Perspectives on Student Affairs
172 pages

Perspectives on Student Affairs , livre ebook


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172 pages
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The goal of Perspectives on Student Affairs in South Africa is to generate interest in student affairs in South Africa. The papers contained herein are based on best practice, local experience and well-researched international and local theories.The papers in this book deal with matters pertaining to international and national trends in student affairs: academic development, access and retention, counselling, and material support for students coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. They are linked to national and international developments, as described in the first two papers.This publication will assist both young and experienced practitioners as they grow into their task of developing the students entrusted to them.All contributors are South Africans with a great deal of experience in student affairs, and all are committed to the advancement of student affairs in South Africa. The editors are former heads of student affairs portfolios at two leading South African universities.


Publié par
Date de parution 20 juin 2014
Nombre de lectures 0
EAN13 9781920677442
Langue English


PERSPECTIVES ON STUDENT AFFAIRS IN SOUTH AFRICA Edited by McGlory Speckman and Martin Mandew Foreword by Prof. Ahmed Bawa
Perspectives on Student Afairs in Sout Arica
Edîted by McGory Speckman and Martîn Mandew
Foreword by Pro. Amed Bawa
Pubîsed în 2014 by Arîcan Mînds 4 Ecceston Pace, Somerset West 7130, Sout Arîca îno@arîcanmî www.arîcanmî
Arîcan Mînds îs a not-or-proît, open-access pubîser. ïn îne wît our goa o deveopîng and osterîng access, openness and debate în te pursuît o growîng and deepenîng te Arîcan knowedge base and an Arîca-based creatîve commons, tîs pubîcatîon orms part o our non-peer-revîewed îst, te broad mîssîon o wîc îs to support te dîssemînatîon o knowedge rom and în Arîca reevant to addressîng te socîa caenges tat ace te Arîcan contînent.
 2014 McGory Speckman and Martîn Mandew (eds)
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Te edîtors grateuy acknowedge te înancîa assîstance o SAASSAP în te productîon and prîntîng o tîs book.
TabLe o contents
Foreword v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preace îx  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bîograpîca notes xîîî  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ïntroductîon 1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PART 1: An Overview of Issues and Callenges Key caenges acîng student aaîrs: An înternatîona perspectîve 9  . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bîrgît Screîber
An overvîew o crîtîca îssues în te student aaîrs proessîon: A Sout Arîcan perspectîve 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Llewellyn MacMaster
PART 2: Access, Support and Success Academîc student aaîrs: Brîdgîng te gap or student deveopment and success 41  . . Martîn Mandew
Student success as te number one aaîr în student aaîrs: A structura înequaîty outook 59  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matete Madîba
Back to basîcs: Seected vîews on actors tat prevent access în îger educatîon 77  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lullu Tsîwula and Ncedîkaya Magopenî
PART 3: Holistic Support Te etîca caenges o a student counseîng proessîona: Wen does dîscretîon become permîssîbe? 95  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hanlé Kîrkcaldy
Te pace o socîa work as a support servîce or tertîary students 107  . . . . . . . . . . . . Zetu Mkîze
Towards an asset-based mode: A crîtîca reectîon on student materîa support wît specîa reerence to cîentood/cîtîzensîp tensîon 121  . . . . McGlory Speckman
Bîbîograpy 145  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sout Arîcan îger educatîon as a îstorîc roe to pay, a roe tat as been îdentîîed and accepted by a sectors în our socîety and by împortant goba înstîtutîons suc as UNESCO and te Word Bank. ït îs a poweru roe tat produces bot pubîc and prîvate goods. Te productîon o îg eve graduates, te productîon o new knowedge, te deveopment o crîtîca, actîve partîcîpants în our democracy, addressîng te many egacîes o aparteîd, tese are a exampes o te pubîc goods produced by te sector. Te very îg correatîon between îger educatîon and empoyabîîty o graduates and teîr earnîng power and so on are exampes o te prîvate goods produced. At te eart o tîs project are te contînuîng caenges o access and success – understandîng ow best to address te deepy ragmented preparatîon o our students or îger educatîon. Teîr educatîona, socîa and emotîona preparedness or îger educatîon îs aways at te eart o te debate wen we consîder tat te drop-out rate o students în te system îs at about te 50 per cent eve or te system as a woe. Tîs îs sockîngy îger tan în oter unîversîty systems. Student weare and student deveopment ave to be at te eart o any student-centred system tat begîns to conceptuaîse îtse around te needs o te students în our system. ït îs a basîc oundatîona requîrement or student success. ï we aî to provîde oîstîc support to our students we ace te danger o creatîng a revovîng door syndrome, re-creatîng aparteîd graduate dynamîcs, deveopîng graduates wo are not actîve, creatîve partîcîpants în te economy, and so on. he poînt to empasîse îs tat specîaîsts în te areas o student servîces and student deveopment are undamenta to te proper unctîonîng o unîversîtîes – to deveop and nurture student growt în and beyond te cassroom context so tat earnîng takes pace tat prepares students or teîr uture roes as actîve partîcîpants and contrîbutors to te deveopment o te economy and te deepenîng o our democracy.
Perspectîves on Student Afaîrs
