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Publié par
Date de parution
29 mai 2018
Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
Story examples
Komal Ahmad, founder & CEO of San-Francisco-based Copia, a social enterprise with a mission of solving the dual challenges of food insecurity and food waste.
Alan Ricks, co-founder of MASS Design, a disruptor in the field of architecture. Boston-based MASS' mission is to build and advocate for architecture that promotes justice and human dignity.
Laura D'Asaro, co-founder of Chirps Chips, a company that produces chips (and are working on other products) made from cricket flour.
David Stover, one of three co-founders of Bureo, a for-profit social enterprise that uses discarded commercial fishing nets to produce skateboards and other products.
Teri Dankovich and Jonathan Levine, co-founders of Pittsburgh-based Folia Water, a revolutionary new technology - silver infused filter papers - that eliminate bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.
Rosanne Haggerty, CEO and founder of Community Solutions, a company that applies the best problem-solving tools from multiple sectors to help U.S. communities end homelessness and the conditions that create it. One of their initiatives, Built for Zero, is designed to help communities end veteran homelessness.
Tom D'Eri, who teamed up with his dad to found Rising Tide Car Wash, a company based in Florida that hires 80 percent of its employees on the autism spectrum based in Florida.
Meet the social entrepreneurs who are using business to disrupt the status quo and rebuild their communities
Our communities are facing the fallout from the demise of vital industry, bankrupt economies, bad policy or policing, and political mismanagement. People are looking for answers, and the "same old" simply won't do.
In the Business of Change is a practical and inspirational guide that showcases how social entrepreneurs from places such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Vancouver, who are weary of waste, injustice, and government inaction, are using business savvy to tackle challenges in their communities.
Part storytelling, part lessons learned, coverage includes:
In the Business of Change is for everyone who wants to rebuild their communities and believes that business can be a powerful, positive force for change.
Chapter 1: Sustain This: The Rise of Social Entrepreneurship
Chapter 2: Innovate or Bust
Chapter 3: From Crisis to Opportunity
Chapter 4: The Power of Partnerships
Chapter 5: Community Engagement
Chapter 6: Perchance to Scale
Chapter 7: Toward Financial Sustainability
Chapter 8: Storytelling
Chapter 9: Measuring Social Impact
Chapter 10: Support Systems
About the Author
A Note about the Publisher
Publié par
Date de parution
29 mai 2018
Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
Praise for In the Business of Change
This book will help you be a more powerful changemaker for the good - and that s what s required of all of us in today s reality where value comes from contributing to change, not from repetition. Elisa s storytelling will also delight you.
- Bill Drayton, CEO, Ashoka
Compelling storytelling and actionable insights from social entrepreneurs working across a range of sectors make this a highly useful and inspiring book for anyone trying to effect positive social change in their communities.
- Katherine Milligan, Head of Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, World Economic Forum
An inspirational cheat sheet to the future investment and business opportunities in the social enterprise space, spilling over with the sort of inspirational stories that get entrepreneurs and investors out of bed in the morning. Powerful stuff!
- Carla Javitz, President and CEO of the Roberts Enterprise Development Fund (REDF)
A veritable treasure trove, bursting with real-life examples and ideas to fire the imaginations and actions of new and established entrepreneurs looking to forge businesses that will change the world for the better. Get it, read it, live it!
- Bob Willard, author, The Sustainability Champion s Guidebook and The New Sustainability Advantage
Elisa is a potent force and leading journalist in the Canadian social entrepreneurship sector. Her contribution is central to intelligent and thoughtful advance of the field. Her clear-eyed and highly respected voice is essential to driving forward a refreshing new perspective on how pragmatic social change works in an everyday way. Accessible and engaging, Elisa s work always shows us insights to the future. Her integrity, commitment, and long-term vision infuse this essential reading, which is for all of us who want to be players ensuring a viable future, that is safe, fair, and prosperous.
- Joel Solomon, Chairman and Co-founder of Renewal Funds, author, The Clean Money Revolution
This panoramic survey of dozens of innovative social enterprises should serve as a valuable source of inspiration to future generations of entrepreneurs. Elisa Birnbaum s broad, open-minded approach to the topic provides hundreds of examples of ways businesses can be redesigned to do good.
- Bryan Welch, entrepreneur, Foster Care Technologies, B the Change Media, and Ogden Publications
In the Business of Change is an unfettered look into the social enterprise movement from one of its biggest champions. More than just a primer, this book introduces us to the innovators and changemakers who are rethinking social problems, and how we can learn from their struggles and celebrate in their successes, all while embracing the power and impact of profitability.
- Maria Kim, President and CEO, Cara
Elisa has assembled a fabulous primer on social entrepreneurship, chock-full of inspiring tales of courageous leaders who are using tools and techniques of business to right social and environmental injustices in their communities. Keep this one on your shelf.... You ll go back to it often.
- Mike Rowlands, CEO Junxion Strategy, and Director, Social Venture Network
This highly readable book by Elisa Birnbaum explains what lies behind one of the most important global trends of the 21st century, the rise of social entrepreneurship. The consummate storyteller, Elisa chronicles leading social entrepreneurs and demystifies how to build purpose plus profit enterprises. This is a book for every entrepreneur and changemaker.
