CHOICE IS OBVIOUS , livre ebook









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Choice is necessary. Every conscious or unconscious act, at every level, is a choice. - Doing nothing or doing something are choices. -One can be rich or poor, it is also the result of a decision and a choice. -Life and death depend on it. Having a good attitude and a bad behavior are also choices. - Coming out of a crisis, as well as staying in one, is always a choice. - Becoming a powerful and prosperous country, as well as perpetuating a nation without a conscience, are choices. Choice prepares another choice. Life is an eternal continuity of choices. Choice is prepared in choice. Our daily routine is full of choices and de- cisions. The choices of a leader define the history of a country. The desti- ny of a nation is shaped by the decisions made by its leaders. The life of a people is a reflection of their choices. The one who does not choose runs as much risk as the one who has chosen. There is always a choice in life. There is an expression that is often used in our vocabulary: "I had no choice! Even if we didn't have a choice, we at least chose what we didn't really consent to. So we had a choice. We cannot live without choice. Ev- erything in life is a choice. When we choose not to choose, we still choose. This book brings out the fundamental truths of choice in all areas of human life. It is up to us to choose the kind of nation we want to be. It is up to us to choose our destiny. It is up to us to choose whether we continue to dream or whether we wake up and go live our dreams. It is up to us to choose the woman or the man with whom we can live together until death. It is up to us to choose, no one will choose for us. It is up to us to choose. We are responsible, not others. Procrastination is a curable disease.
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Date de parution

01 janvier 2022

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Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

CHOICE IS OBVIOUS2023,Giresse LUBASEKO LEMAThe inspired book editionsKinshasaThe Democratic Republic of CongoNational Library of Congo, 2022All rights reservedISBN:9-798396-68873-5 Layout: The inspired books editions Cover:EnochSHUNGUPrinted in Africa
The inspired books editions, for the French languageedition
This book is protected by the copyright laws of the Democratic reproduced in Republic of Congo. No part of this book maybe whole in part or without the written permission from the publisher. With the exception of brief excerpts in magazines, articles, journals, etc.
For more information about the structure, the editions andthe "inspired books" program, please contact us at the following address:E-mail: livreinspire@gmail.comFacebook: @Livres Inspirés YouTube and Instagram: Livres insipés Telephone: +243 813028311/ 995409504
"Zero is also a number. You can't start counting without starting with zero. Everything came out of that. All successfulpeople had nothing but a zero to start with. Zero however indicates a divine plan ofgreat achieveŵeŶts͟.͞GiresseLUBASEKOLEMA͟
"May your choices reflect your hopes, not yourfears͟.Nelson MANDELA
This book is dedicatedto Papa KASI KALIMBA Daniel, who has preceded us in the Glory of the Father.He provides some valuable inputs for the correction and the treatment  of this book.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSHaving received some inputs from my supervisors and many readers, I would like to express my gratitude to each and every one of themfor helping me improve the content of this book. My special regards to my wife Belbiche KIYAMBU, for her true love and wisecounselsand to my children, for the inspiration of many examples. I would like to express my gratitude to these great men of God for having given up some of their precious time and enjoying reading me. Their very pertinent observations and comments, allowed me to point out the inaccuracies of this book and to perfect it. I quote: Reverend Pastor Jean-Marie CHIRAKARULA and Élie KANIONIO. I would like to thank Prophet Pele Blaise EKOMBA NGOY and Pastor Edo MATONDO for their spiritual support. Thanks to their promptness, I could avoid certain errors and thus, remain in the presence of Godfor the accuracy of this work.
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