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Publié par
Date de parution
11 avril 2016
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
Living in the Ottoman Realm brings the Ottoman Empire to life in all of its ethnic, religious, linguistic, and geographic diversity. The contributors explore the development and transformation of identity over the long span of the empire's existence. They offer engaging accounts of individuals, groups, and communities by drawing on a rich array of primary sources, some available in English translation for the first time. These materials are examined with new methodological approaches to gain a deeper understanding of what it meant to be Ottoman. Designed for use as a course text, each chapter includes study questions and suggestions for further reading.
Introduction: Dealing with Identity in the Ottoman Empire / Christine Isom-Verhaaren and Kent F. Schull
Part I. 13th-15th Centuries. Emergence and Expansion: From Frontier Beylik to Cosmopolitan Empire
1. The Giving Divide: Food Gifts and Social Identity in Late Medieval Anatolia /Nicolas Trépanier
2. Changing Perceptions along the Frontiers: The Moving Frontier with Rum in the Late Medieval Anatolian Frontier Narratives / Zeynep Aydoğan
3. The Genoese of Pera in the Fifteenth Century: The Case of the Draperio and Spinola Families / F. Ozden Mercan
4. From Byzantine Aristocracy to Ottoman Ruling Elite: Mahmud Pasha Angelović and his Christian Circle, 1458-1474 / Theoharis Stavrides
5. Neşri's Cihannüma, an Early Ottoman History Book and the Politics of Ottoman Identity / Murat Cem Mengüç
6. A Shaykh, a Prince and a Sack of Corn: An Anatolian Sufi Becomes Ottoman / Hasan Karatas
Part II. 15-17th Centuries. Expansion and Cultural Splendor: The Creation of a Sunni Islamic Empire
7. Ibn-i Kemal's Confessionalism and the Construction of an "Ottoman" Islam / Nabil al-Tikriti
8. Becoming Ottoman in Sixteenth-century Aintab / Leslie Peirce
9. Making Jerusalem Ottoman / Amy Singer
10. Ibrahim b. Khidr al-Qaramani: A Merchant and Urban Notable of Early Ottoman Aleppo / Charles Wilkins
11. Mihrimah Sultan: A Princess Constructs Ottoman Dynastic Identity / Christine Isom-Verhaaren
Part III. 17th-18th Centuries. Upheaval and Transformation: From Conquest to Administrative State
12. The Sultan's Advisors and their Opinions on the Identity of the Real Ottoman Elite, 1580-1653 / Linda T. Darling
13. Fleeing "The Vomit of Infidelity": Borders, Conversion, and Muslim Women's Agency in the Early Modern Mediterranean / Eric Dursteller
14. Policing Morality: Crossing Gender Communal Boundaries in an Age of Political Crisis and Religious Controversy in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul / Fariba Zarinebaf
15. Leaving France, "Turning Turk," Becoming Ottoman: The Transformation of Comte Claude-Alexandre de Bonneval into Humbaraci Ahmed Pasha / Julia Landweber
16. Out of Africa, into the Palace: The Ottoman Chief Harem Eunuch / Jane Hathaway
17. The Province Goes to the Center: The Case of Hadjiyorgakis Kornesios, Dragoman
of Cyprus / Antonis Hadjikyriacou
Part IV. 19th-20th Centuries. Modernity, Mass Politics, and Nationalism: From Empire to Nation-state
18. Ruler Visibility, Modernity, and Ethno-nationalism in the Late Ottoman Empire / Darin Stephanov
19. Muslims' Contribution to Science and Ottoman Identity / M. Alper Yalçinkaya
20. Migrants, Revolutionaries, and Spies: Surveillance, Politics, and Ottoman Identity in the United States / David Gutman
21. Ottomanism among the Greek Orthodox at the End of Empire: The Multiple Loyalties of Pavlos Carolidis / Vangelis Kechriotis
22. Zionism in the Era of Ottoman Brotherhood / Michelle U. Campos
Connections and Questions to Consider
Publié par
Date de parution
11 avril 2016
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
Empire and Identity, 13th to 20th Centuries
Edited by Christine Isom-Verhaaren and Kent F. Schull
This book is a publication of
Indiana University Press
Office of Scholarly Publishing
Herman B Wells Library 350
1320 East 10th Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47405 USA
2016 by Indiana University Press
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The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992.