- Tim Draimin, Executive Director, Social Innovation Generation (SiG) National
Copyright 2018 by Elisa Birnbaum. All rights reserved.
Cover design by Diane McIntosh. Printed in Canada. First printing April 2018
Inquiries regarding requests to reprint all or part of In the Business of Change should be addressed to New Society Publishers at the address below. To order directly from the publishers, please call toll-free (North America) 1-800-567-6772, or order online at www.newsociety.com
Any other inquiries can be directed by mail to: New Society Publishers P.O. Box 189, Gabriola Island, BC V0R 1X0, Canada (250) 247-9737
Birnbaum, Elisa, 1971-, author
In the business of change: how social entrepreneurs are disrupting business as usual / Elisa Birnbaum.
Includes index.
Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-0-86571-871-5 (softcover).--ISBN 978-1-55092-664-4 (PDF).--ISBN 978-1-77142-259-8 (EPUB)
1. Social entrepreneurship. 2. Social responsibility of business. I. Title.
HD60.B57 2018
658.4 08
C2018-900417-7 C2018-900418-5
New Society Publishers mission is to publish books that contribute in fundamental ways to building an ecologically sustainable and just society, and to do so with the least possible impact on the environment, in a manner that models this vision.
Chapter 1: Sustain This: The Rise of Social Entrepreneurship
Chapter 2: Innovate or Bust
Chapter 3: From Crisis to Opportunity
Chapter 4: The Power of Partnerships
Chapter 5: Community Engagement
Chapter 6: Perchance to Scale
Chapter 7: Toward Financial Sustainability
Chapter 8: Storytelling
Chapter 9: Measuring Social Impact
Chapter 10: Support Systems
About the Author
A Note about the Publisher
O UR URBAN CENTERS ARE STRUGGLING . Increasingly burdened by rising unemployment, crime, poverty, falling literacy rates, overflowing prisons and homelessness, social challenges weigh heavy, while race relations remain ever-strained. Government cutbacks, meanwhile, are at an all-time high, and the charitable sector - society s other go-to place in times of need - is burdened by the harsh realities of a slow economy and limited funds.
We see the effects everywhere. Detroit declared bankruptcy; New York s homeless rate is surging; New Orleans is still pulling itself out from under years after devastating calamities; and cities like Chicago and Los Angeles are experiencing significantly high rates of incarceration and recidivism. Whether a result of failing industries, embattled economies, bad policy or policing, political mismanagement or a combination of all the above, cities are looking for answers.
And the same old simply won t do.
Enter social entrepreneurs, innovative men and women who focus their creative energy and business-minded skillset and savvy toward social change. Finding new and empowering ways to tackle social problems, they re turning conventional models on their heads. Whether promoting job creation, affordable housing, education, human rights, food security, social justice or the influence of political will, these entrepreneurs are impacting communities in incredibly diverse ways.
Pursuing a different way of doing business - one that melds profit with purpose - social entrepreneurs are demonstrating that everyone has the capacity to effect change and that business can have impact unparalleled on the way we live, work and engage with our communities. Most significantly, they re proving that profit and mission are not mutually exclusive: you can do well by doing good.
Visiting cities like Detroit, Chicago, San Francisco, New York, New Orleans, Baltimore and Dallas, In the Business of Change profiles social entrepreneurs who, weary of waste, suffering and injustice, are taking steps to revitalize their communities. Examining diverse sectors, from education to health and the arts, agri-business, the environment and employment, this book will highlight changemakers making a substantive, measurable difference in the lives of many.
Each chapter - focused on lessons learned in one common area of practice in social entrepreneurship - gives readers a behind-the-scenes look at folks hard at work, facing struggles, celebrating achievements and offering practical advice for others. Along the way, we ll explore some valuable questions: What challenges do these entrepreneurs face and how are they working to overcome them? What can we learn about creating replicable models of change? What is the value in support systems? How important are partnerships and cross-sectoral collaborations?
And, of course, we ll look closely at who these passionate individuals are and what inspired their dive into social entrepreneurial waters. In truth, there are as many variations of changemakers as there are innovative ideas that fuel them. There are the non-profit leaders, grown tired of relying on grants and other handouts, who are finding more empowered, self-sufficient ways to support their work. There are the advocates working at the grassroots level, many without much fanfare. There are the folks looking for more meaningful ways to spend their second (or third) careers.
But a majority profiled in this book represent a growing contingent of young, socially conscious graduates who yearn for more in life than the corner office and company car. They want to take their skills and knowledge and use them to make a difference. Less enamored with the charitable sector, however, as are their older cohorts, these trailblazers are embracing the power of profitability to effect change.
Considering the increasing number of people searching for a sense of purpose in their work, many toying with the idea of social entrepreneur-ship themselves, this book can serve as a pragmatic tool offering valuable information and motivation along with tips and advice to guide them forward. With the abundance of gloomy headlines, it can also meet the basic human need for an uplifting narrative. Filled with inspirational stories of peop