last month after a year of construction work. The building is now bigger and more modern.
concours de recrutement (le) competitive exam In France, you need to take a competitive exam if you want to become a police officer. The exam includes a series of academic
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tests (French, mathematics) and physical tests (running, swimming...). There’s also a compulsory English test which consists in 50 multiple choice questions (MCQ).
conseil municipal (le) City Council
> conseil général (le) Local/District Council
> conseil régional (le) Regional Council
CRS (Compagnies républicaines de sécurité) (les) CRS/riot police Thousand of protesters launched a violent rampage just blocks away from the White House as Trump haters smashed store win-dows, set fire to cars and threw bricks at police -–who arrested more than 200 before nightfall. Heated clashes broke out in McPher-son Square and along K Street as hun-dreds of riot police fired tear gas and 2 drew their nightsticks to contain the masked mob. Militant anti-Trump pro-testers gave a foretaste of what could fol-low during the violent outbreaks, which has so far seen 217 people arrested and at least six police officers injured. Source: “Anarchy two blocks from the White House”,Daily Mail, 20 January 2017
DGSE (la)/DGSI (la) Directorate-General for Exterior/ Interior Security
école de police (l’) Police Academy To sign up for the Police Academy, you can go online and upload a picture ID, a résumé and a cover letter. You will also find a com-plete list of the tests and requirements.
escadron de police (l’) police squad
2A nightstick= une matraque.
978-2-7495-3714-6_motclessecurite_BAT.indd 8
Europol Europol One of Europol’s key goals is to provide EU law enforcement authorities with 24/7 operational support. The support is deliv-ered in mandated areas and also in cases crossing several criminal areas. Source: http://www.europol.europa.eu FBI (le) Federal Bureau Investigation The FBI regularly updates the list of their “10 most wanted” persons. It is designed to publicize particularly dan-gerous fugitives who might not otherwise merit nationwide attention. The FBI rec-ognizes the need for public assistance in tracking fugitives. One hundred and sixty of the “Top Ten” apprehensions have been the result of citizen recognition of “Top Ten” fugitive publicity. Source: https://www.fbi.gov forces de l’ordre/forces de police (les) police forces garde nationale (la) National Guard/Home Guard GIGN (Groupe d’intervention de la gendarmerie nationale) The GIGN was created in the aftermath of the deadly failure to counter the hostage taking of Israeli Olympians at the 1972 Games in Munich. A series of errors during the failed attempts to release the 11 Israelis highlighted 3 the lack of specialist counter-terrorism forces across Europe to deal with well-or-ganised and well-armed groups. Along with the German GSG-9, the GIGN was created to deal with this and has specialised in incidents on planes and ships. Source: “Who are GIGN?”,The Independ-ent, 2014.
ministère de la Défense (le) Secretary of State Defence (GB)/ Department of Defense (DOD) (US) We protect the security, independence and interests of our country at home and
3The lack of= le manque de.
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4 abroad . We work with our allies and part-ners whenever possible. Our aim is to ensure that the armed forces have the training, equipment and support necessary for their work, and that we keep within budget. We have 7 military tasks: defending the UK and its overseas territories, providing strategic intelligence, providing nuclear deterrence, supporting civil emergency organisations in times of crisis, defending our interests by projecting power strategically and through expeditionary interventions, providing a defence contribution to UK influence, pro-viding security for stabilisation. Source: https://www.gov.uk
ministère de l’Intérieur (le) Home Office (GB)/Homeland Security (US) The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office is the lead government depart-ment for immigration and passports, drugs policy, crime, fire, counter-terrorism and police. Our priorities are to: prevent ter-rorism, cut crime, control immigration, promote growth. Source: http://www.gov.uk
ministère des Affaires étrangères (le) Foreign Office (GB)/Department Of State (DOS) (US)/Foreign Affairs (Australia) The department’s purpose is to help make Australia stronger, safer and more pros-perous by promoting and protecting our interests internationally and contributing to global stability and economic growth. The department provides foreign, trade and development policy advice to the gov-ernment. We work with other government agencies to ensure that Australia’s pursuit of its global, regional and bilateral interests is coordinated effectively. Source: http://dfat.gov.au
ministère de la Justice/Garde des Sceaux (le) Ministry of Justice (GB)/Department of Justice (US)
4Abroad= à l’étranger.
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The Ministry of Justice works on the con-stant improvement of public safety and the fight against any form of offense. The safe-guard of public liberties and the rule of law are its main targets.
NSA (la) National Security Agency The National Security Agency is responsible for providing foreign Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) to our nation’s policy-makers and military forces. SIGINT plays a vital role in our national security by providing Ameri-ca’s leaders with critical information they need to defend our country, save lives, and advance U.S. goals and alliances globally. Source: http://www.nsa.gov
police financière (la) fraud squad The fraud squad are investigating a group of French handball professionals for alledged match fixing. Some top players have already been banned from the team and may be facing severe sentences.
police des frontières (la) Border Patrol/Border Protection Reporting suspicious, unlawful or crimi-nal behaviour actively helps us to protect Australia’s border and manage the move-ment of people and goods across it. We take all reports of suspicious activity seri-ously and you can choose to make a report anonymously. We have two reporting lines: 1. The Border Watch reporting line should be used to report offences such as the import and export of dangerous drugs, illegal firearms or wildlife. 2. The immigration and citizenship fraud reporting service should be used to report offences such as breach of visas, visa fraud or people working illegally in breach of their visa. Source: https://www.border.gov.au (Aus-tralian Department of Immigration and Border Protection)
police des mineurs (la) Juvenile Police Unit/Police for minors/ juvenile Justice
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