Manufactured in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Isom-Verhaaren, Christine. | Schull, Kent F.
Title: Living in the Ottoman realm : empire and identity, 13th to 20th centuries / edited by Christine Isom-Verhaaren and Kent F. Schull.
Description: Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2016. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016008081 (print) | LCCN 2016009336 (ebook) | ISBN 9780253019301 (cloth : alkaline paper) | ISBN 9780253019431 (paperback : alkaline paper) | ISBN 9780253019486 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Turkey-History-Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918. | Cultural pluralism-Turkey-History. | Imperialism-Social aspects-Turkey-History. | Identity (Psychology)-Turkey-History. | Group identity-Turkey-History. | Ethnicity-Turkey-History. | Community life-Turkey-History. | Social change-Turkey-History. | Turkey-Social conditions-1288-1918. | Turkey-Ethnic relations-History.
Classification: LCC DR486 .L58 2016 (print) | LCC DR486 (ebook) | DDC 956/.015-dc23
LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2016008081
1 2 3 4 5 21 20 19 18 17 16
To the cherished memory of our dear friend, colleague, and contributor to this volume Vangelis Kechriotis
Note on Transliteration and Pronunciation
Introduction: Dealing with Identity in the Ottoman Empire Christine Isom-Verhaaren and Kent F. Schull
Part I. 13th through 15th Centuries | Emergence and Expansion: From Frontier Beylik to Cosmopolitan Empire
1 The Giving Divide: Food Gifts and Social Identity in Late Medieval Anatolia Nicolas Tr panier
2 Changing Perceptions along the Frontiers: The Moving Frontier with Rum in Late Medieval Anatolian Frontier Narratives Zeynep Aydo an
3 The Genoese of Pera in the Fifteenth Century: Draperio and Spinola Families F. zden Mercan
4 From Byzantine Aristocracy to Ottoman Ruling Elite: Mahmud Pasha Angelovi and His Christian Circle, 1458-1474 Theoharis Stavrides
5 Interpreting Ottoman Identity with the Historian Ne ri Murat Cem Meng
6 A Shaykh, a Prince, and a Sack of Corn: An Anatolian Sufi Becomes Ottoman Hasan Karata
Part II. 15th through 17th Centuries | Expansion and Cultural Splendor: The Creation of a Sunni Islamic Empire
7 Ibn-i Kemal s Confessionalism and the Construction of an Ottoman Islam Nabil Al-Tikriti
8 Becoming Ottoman in Sixteenth-Century Aintab Leslie Peirce
9 Making Jerusalem Ottoman Amy Singer
10 Ibrahim ibn Khidr al-Qaramani: A Merchant and Urban Notable of Early Ottoman Aleppo Charles Wilkins
11 Mihrimah Sultan: A Princess Constructs Ottoman Dynastic Identity Christine Isom-Verhaaren
Part III. 17th through 18th Centuries | Upheaval and Transformation: From Conquest to Administrative State
12 The Sultan s Advisors and Their Opinions on the Identity of the Ottoman Elite, 1580-1653 Linda T. Darling
13 Fleeing the Vomit of Infidelity : Borders, Conversion, and Muslim Women s Agency Eric Dursteler
14 Policing Morality: Crossing Gender and Communal Boundaries in an Age of Political Crisis and Religious Controversy Fariba Zarinebaf
15 Leaving France, Turning Turk, Becoming Ottoman: The Transformation of Comte Claude-Alexandre de Bonneval into Humbaraci Ahmed Pasha Julia Landweber
16 Out of Africa, into the Palace: The Ottoman Chief Harem Eunuch Jane Hathaway
17 The Province Goes to the Center: The Case of Hadjiyorgakis Kornesios, Dragoman of Cyprus Antonis Hadjikyriacou
Part IV. 19th through 20th Centuries | Modernity, Mass Politics, and Nationalism: From Empire to Nation-State
18 Ruler Visibility, Modernity, and Ethnonationalism in the Late Ottoman Empire Darin N. Stephanov
19 Muslims Contributions to Science and Ottoman Identity M. Alper Yal nkaya
20 Migrants, Revolutionaries, and Spies: Surveillance, Politics, and Ottoman Identity in the United States David Gutman
21 A Cappadocian in Athens, an Athenian in Smyrna, and a Parliamentarian in Istanbul: The Multiple Personae and Loyalties of Pavlos Carolidis Vangelis Kechriotis
22 Zionism in the Era of Ottoman Brotherhood Michelle U. Campos
Connections and Questions to Consider
