My Wounded Island , livre ebook









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There's an invisible creature in the waves around Sarichef. It is altering the lives of the Iñupiat people who call the island home. A young girl and her family are forced to move to the center of the island for refuge from the rising sea level. Soon the entire village will have to relocate to the mainland. Heartbroken, the young girl and her grandfather worry: what else will be lost when they are forced to abandon their homes and their community?

Addressing the topic of climate refugees, My Wounded Island is based on the challenges faced by the Iñupiat people who live on the small islands north of the Bering Strait near the Arctic Circle.
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Date de parution

29 août 2017





Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

The r e’s an invisible c r e a tur e
in the w a v es around Sarichef. This
relentless monster is altering the li v es
of the Iñupiat people w ho call the
island home. F orced to mo v e to the
center of the island for temporar y
refuge from the rising sea le v el, a
y oung girl and her family wrestle
with the creature intent on de v ouring
them. Soon the entire village will
ha v e to relocate to the mainland.
H eartbrok en, the y oung girl and her
grandfather w orr y: w hat else will be
lost w hen the y are forced to abandon
their homes and their community?
J acques P asquet
M arion Arbona
T ranslated from the F rench by Sophie B. W atson
W ounde d

M y name is Imar valuk. In m y language, Iñupiat, it means
“the song of the w av es . ” It was m y grandfather w ho named
me w hen I was a bab y . E v er y time I cried, it made him think
of the sea. I lo v e m y name, but I no longer lo v e the sea. The
sea scares me no w . The sea is be witched b y an e vil creature.

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