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Ce lexique français-anglais est un outil de travail pratique pour acquérir ou réviser le vocabulaire spécifique aux formations d’assistants.Les mots spécifiques à ce secteur y sont classés par thème : l’assistant, l’entreprise, savoir communiquer, les relations extérieures, les services, etc.Outil complet pour une maîtrise parfaite du lexique, il propose :- une sélection de mots et expressions idiomatiques ;- la ou les traductions possibles des mots et leur présentation dans une phrase de mise en situation.Pour faciliter la recherche, deux index alphabétiques sont disponibles en fin d’ouvrage : l’un de tous les termes français, l’autre de tous les termes anglais.
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Les motsclés des assistants
Annie Madoyan
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25/01/2019 14:39
© BRÉAL 2019 Toute reproduction même partielle interdite ISBN : 978-2-7495-3872-3
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Le monde du travail– The Labour World 5 1. L’emploi et les relations au sein de l’entreprise : généralités5Employment & Industrial Relations: Generalities 2. Le recrutement8– Recruiting 3. Le chômage– Unemployment 14 4. Les syndicats et les conflits du travail – Trade Unions and Labour Disputes 18 5. Les salaires et les conditions de travail – Salaries and Working Conditions 21
L’entreprise– The Firm 1. Les différents types d’entreprises – The Different Types of Firms 2. Relations hiérarchiques– Hierarchical Relationships 3. Les différents services– The Different Departments 4. Les différents postes & fonctions – The Different Positions & Functions 5. Stratégie d’entreprise– Business Strategy
L’assistant– The Assistant 1. Ses qualités professionnelles – His/Her Professional Qualities 2. Gestion & organisation des activités & des ressources– Managing and Organizing Tasks and Ressources 3. Gestion et organisation du temps – Managing and Organizing Time
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25 28 30
32 39
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Au bureau– At the Office 1. Fournitures de bureau– Office Supplies/Stationnery 2. Matériel de bureau– Office Equipment
53 53 55
Le traitement et la diffusion de l’information et de la documentation– Processing and Transmitting Data and Documents 59 1. Documentation– Documents 59 2. Correspondance : généralités – Business Letters: Generalities 62 3. Correspondance commerciale : expressions utiles – Business Letters: Useful Expressions 65 4. Télécommunications76– Telecommunications 5. Expressions utiles au téléphone80– Useful Expressions 6. Informatique– Data Processing 82 7. L’autoroute de l’information– The Information Highway 87
Le travail commercial91– The Commercial Work 1. L’accueil– Welcoming Visitors and New Employees 91 2. Les principaux interlocuteurs – The Main Players in the Game 92 3. La commande, l’approvisionnement et la livraison – Ordering, Supplying and Delivering 96
Comptabilité et finance– Accounting and Finance 1. Quelques verbes utiles– Some Useful Verbs 2. Vocabulaire spécifique– Specific Vocabulary
Conférences et réunions de travail – Conferences and Meeting
Les voyages d’affaires– Business Travels
Foires et salons– Trade Fairs and Shows
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apprentissage apprenticeship The apprenticeship program will place hun-dreds of job seekers.
> apprenti(e) apprentice
> contrat d’apprentissage training contract; articles of apprenticeship
> faire son apprentissage avec quelqu’un to serve one’s apprenticeship with someone congé 1. permission de s’absenter ; l’absence leave; holiday; vacation (US); time off
> congé individuel de formation educational leave of abscence
> congé de maladie sick leave
> congé maternité maternity leave
> congé parental parental leave
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> congés payés paid leave; paid holidays; paid vacation (US) > congé sans solde unpaid leave > en congé on leave; on holidays > un jour de congé a day off 2. renvoi discharge; dismissal > donner congé à quelqu’un to give someone notice; to discharge someone > donner congé à quelqu’un sans préavis to dismiss someone without notice 3. démission resignation > demander son congé to give notice; to hand in one’s resignation > donner sa démission to give (in)/to send in/to tender one’s resignation Smith handed in his resignation, feeling that his repeated leaves infuriated his boss; anyway, the boss would have dis-missed him shortly afterwards. emploi 1. terme économique générique employment
2. au sens de travail job It is by no means sure that those who lose jobs because of the crisis will be the same people finding new jobs when the economy recovers.
