The Free Will Zone , livre ebook









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The Law of Attraction is de-bunked as the author reveals the hidden secrets of the universe and the real universal laws that have been kept from humanity for thousands of years. There are practical creative tools provided which are an effective hands-on approach to creating your reality and getting what you want.

  • The author shares an in-depth look at past life karma for all twelve Zodiac signs as she takes you on a journey towards self-discovery and self-empowerment.

  • Learn about hidden energies and symbols that reveal power structures on planet earth and how they control humanity.

  • Long forgotten channeled information is shared from a source that wishes us to preserve our spirituality and promote love for one another.

In this book you will learn the real secrets about Universal Laws. Long forgotten channeled information is shared from a source whose intent was to enrich humanity’s spiritual understanding and promote love for one another.

  • Learn about hidden energies and symbols

  • Discover how power structures and religions control humanity and keep Earth a prison planet.

  • Find practical creative tools that share effective hands-on practices to help you create the life you really want.

This book is for those who are trying to find true and everlasting abundance linked to spiritual knowledge. It provides explanations about how spiritual deficits create financial poverty. This is the path to eternal abundance explained by the author in an easy to read format that all can understand.

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Date de parution

12 décembre 2020

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The Free Will Zone
300,000 Years of Quarantine

Shiloh Russo Stone
The Free Will Zone
300,000 Years of Quarantine

By Shiloh Russo Stone
Copyright © 2020 Shiloh Russo Stone
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information and retrieval systems without prior permission from the publisher in writing. The views and opinions expressed in this book are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Russo Stone, Shiloh, 1963-
The Free Will Zone: 300,000 Years of Quarantine
/ Shiloh Russo Stone.

ISBN Paperback: 9781880765777
ISBN eBook: 9781880765760

Cover and Interior Layout:
Manuscript Editor:
Manuscript Designer:

Published in the USA by Twin Flame Productions LLC, 2020
under the World of Empowerment imprint.

World of Empowerment is an imprint of Twin Flame Productions LLC
Address all inquiries via eMail to
Or phone +1-224-588-8026
Warning—Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty
The author and publisher shall not be liable for your misuse of the material in this book. This book is strictly for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. The author and/or publisher do not guarantee or warrant that anyone following the techniques, suggestions, tips, ideas, or strategies in this book will become successful at anything. The author and/or publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to anyone with respect to any loss or damage howsoever caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book. Always consult a licensed health practitioner for all health issues.





Human Beings:
The future of Earth is in your hands. It is time to wake up.

I. The Free Will Zone

1. Chapter 1
A Wakeup Call For the Family of Light—2012

The Pleiadian Message

This Is Not A Random Universe


2. Chapter 2
The Twelve Universal Laws

The Twelve Universal Laws

The Law Of Manifestation

The Law Of Reflection

The Law Of Karma

The Law Of Permanence

The Law Of Opposite Expression

The Law Of Cycles

The Law Of Thought

The Law Of Love

The Law Of Help

The Law Of Speech

The Law Of Symbols

The Law Of Progress

II. The Free Will Zone

3. Chapter 3
The Twelve Signs And Their Governing Planets

The Truth About Astrology













III. The Free Will Zone

4. Chapter 4
Empowering You As A Creator

The Beginning Of Life

The Truth About Families

The Negativity Firewall

The Three Bodies Of Man

The Truth About Genetic Illness

The Truth About Contagious Diseases

Creating For Forever

Magic And Sourcery

The Spoken Word

What Happens At Death

The Dark Brotherhood

The Galactic Federation Of Light

The Truth About Money

The End Of Karma

Beside Fresh Water


The Gift Of The Sun

The Gift Of The Moon

The Truth About Middle Earth

The Truth About Tell-A-Vision

IV. The Free Will Zone

5. Chapter 5
The Art Of Divination


Tarot Cards

The I Ching, or Book Of Changes


The Truth About The Ouija Board

The Truth About Channeling

V. The Free Will Zone

6. Chapter 6
Empowering Creative Practice

The 5-Pointed Star

The Star Of Power

The Upside-Down Star

The Power Of Rhyme

The Written Word

How Do You Want To Look?

