Why Do Families Change? : Our First Talk About Separation and Divorce , livre ebook









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Separation and divorce are difficult on the entire family.

Often young children blame themselves or are unsure of their place in the family if these events occur. Child psychologist Dr. Jillian Roberts designed the Just Enough series to empower parents/caregivers to start conversations with young ones about difficult or challenging subject matter.

Why Do Families Change? is part of the Just Enough series. Other topics in the series include birth, death and diversity.

Key Selling Points

  • Part of the bestselling Just Enough series, Why Do Families Change? explores the concept of separation and divorce in a simple and straightforward way.

  • Written in a question-and-answer format, this book empowers parents and caregivers to start conversations about a subject that's often difficult to talk about.

  • Dr. Jillian Roberts has been working with children for over 20 years, first as a teacher, then as a child psychologist.

  • Now available for the first time in paperback.

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Date de parution

21 mars 2017

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Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

Why Do F amilies
Our Fi rst T alk About Separ ation and Divorce
D r . Ji lli an Roberts
i llustr ated by
Ci ndy Revell
Te x t copy right © 201 7 Jill ian Rober ts
I llu st rat ion s copy right © 2 0 1 7 Cind y Revel l
A l l r ight s re ser ved . No p ar t of t h is publ icat ion ma y b e re produc ed or
t ra nsm it ted in a ny for m or by a ny mea ns , ele ct ron ic or mec han ica l,
i nclud ing ph o to copy in g , rec ordi ng or b y a ny in for mat ion stor age a nd
ret r i ev al s yst em now k now n or t o b e i nvente d, w i t hout per m issio n i n
w rit in g fr o m t he publ isher.
Li b r ar y an d A rch ives Ca na da Cat alog u ing i n Publ icat ion
Roberts, Jillian, 1971 –, author
Why do families change? : our first talk about separation
and divorce / Dr . Jillian Roberts ; illustrated by Cindy Revell.
(Just enough)
I ssue d i n pri nt an d ele ct ron ic for mats .
i sb n 9 78 -1- 459 8 - 0 951- 2 ( h ardback ) . —i sb n 9 78 -1- 45 98 - 0 95 2- 9 ( pdf ) .—
isb n 978 - 1 -45 9 8- 0 9 53- 6 ( e pub )
1. Divorce—Juvenile literature. 2. Separation (Psychology)—
Juvenile literature. I. Revell, Cindy , 1961-, illustrator II. T itle.
hq814.r 6 20 1 7 j 30 6.8 9 c201 6 -9 0453 3-1
c2 016 - 9 0 4534 - x
Fi rst pu b l ished i n t he U n i ted S tate s, 2 017
Lib rar y of C ong res s C on t rol Nu mber: 2 0 16 9 4 9 0 55
Su mma r y : A non fi c tion p i c tu re bo ok th at int rod u ce s ver y you ng
ch ild ren to t he co ncept of se par a t ion a n d d ivorce i n a rea ss ur ing
a nd st rai ghtf o r wa rd way .
O rca Bo o k Pu bli s her s is d edica ted to p reser vi ng the en viro nme nt and ha s
pr int e d thi s book o n Fores t Ste ward ship Co unc il
cer tifi e d paper .
Or ca Bo o k P ubli shers g rat ef ul ly ack nowle dges t he su ppor t for it s
publ ish i ng prog ra ms prov ided b y the f ollow in g agenc ies:
t he Gov ern ment of Ca nad a t h rough t he Ca nad a B ook Fu n d a n d t he
Ca nad a C ounc il f o r t he A rt s, a nd t he Prov i n ce of Br it ish Co l u mbia
t hr o ug h t he BC A r ts C ounc il a nd t h e Bo ok Publ ish i ng T a x C red i t.
Co ver and i nter ior ar t work cr eated d igit al ly u sin g C orel Pai nter.
Cover artwork by Cindy Revell
orca book publishers
w w w .orc a book .com
Pr int ed and b ound i n Ca nad a.
20 1 9 18 1 7

4 3 2 1
T his b ook wa s in spir ed by t he F act s of Li fe app, a re su l t of t he
c r eat iv it y , sk il l and h ard wor k of s tud en t s and g radu ates at t he
Ce n t re for Dig it al Med ia. Sp eci al t ha nk s to A nd rea M ayo,
T o m C heu ng, Sheva She n a nd Paul a Bar ca n te. T ha nk s al so to
Brent St ern ig a n d t he Res ear ch Par t nersh ips a nd K nowled ge
Mobi li zat i on u n i t at t h e Un ivers i t y of V ictor ia —a nd t he
bc ic
St ar tSm ar t vo ucher pro gr am —for pro vid in g s i g ni fica nt supp ort ,
g uid anc e a nd res o u rce s to e xpa nd t he reac h and s cope of t he F ac ts
of Li fe proje ct . W i t hout t he col labor a t ion of t h e se am azi ngly
i nspi red te am s, t he projec t wou l d not ha v e be en po ssible.
T han k you!
The Facts of Life app is available for download.
I dedicate this book to all the resilient families that have prioritized the needs of their children while successfully navigating through separation and divorce.
T o T erry, whose artistic nature t akes the form of the
most charming of chicken houses and other creations.

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