Trade and Industrial Development in Africa , livre ebook









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This book revisits the perennial challenge that scholars, economists, and politicians have been grappling with since the 1960s. Development, in this book, has been defined in a context that projects it as a multidimensional and complex process which seeks to enhance the human, social, economic and cultural welfare of the people. This book calls for a rethinking of trade and industry for Africa's development. It uses data drawn from national development plans and strategies, and trade and industry issues have been prioritized at the continental level, in key policy documents. On the whole Africa's industry and trade performance have been poor in spite of national, regional, and continental plans. The contributors to this volume propose some alternative strategies and policies which are necessary for trade and industry to grow and to contribute to the well-being of Africa's people. It calls for a developmental trade and industry policy which, fundamentally, must be people-centred. African states should invest time, energy and resources to develop policies which will take into consideration African realities.The different contributors are aware that Africa has experienced strong economic growth in the recent past but this growth has largely been due to a strong demand for Africa's primary commodity exports. It has also been a result of increases in productivity and domestic investment and remittances from Africans living in the Diaspora. It is important to note that despite this unprecedented growth performance, the impact of trade and industry on development has been limited. The book argues that a structural transformation of Africa's economies is inevitable if Africa is to achieve the shift from the dominant paradigm of production and export of primary goods. The various contributors to this book agree that there is need to rethink policy and strategy in order to achieve industrial development in Africa. There is no unique solution or answer that can fit all situations as African countries are not the same. While Africa can draw lessons from other regions which have successfully industrialized, this book argues that policies and strategies will have to be adapted to country-specific situations and circumstances.
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Date de parution