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> changer d’emploi to change jobs
> création d’emploi job creation
> créer des emplois to create jobs
> emploi d’été summer job
> emploi permanent permanent job
> emploi régulier/permanent steady job
> emploi peu rémunéré low-paid job; low-paying job
> emploi saisonnier seasonal job
> emploi stable permanent position
> emploi/travail temporaire temporary job
> emploi/travail à temps complet full-time job/work
> emploi/travail à temps partiel part-time job/work
> garantie de l’emploi job guarantee
> plein emploi full employment
> refuser un emploi to turn down a job
> sécurité de l’emploi job security
> supprimer des emplois to eliminate jobs
> voir aussi àtravail
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employé(e) employee The Four Tigers have followed similar roads to riches, using low wage, skilled, hardworking employees to churn out goods for the American consumers. > employé de bureau clerk; office worker employer to employ The company employs over 1,000 people. employeur employer Taiwan used to be an employer’s paradise: labor was not only cheap and plentyful but also docile and productive. intérim (l’) temporary employment; temp work Some workers choose temporary employ-ment because of the flexibility it offers. main d’œuvre 1. l’effectif en ouvriers d’une entreprise labor/labour force; work force; manpower While foreign workers may satisfy Europe’s thirst for unskilled labour, they cannot solve all the problems. > main d’œuvre féminine female labour force > main d’œuvre qualifiée qualified/skilled labour force > main d’œuvre non qualifiée unqualified/unskilled labour force > main d’œuvre syndiquée organized labour > pénurie de main d’œuvre labour shortage 2. le travail de l’ouvrier, en opposition au capital labor/labour Automation is the answer to rising labour costs.
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> coûts de la main d’œuvre labour costs > droit du travail labour law marché de l’emploi job/labour market; employment market The firings have thrown secretaries and managers alike into an increasingly hos-tile job market. monde du travail working world; labor world In industrialized countries, few are those now who enter the working world at an early age.
monde des affaires business world For nearly 20 years, the feminist message to the business world has been loud and clear: men and women are the same and should be treated accordingly.
petits boulots (les) dead-end jobs; odd jobs Flipping hamburgers at a fast-food fran-chise is a typical dead-end job. profession 1. une profession, un métier déterminé job; occupation People who are satisfied in their jobs are more likely than others to be motivated. 2. la profession, le secteur d’activité trade; profession Many in the trade argue that mar-ket research provides accurate salary compensation. > professionnel(le) professional 3. profession libérale profession He is a lawyer by profession. > membre d’une profession libérale professional
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retraite retirement Working conditions in the mining indus-try are so hard that many workers have to retire far before the usual retirement age. > âge de la retraite retirement age > mettre quelqu’un à la retraite to pension someone off > pension de retraite retirement pension > prendre sa retraite to retire > pré-retraite early retirement > retraite volontaire voluntary retirement rotation du personnel personnel turnover; turnover of personnel In door-to-door selling, there is a heavy turnover of personnel. télétravail teleworking Teleworking offers working mothers more flexibility. > télétravailleur/euse teleworker travail 1. au sens d’emploi job Guest workers often do the dirty, low-paid jobs shunned by the local population. 2. au sens de tâche work; job; task Beginners are rarely entrusted with highly specialized work. > confier une tâche à quelqu’un to entrust someone with a task > confier à quelqu’un le soin de faire quelque chose to entrust someone with the task of doing something
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> une tâche ponctuelle a piece of work 3. en opposition à capital labour Labour experts say many employers may actually welcome strikes as an opportunity to shatter union power. > division internationale du travail international division of labour > travail en atelier work in a workshop > travail de bureau/d’équipe office/team work > travail à la chaîne assembly/production line work > travail fastidieux boring job > travail intellectuel non-manual/intellectual job/work > travail manuel manual job/work > travail à mi-temps part-time job/work > travail de nuit night work > travail peu rémunéré low-paid job; low-paying job > travail posté shift > travail sans intérêt menial job > travail temporaire temporary job > travail à temps complet full-time job/work > travail à temps partiel part-time job/work > travaux pénibles heavy work > travail précaire unsteady work; insecure employment
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travail au noir moonlighting Nota:moonlightingpeut aussi signifier la cumulation de deux occupations. Italy has long been a country of tax evasion and astonishing moonlighting. > travailler au noir to moonlight Nota:to moonlightpeut aussi signifier cumuler deux occupations. > travailleur au noir moonlighter Nota:moonlighterpeut aussi signifier cumulard. travailler to work Tens of thousands of European workers, who might otherwise be unemployed, are working happily for Japanese firms. > travailler durement to toil > travailler à temps partiel to work part-time; to work half-day > travailler à temps plein to work full-time > travailler en free-lance to work on a free lance basis travailleur/travailleuse worker Female workers are sometimes referred to as pink collar workers.
