American Medical Association Guide to Talking to Your Doctor , livre ebook









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The last time you visited your doctor, did you . . .
* hesitate to ask a question-and leave without the answer you needed?
* not understand your doctor's explanation of your illness or its treatment?
* wish you could be more in control of your healthcare?

You can take control. The more you know about your healthcare needs and the more actively you work with your doctor, the better healthcare you will receive. In this concise, easy-to-understand book, the American Medical Association-the world's most prominent organization of physicians-demystifies the relationship between patient and doctor and guides you in building an ongoing dialogue with your healthcare provider.

Using nontechnical language and a reassuring tone, the American Medical Association Guide to Talking to Your Doctor explains:
* What your doctor needs to know about you and what he or she looks for in an examination
* How to understand a diagnosis and discuss treatment options and goals
* When and how to ask for a second opinion
* How to speak for a child or older person in your care
* How to discuss sensitive subjects such as sexuality, drug dependence, depression, and family violence
* Your rights and responsibilities as a healthcare consumer
* Where to go for more help and information

Encouraging, authoritative, and thorough, the American Medical Association Guide to Talking to Your Doctor empowers you to communicate better with your doctor so that you can work together to achieve a common goal-your good health.

For more than 150 years, the American Medical Association has been the leading group of medical experts in the nation and one of the most respected health-related organizations in the world. The AMA continues to work to advance the art and science of medicine and to be an advocate for patients and the voice of physicians in the United States.

Choosing a Doctor.

What Your Doctor Wants to Know About You.

Talking About Your Health and Medical Care.

Talking for Others.

Talking About Sensitive Subjects.

Special Situations.



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Date de parution

17 juillet 2007

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Guide to Talking to Your Doctor
Other books by the American Medical Association
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Complete Guide to Women s Health
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Complete Guide to Your Children s Health
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Family Health Cookbook
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Guide to Your Family s Symptoms
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Handbook of First Aid and Emergency Care
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Essential Guide to Menopause
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Essential Guide to Hypertension
Guide to Talking to Your Doctor
Angela Perry, MD
Medical Editor
New York Chichester Weinheim Brisbane Singapore Toronto
Copyright 2001 by American Medical Association. All rights reserved
Published by John Wiley Sons, Inc.
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The recommendations and information in this book are appropriate in most cases; however, they are not a substitute for a medical diagnosis. For specific information concerning a medical condition, the AMA suggests that you consult a physician. The names of organizations, products, or alternative therapies appearing in this book are given for informational purposes only. Their inclusion does not imply AMA endorsement, nor does the omission of any organization, product, or alternative therapy indicate AMA disapproval.
Photo credits: p. 4, AMA; p. 12, PhotoDisc; p. 36, Corbis; p. 66, Stone/Bruce Ayres; p. 80, PhotoDisc; p. 110, PhotoDisc.
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Most of us think of medicine as a high-tech science, which it is. But for doctors, the core of their practice is their interaction with patients. Good medicine is a partnership between doctor and patient, whether the doctor is performing a physical examination or listening carefully to a patient s description of his or her symptoms. The American Medical Association Guide to Talking to Your Doctor is designed to help nurture and strengthen this relationship.
If you are reading this book, you have decided to take responsibility for your health and you want to learn how to get the information you need to help you make informed decisions about your healthcare. You may have older or younger family members whom you accompany to the doctor, and you want to help them get the best care possible. Perhaps you need a specialist or have moved to another town; this book explains the resources you can tap into to find a doctor in your new community. One of these resources is the American Medical Association Web site at (click on Doctor Finder).
This book gives you information about how to prepare for a doctor s visit or phone call. Should you tell your doctor about an alternative treatment you are using? Should you ask about a medication you saw advertised on television? If you need to undergo a diagnostic test, how do you find out how the test is done and what to expect during the test? At some time in our lives, each of us will have a health problem that we would rather not discuss. The section in the book on talking about sensitive subjects gives you some helpful tips on how to bring the subject up and gives you the encouragement to do so.
We at the American Medical Association hope that this information will help you feel more confident and comfortable the next time you visit your doctor. We wish you and your family good health.
American Medical Association
The American Medical Association
Robert A. Musacchio
Senior Vice President, Business and Membership
Anthony J. Frankos
Vice President, Business Products
AMA Press