29 décembre 2014

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4 Mo

Trade and Industrial Development in Africa
The book is a product of the Guy Mhone conference on ‘Rethinking Trade and Development in Africa’.
Trade and Industrial Development in Africa
Rethinking Strategy and Policy
Edited by Theresa Moyo
Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa DAKAR
©CODESRIA 2014 Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, Angle Canal IV BP 3304 Dakar, 18524, Senegal Website:
ISBN: 978-2-86978-571-7
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without prior permission from CODESRIA.
Typesetting: Daouda Thiam Cover Design: Ibrahima Fofana
Distributed in Africa by CODESRIA Distributed elsewhere by African Books Collective, Oxford, UK Website:
The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is an independent organisation whose principal objectives are to facilitate research, promote research-based publishing and create multiple forums geared towards the exchange of views and information among African researchers. All these are aimed at reducing the fragmentation of research in the continent through the creation of thematic research networks that cut across linguistic and regional boundaries.
CODESRIA publishesAfrica Development, the longest standing Africa based social science journal;Afrika Zamani, a journal of history; theAfrican Sociological Review; theAfrican Journal of International Affairs;Africa Review of Books and theJournal of Higher Education in Africa. The Council also co-publishes theAfrica Media Review;Identity, Culture and Politics: An Afro-Asian Dialogue;The African Anthropologistand theAfro-Arab Selections for Social Sciences. The results of its research and other activities are also disseminated through its Working Paper Series, Green Book Series, Monograph Series, Book Series, Policy Briefs and the CODESRIA Bulletin. Select CODESRIA publications are also accessible online at
CODESRIA would like to express its gratitude to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY), the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), the Danish Agency for International Development (DANIDA), the French Ministry of Cooperation, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Roc-kefeller Foundation, the Open Society Foundations (OSFs), TrustAfrica, UNESCO, UN Women, the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) and the Government of Senegal for supporting its research, training and publication programmes.
Abbreviations ....................................................................................................vii Tables .................................................................................................................xi Boxes .................................................................................................................xv Figures .............................................................................................................xvii Contributors .....................................................................................................xix Foreword Aderibigbe S. Olomola ...............................................................................xxi Introduction Theresa Moyo ............................................................................................xxxi
PART ONE Trade and Industrial Policy in Africa: Theoretical Debates and Experiences from Developing Regions  1. The Case for a Developmental Trade and Industrial Policy for Africa Theresa Moyo ...............................................................................................1  2. The Theoretical Basis, Elements and Impact of Nigeria’s Trade and Industrial Policy under the Structural Adjustment Programme Anthony I. Monye-Emina ..........................................................................31  3. Trade, Industrial Policy and Development in the Era of Globalization in Africa: The case of Botswana and Tanzania Stephen M. Kapunda .................................................................................47  4. Economic Reforms in Zambia and India: Comparative Trade and Industrial Policy During 1991-1992 Euston Chiputa .........................................................................................67  5. The Emergence of China in Cameroon: Trade Impact and Evolution of Trade Configuration Sunday A. Khan .......................................................................................99
Trade and Industrial Development in Africa: Rethinking Strategy and Policy
PART TWO Trade and Industrial Policy: International and Regional Context  6. EU-Africa Economic Partnership Agreements: Risks, Rewards and Requisites for Agricultural Trade and African Development Aderibigbe S. Olomola ............................................................................123  7. Trade Facilitation: Implications for Intra-African Trade in a Globalized Economy Ntangsi Max Memfih ..............................................................................159  8. Facilitating the Production and Export of Manufactured Goods in Africa and Asia/Pacific: A Comparative Analysis Using Panel Data Oluyele Akinkugbe ..................................................................................181  9. Africa’s Development, Climate Change and Carbon Trade: Whose Agenda is it, Anyway? Godwell Nhamo ......................................................................................199
PART THREE Intellectual Property Rights, Technology Transfer and Culture Policy 10. Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Towards African Countries: Is International Law a Beneficial Policy? Patrick Juvet Lowe ...................................................................................225 11. The UNESCO Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression: Implications for African Trade and Culture Policy E. S. Nwauche ........................................................................................245
PART FOUR Institutional Dimensions of Trade and Industrial Policy 12. Rethinking Industrial Policy in Africa: Towards an Institutional Framework Howard Stein ..........................................................................................277 13. Institutional Foundation of Trade and Industrial Policies in Africa Adewole Musiliu Adeolu ........................................................................297 14. Conclusions and Recommendations Theresa Moyo and............................................Aderibigbe S. Olomola 335
African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries African Development Bank Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation African Union Automated Systems for Customs Data Botswana Development Corporation Botswana Export Development and Investment Agency Basic Industry Strategy Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency Certified Emissions Reduction Clean Development Mechanism Cameroonian Francs Corruption Perception Index Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa East African Community Economic Commission for Africa Economic Community of West African States European Development Fund Export-Oriented Industrialisation Economic Partnership Agreements European Union Foreign Direct Investment Free Trade Area Gross Domestic Product Green House Gases High Human Development
Trade and Industrial Development in Africa: Rethinking Strategy and Policy
HIPC Highly Indebted Poor Countries HIV/AIDS Human Immuno-deficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HPAEs High Performing Asian Economies ICI Investment Climate Index ICOR Incremental Capital Output Ratio IDDA Industrial Development Decade for Africa IDS Institute of Development Studies IMF International Monetary Fund IP Intellectual Property IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ISI Import Substitution Industrialization KP Kyoto Protocol LDCs Least Developed Countries LHD Low Human Development MDGs Millennium Development Goals MHD Medium Human Development MMD Movement for Multi-Party Democracy MVA Manufacturing Value Added NAMB National Agricultural Marketing Board NCZ Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia NEPAD New Partnership for African Development NERP National Economic Recovery Programme OPEC Organisation of Oil Exporting Countries PANAFTEL Pan African Telecommunications Network RASCOM Regional African Satellite Communications RECs Regional Economic Communities SACU South African Customs Union SADC Southern Africa Development Community SAP Structural Adjustment Programme SEA South East Asia SIA Sustainability Impact Assessment SMEs Small to Medium Enterprises SSA Sub-Saharan Africa SSATP Sub-Saharan African Transport Policy Programme TAH Trans African Highway TBT Technical Barriers to Trade
Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement Transparency International Inter State Transit Agreement for Central African Countries Transnational Corporation Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Technology Transfer Unilateral Declaration of Independence United Nations Commission on Trade and Development United Nations Economic Commission for Africa United Nations Educational and Scientific Convention United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change United Nations Industrial Development Organization United National Independent Party West African Community World Development Indicators World Trade Organization Zambia Metal Fabrications Limited Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Zambian Kwacha Zambia Privatization Agency
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