ït îs împortant to understand tat te înequaîtîes tat are so pervasîve în Sout Arîca re-create temseves at our unîversîtîes. And so do te deep îs o our socîety – te devastatîon o HïV/Aîds, te spreadîng o a deepenîng drug cuture, te deep economîc înequaîtîes and so on. ït îs te student servîces sector tat îs at te coaace (and cuttîng edge) în terms o tese caenges. Experîenced practîtîoners pîck up a number o tîngs tat ecturers are oten not aert to. ïnvarîaby, tese relect în a mîcrocosmîc context wat îndîvîdua members o te broader socîety are goîng troug. ïnstîtutîons o îger earnîng, wose mandate îs party to Ind soutîons to socîeta probems, cannot step asîde and watc te sîtuatîon deterîoratîng urter on te grounds tat ît îs not o teîr creatîon but a wîder socîeta probem. Probems manîest în dîferent ways în eac context and tey aso vary în degrees o severîty. he Department o Hîger Educatîon and Traînîng began many new înîtîatîves, a ostensîby to împrove te quaîty o te student experîence or students. he massîve încrease în te Inancîa aîd aocatîon rom te treasury, te deveopment o a process o engagement on transormatîon, te commîssîonîng o a study on student accommodatîon are exampes o te kînds o înterventîons tat împact on te quaîty o student experîence. hese ave drawn eavîy on tose îndîvîduas and teams tat work în te student servîces, student deveopment arenas. At a tîme wen unîversîtîes suc as Durban Unîversîty o Tecnoogy ave begun to ocus muc attentîon on te îdea o student-centredness, ît îs a peasure to note tat tîs book touces on te key îssues tat provîde or a oîstîc understandîng o te student as a young uman beîng. Some o te îssues raîsed în ît are contentîous, some are caengîng to understand, some even controversîa. hîs îs good. ït gîves te reader a cance to engage wît tese. ït provîdes or a sae patorm or debate and or wrestîng wît te îssues tat concern our students and te servîces we provîde to tem. As a body o senîor student afaîrs/student deveopment proessîonas, SAASSAP as done exacty wat îs expected o ît, eadîng rom te ront. ï trust tat more o îts members as we as tose wo report to tem wî oow suît. ït soud be remembered tat student deveopment and student success occur as a resut o deîberate, we-panned and careuy structured deveopment programmes and support înîtîatîves and actîvîtîes on te part o tose wo ave been entrusted wît tîs responsîbîîty at our îger educatîon înstîtutîons. he nature and extent o student deveopment and success depends argey on te measure to wîc student servîces practîtîoners crîtîcay relect upon and consîstenty revîew te assumptîons, content, deîvery and approprîateness o student deveopment programmes, support structures, servîces and înîtîatîves. hîs process o crîtîca relectîon, examînatîon and renewa needs to be rîgorous,
goa-orîented and teoretîcay înormed. ït must take serîous cognîsance o a actors, persona, structura, socîa, cutura, psycoogîca, înterna and externa, tat împact on student abîîty to deveop and succeed. ïn te Ina anaysîs, te process must produce sound knowedge and propose soutîons tat are practîca and împementabe, contrîbutîng towards student deveopment and success. hîs pubîcatîon marks a very împortant mîestone în te generatîon and expansîon o endogenous knowedge în te Ied o student afaîrs and student servîces. ït îs te begînnîng o a crucîa process desîgned to acîîtate a muc needed dîaogue în pursuît o a common and sared vîsîon or student deveopment and success wîtîn te context o Sout Arîca. he îssues tat are crîtîcay examîned în tîs book are împortant and tey afect students as tey progress troug our îger educatîon system. We need to make sure tat students receîve te necessary deveopment, support and guîdance to succeed. hîs pubîcatîon îs an împortant resource or our student afaîrs practîtîoners and ï am appy to support te efort to brîng to ruîtîon te ormatîon o a sared vîsîon or student deveopment and success.
Pro. Amed Bawa Vîce-canceor, Durban Unîversîty o Tecnoogy and past presîdent o Hîger Educatîon Sout Arîca (HESA)
Te creatîon o a sînge Department o Hîger Educatîon în 1994 as been a bessîng or student aaîrs în Sout Arîca. Unîke wît te dîemma aced by te word-renowned Sout Arîcan îberatîon teoogîan Abert Noan (1989) wo was not sure weter te book e sat down to wrîte was or one or two natîons în one country; or presîdent Tabo Mbekî (1999) wo ten years ater, ound îmse avîng to conront te probem o ‘two natîons’ în one country, separated by economîc statuses, many student aaîrs practîtîoners woud attest to beîng one amîy occupyîng dîerent rooms o te same ome. Tey meet reguary at natîona bodîes suc as te Sout Arîcan Assocîatîon o Senîor Student Aaîrs Proessîonas (SAASSAP), te Natîona Assocîatîon o Student Deveopment (NASDEV ) or te osoots o tese structures suc as te Assocîatîon o Coege and Unîversîty Housîng Oîcers-ïnternatîona Sout Arîca Capter (ACUHO-ï SAC), Fînancîa Aîd Practîtîoners o Sout Arîca (FAPSA), Student Heat, Sports, Women and Justîce structures, etc. ïn îne wît te îdeas o a democratîc country, tese structures and sub-structures are not separated by aiîatîon to one or anoter racîa group. Nor are tey separated by îdeoogîca preerences but by teîr unctîons. ï tere are any dîscrepancîes în practîce, tey are based on te bouquets dîferent înstîtutîons can aford or teîr student support and deveopment programmes. hîs îs not saîd naîvey as we are a too conscîous o te îstorîca îmbaances wîc ave gîven some înstîtutîons a Inancîa and materîa edge over oters. However, we recognîse te ree access poîcîes or a students wo meet te requîrements o varîous înstîtutîons. ït îs tereore wît a sense o prîde tat we present tîs voume to student aaîrs departments, our înstîtutîons o îger earnîng and oca and înternatîona partners. We are conIdent tat eac o tese, werever tey are ocated, wî îdentîy wît an aspect or two o te ot tat îs presented în tîs voume. Atoug îssues mîgt be more pronounced în some înstîtutîons tan în oters, tey are
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