T HIS VOLUME WAS conceptualized in 2007 at a Middle East Studies Association (MESA) book fair in Montreal. We had just met and introduced ourselves when we began discussing our mutual research interests in Ottoman identity. Since we are respectively an early modernist (Christine) and modernist (Kent) in our scholarly periods of study, we were intrigued by the idea of discussing this important issue across time and space in the Ottoman Empire. We both lamented how rarely Ottomanists who study different time periods actually engage each other s work to compare the continuities and changes from premodern to modern times. It was during this conversation that the germ of an idea arose that compelled us to expand the scope of our intellectual inquiry and engage Ottoman studies more broadly. We also lamented how few pedagogical resources existed for teaching about the empire, particularly primary sources in translation and accessible stories of individuals, groups, and everyday life.
We decided to keep in touch and organize a panel on Ottoman identity at the next MESA conference in 2008. This was a small four-person panel with one scholar representing each of the four generally accepted historical periods of the empire. It was a test, really, to see how the conversation and dialogue would go and to see if this project could grow wings. We were both very pleasantly surprised by the turnout, the presentations, and the audience participation. This experience impelled us to dream big and devise a more ambitious plan. In fact, we hatched the idea to bring even more scholars together to share their work and engage each other in a conference setting.
In December 2011 at the annual MESA conference in Washington, DC, we successfully pulled off something that to the best of our knowledge had never been tried before at this venue. We created our own workshop within a conference by organizing four panels on the theme of Ottoman identity, one panel for each period of the empire s history. This series of panels brought nearly thirty Ottomanists together to share their research and discuss the possibilities and intricacies of the creation, development, augmentation, transformation, and expansion of what it meant to be Ottoman from the dynasty s earliest beginnings as a pastoral-nomadic polity until its demise as an imperial nation-state. Each session was packed with participants, and the excitement, engagement, and support of the broader Ottoman scholarly community was astounding. We realized that we needed to produce a book to keep the conversation alive.
From that workshop within a conference we have pursued this edited volume, and though not all of the original participants ended up contributing to this work, we are very grateful that several others joined us. The twenty-two chapters in this volume represent a tremendous amount of research and insight into what it meant to be Ottoman over the long life of the empire. It brings together a rich mix of senior and junior scholars and represents the cutting edge in research and methodological approaches to Ottoman studies, but it is written in an approachable way to make it suitable for undergraduate course adoption. Each chapter includes substantive primary-source excerpts to allow students to engage directly with the voices of the past. It is our hope that this volume brings the empire to life for students in all of its ethnic, religious, linguistic, and topographical diversity and serves as a great teaching and learning companion for classes on the Ottoman Empire and Middle East from the thirteenth to the twentieth centuries.
T HE EDITORS THANK the many individuals who have worked so hard to see this project to its conclusion. It originated as an idea to enable Ottomanists across the field who study different time periods to engage each other on the concept of Ottoman identity and how it originated and transformed over the empire s existence. We hatched this idea and set up a workshop within a conference at the Middle East Studies Association s (MESA) 2011 annual conference held in Washington, DC. We express our gratitude to the MESA Organizing Committee for taking a chance on allowing this experimental four-panel session. It was a huge success in terms of the scholarship shared, audience participation, and attendance. This book has come directly from this workshop within a conference.
We also express our sincere thanks to all those who