Letter from America - Memoir of an Adopted Child , livre ebook









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Inspired by Alistair Cooke’s masterpiece “Letter from America” (1934-2004) that depicted the transformation of British culture in the United States of America, Ndi-Shang’s text redefines ‘America’, focusing on the melting pot engendered by African, indigenous, European and Asian cultures in Latin America through the case of Peru, the erstwhile epicentre of Spanish empire in Latin America. It is a reflection on the triangular relationship between Africa, Europe and America against the backdrop of slavery and (neo-)colonialism which continue to define intimate experiences, daily interactions, personal trajectories and human relations in a ‘globalized world’. Ndi-Shang probes into the legacies of racial inequalities but also the possibilities of a new ethic of encounter amongst human beings/cultures. The text is based on an intricate interweaving of the humorous with the tragic, the personal with the global, the historical with the current and the real with the creative.
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Date de parution

01 janvier 2019





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2 Mo

Letter from America
Letter from America Memoir of an Adopted Child
Gil Ndi-Shang
Spears Media Press D E N V E R , C O L O R A D O
Śpears edîa ress Ç  É  V É  7830 . ĀàÈà ĀÈ, ŚûÈ 103-247 ÈÈ, ÇÔ 80226 UÈ ŚàÈŝ ô ĀÈçà
ŝ ûŝÈ  2019  ŚÈàŝ Èà Èŝŝ .ŝÈàŝÈà.çô ô@ŝÈàŝÈà.çô ôàô ô ŝ È: .ŝÈàŝÈà.çô/ŝô/ÈÈ-ô-àÈçà
© 2019  -Śà Ā ŝ ÈŝÈÈ.
à ô ÇôÈŝŝ Çôô ûÈ: 2019954919
ô à ô ŝ ûçàô à È ÈôûçÈ, ŝûÈ, ô àŝÈ  à ô ô  à Èàŝ, çû ôôçô, Èçô, ô ôÈ ÈÈçôç ô Èçàçà Èôŝ, ôû È ô È Èŝŝô ô È ûŝÈ, ÈçÈ  È çàŝÈ ô È ûôàôŝ ÈôÈ  ççà ÈÈŝ à çÈà ôÈ ôçôÈçà ûŝÈŝ ÈÈ  çô à. ô Èŝŝô ÈûÈŝŝ, È ô È ûŝÈ, àÈŝŝÈ “ĀÈô: Èŝŝôŝ Çôôàô,” à È àÈŝŝ àôÈ.
Śb: 9781942876489 (àÈàç) Śb: 9781942876496 (Èbôô)
Āŝô àààÈ  KÈ
ŚÈàŝ Èà Èŝŝ àŝ ô Èŝôŝ ô È ÈŝŝÈçÈ ô àççûàç ô ûŝ ô ÈÈà ô -à ÈÈ ÈŝÈŝ ÈÈÈ ô  ŝ ûçàô, à ôÈŝ ô ûààÈÈ à à çôÈ ô ŝûç ÈŝÈŝ ŝ, ô  Èà, àççûàÈ ô àôàÈ.
bôô Èŝ  ŚÈàŝ Èà Èŝŝ ÇôÈ Èŝ  ô KàÈ
To a tose or wom te ace o te oter îs a passîon
Proogue Acknowedgment
1. bÈŝ 1
2. bÈÈô à à 6
3. ŝ à  à 11
4. ŚÈçô à 13
5. H à 15
6. ôû à 19
7. ŝçŝŝ 24
8. ZÈô ôû 26
9. Çà à 32
10. ô bôô à ô ôÈŝ 35
11. È à… 38
12. È  ôûç ‘È’ àŝ… 42
13. Èàôŝ ŚûàÈ, à 46
14. ŝçŝŝŝ àà 54
15. ô bÈ ŝ ô ôÈ 56
16. Āàçûçô, È ÇôÈ ô Èà 59
17.  È ôôŝÈŝ ô È çà 64
18. Āàçûçô, H Èàŝ ĀÈ 77
19. Ā ôàŝ Èà ô Çûŝçô 87
20. HÈ ÔÈ ôûŝ ô È àçŝ 94 21. ôŝ  È ĀÈŝ 105 22. àçû ççû 107
23. bàç ô çà-à 127
24. ûô, çàçà 131
25. ĀÈûà, È ôô à È bà 135
26. bàç ôÈ  à 152
27. È ôÈ 155
28. bàç ô  ôûÈŝ 156
29. Çôôû ô È, Çôôû ô Èà 163
30. Ś ô, ŚÈÈ Çàô 169
31. ĀÈà bÈ – àôÈŝ, à 176
32. Çôûûŝ, ÇôŝÈ È ôô ô ôû ŚÈàŝ 180
33. bàç Śà, bàç Çŝ 190
34. ÈÈ È ôÈÈŝŝ 194
35. à bûŝçàÈŝ 195
36. ŚÈ-ô à 199
37. ŚÈÈ ôû È È 202
38. HÈ È Ś Çôà à 204
39. ôô ô È ÈçÈ 208 40. ÈÈŝŝ  È É 210 41. HÈ ÈÈ ÉÈ 214
42. ô’ Ç ô È, Èû 218
Epîogue 229
About te autor231
ŚûÈô? Èô?  ô È ûÈ ŝÈ àÈ ô ôûç È ôÈ, ô ÈÈ È ôÈ, ô Èà È ôÈ ô ŝÈ ? àŝ  ÈÈô ô È ô È È  ôÈ ô û È ô ô È ôû?
àz àô,Back Skîn, Wîte Masks,1952.
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