Mary Lou S. White
Editorial Director
Patricia Dragisic
Senior Managing Editor
Donna Kotulak
Managing Editor
Robin Fitzpatrick Husayko
Senior Editor
Claudia Appeldorn
Copy Editor
Mary Ann Albanese
Image Coordinator
Reuben Rios
Editorial Assistant
Roger Banther
Editorial Assistant
Medical Editor

Angela Perry, MD


Steven Michaels

Ellen Hughes


Bruce Blehart, JD
Health/Law Litigation
Arthur Elster, MD
Integrated Clinical and Public

Linda Emanuel, MD
Ethical Standards
Kathryn Meshenberg
Ethical Standards
Leatha Tiggelaar
Science, Technology, and Public Health
Patricia Watson
Ethical Standards
Mathew Wynia, MD, MPH
Ethical Standards
What are you looking for?
Other issues to consider
How to go about choosing a doctor
Your rights and responsibilities as a healthcare consumer
Personal health history
Your child s health history
Family health history
Planning in advance what to say to the doctor
Making the most of an office visit
Learning about medical tests and treatments
Understanding a diagnosis
Using medications correctly
Making lifestyle changes
Clearing up misunderstandings
Accompanying your child to the doctor
Accompanying your older parent to the doctor
Sexually transmitted diseases
Homosexuality and bisexuality
Sexual problems
Alcohol dependence
Drug addiction
Family violence
Dissatisfaction with treatment
End-of-life healthcare issues
Specialists and subspecialists
Getting a second opinion
At the hospital
In an emergency
Rare diseases
Participating in clinical trials
Doing your own research
Clinical trials
Diseases and conditions
General health information
Government agencies
Health information Web sites
Home-care services and hospice
Long-term care and housing
Mental health
Self-help and support
Today the emphasis in health and medical care is on prevention. The American Medical Association Guide to Talking to Your Doctor focuses on the importance of an effective patient-doctor relationship in improving and maintaining your health and reducing your health risks. Use this book as a tool to become an informed, active healthcare participant and to take control of your health and medical care.
In many patient-doctor relationships, the doctor is the more active participant. The doctor talks and the patient listens, the doctor asks questions and the patient provides answers. This limited communication can cause problems for both doctor and patient and can have a negative impact on the patient s health and medical care. For example, if you don t understand the information your doctor provides, you may become confused and frustrated and lose confidence in the doctor. You may even stop following his or her instructions, and, as a result, your treatment may not be effective and your health problems could get worse.
Many people are hesitant to talk to their doctor even though they want to ask questions or discuss their health problems. Embarrassment and fear of bad news are two common reasons for not talking to the doctor. Other possible explanations include both real and imagined time limitations, reluctance to question the doctor s authority, limited ability to speak English, feeling that one s questions and concerns are unimportant, and not wanting to appear stupid. But to get all you need from your medical care and make informed health-related choices, you need to assume an active role in your own health and medical care. Your doctor relies on information only you can provide, such as details about symptoms, before he or she can make an accurate diagnosis or provide proper treatment. He or she also must have confidence in your ability to follow instructions carefully so that your treatment can be effective.
Your doctor should encourage and support your active participation and always should be willing to take time to address your questions and concerns. The highest levels of satisfaction with medical care and the best treatment outcomes occur when both doctor and patient communicate openly and honestly and work together closely to achieve shared goals.
To become an active partner you need to listen carefully, ask questions, discuss treatment options and goals, participate in decision-making, follow instructions carefully, know what to expect from your treatment, and provide feedback. All of this requires clear communi

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