à l’essai on probation/trial It is quite common for new employees to be on probation for the first three months.
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annonces classées classified advertisements/ads; want ads Reading the classified ads is one way to find a job.
aptitude à/pour… aptitude/ability for… Good communication skills, previous secre-tarial experience and an aptitude for learn-ing new software packages are essential.
> apte capable; able
cabinet de recrutement employment agency Some companies work with employment agencies.
candidat(e) applicant; candidate Candidates with appropriate experience should apply with detailed CV in strict confidence to our head office.
> sélectionner des candidats to screen applicants candidature application Closing date for receipt of applications: st January 31 , 2019. > candidature spontanée application “on spec”; unsolicited application > date limite de dépôt des candidatures application deadline
> étudier une candidature à un emploi to examine an application for a job
> poser sa candidature (à un emploi) to apply (for a job)
> remplir un dossier de candidature to fill in/to fill out an application form
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capacités à… abilities/capabilities for… What skills and capabilities have you devel-oped over the last two years? > capable capable; able carrière career People making a career in public-relations can make a lot of money. > faire carrière dans… to make a career in… > plan de carrière career plan chasseur de têtes headhunter Senior managers are often enticed by head-hunters to leave their present posts by the offer of higher salaries and other benefits. compétences abilities; skills Shorthand and computer skills required. > compétence (la) competence; expertise > compétent(e) competent contrat de travail work contract He has just signed a fixed term work contract. > contrat d’apprentissage training contract; articles of apprenticeship > contrat de travail à durée déterminée (CDD) (fixed) term contract; limited contract > contrat de travail à durée indéterminée (CDI) unfixed term contract; open-ended contract > contrat de travail intermittent contract for periodic employment
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> lier par contrat to tie; to bind; to commit > renouveler un contrat to renew a contract > rupture de contrat breach of contract; termination curriculum vitae curriculum vitae; CV; resumé; personal data sheet Interested applicants should send a full CV, either by post or e-mail. débaucher to lure away; to entice Some top executives are lured away by more attractive pay/benefit packages. débouchés professionnels job opportunities Everyday theFinancial Times in its “recruitment” section advertises top job opportunities, i.e. senior positions in gen-eral management. description du poste job description For more information about the job defini-tion, please contact our main office. défrayer to reimburse The company’s representatives’expenses are reimbursed on receipt of their bills. diplôme diploma; degree Diplomas can’t replace experience. > (jeune) diplômé(e) (young) graduate > obtenir un diplôme to graduate; to gain/obtain/receive/ get a diploma disponible available Applicants must be available immediately. dossier de candidature application file Application files should reach us before nd June 2 .
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embaucher/engager quelqu’un to hire someone; to take on someone; to engage someone More and more big companies are hiring environment specialists to help them cope with their pollution problems. > embauche ; engagement hiring; hire; engagement; employment > réembaucher/réengager to rehire entrer en fonction to start work; to begin The successful candidate will start work on st September 1 . entretien d’embauche job interview After the job interview, it may be useful to write a brief follow-up letter. équivalent d’un diplôme/examen equivalent diploma/exam Is there in Britain an equivalent diploma for the French BTS? études educational background Candidates must have both a solid educa-tional and professional background. > études secondaires secondary levels I and II > faire des études/étudier to study expérience 1. expérience professionnelle professional/work experience East-European managers lack the profes-sional experience to bring their products onto the free market. > employé(e) qui a de l’expérience/du métier experienced employee > rubrique expérience professionnelle dans un CV professional experience/record; career to date; track record
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