Creating With Cards, Candles And Crystals

VI. The Free Will Zone

The Free Will Zone

Keys To Success

Fear = Imprisonment

Spiritual Wealth = Abundance

‘Information’ is that which is ‘in-formation’

The Eye of Horus

About The Author

When it comes to matters involving spiritual beliefs people like to say it’s a matter of opinion, or worse yet, they pick a popular religion. They say that there are many different truths which hold true for many different people. The confusion that is created by this widely accepted notion helps to keep the truth hidden from humanity. Because there is a truth ; there has to be. Our universe doesn’t function with absolute preciseness based on a million different opinions and it wasn’t created by popular religions. The truth has been kept hidden from humans by the powers that took over this planet a long time ago.
But for the seeker, the one who never gives up and who possesses common sense, it has to make sense. Something that doesn’t make sense, or doesn’t add up, or leaves too many questions unanswered, creates confusion. What follows immediately afterwards is disbelief and discretization. The purpose of this book is to help you understand.

Who you are
Where you came from
Why you are here
What forces guide you
What energies surround you
How you create
What universal laws govern all life, and
What happens when you leave here

With the greatest of admiration and appreciation, I would like to thank Pamela Coleman Smith, (1878–1951), for the drawings contained within this book and to Dr. Arthur Edward Waite (1857–1942), for his special contribution to Tarot Divination.
I would also like to thank Toronto businessman Maurice B. Cooke who channeled the Hilarion series of books, which I refer to in a great many of the following pages. These books were the foundation of my spiritual studies when I was just a young girl.
Immense credit must also go to Martin Schulman and Robert Hand, two of the greatest Astrological masterminds that ever lived. They are the cornerstones for much of my Astrological knowledge and practice.

This book is dedicated to Astrologer,

Brent Henderson

Wherever he may be

T he Tarot images used in this book are for the purpose of drawing attention to these beautiful cards. These images are in the public domain in the United States because they were first published outside the United States prior to January 1, 1925.
Because everybody deciphers their meaning differently, I cannot direct readers to any translation of these cards. That, I believe, is a very personal thing.
The cards I chose to place at the beginning of each of my discussions are only my best interpretation for the words that follow. Your interpretation will be your own.
Shiloh Russo Stone ~ 12th December 2020

People of Earth, it’s time to wake up. The nighttime of your consciousness is coming to an end. The Sun is rising on a new day, different than before. In this time and space reality where we find ourselves, where more and more of our freedom is being taken away, it is ever more important for you to wake up now . Freedom is consciousness. Happiness is consciousness. Spiritual understanding is consciousness. Money is consciousness. Nothing you create can have lasting permanence while your consciousness is manipulated by others. Planet Earth was taken over a long time ago by those who wanted Earth for themselves and humanity’s consciousness has been under their control since that time. Whatever escapes your consciousness you lose, including the secrets of the Universe which you need to create your reality and reclaim the planet.
It is now your time to wake up. On any day, during any hour, you have this opportunity. Every lifetime is a gift to you and offers you the opportunity to create and know yourself. You were not randomly scattered here without reason. Your life was carefully planned and orchestrated through a series of divine events. Great energy and timing was required to put you exactly where you are. You have two options:- you can merely exist in this matrix of enslavement and watch Earth be stolen from you or you can wake up and take back your powers and divine rights and claim Earth back for yourselves. You can exist meaninglessly and without purpose or you can create in a magnificent Universe and help save your planet.
To sleep through this and never wake up is a tragedy of great magnitude. Only you can set yourself free by expanding your consciousness and abolishing spiritual neglect. Financial poverty is a reflection of spiritual poverty. Both are forever intertwined. Poverty is only rampant in those who forget they are spirit, first and foremost, beginning and end, before and after, and only human in-between. Spirit is the alpha and spirit is the omega.
You only need to use about ten percent of your brain to function in your mundane reality because your larger reality is being created for you. You decide only the little things that are left, like what you will eat, what you will wear, which program to watch and what car you will drive, etcetera. Even some of these decisions are removed from you every time you are forced to wear a uniform or are provided poisoned food. The more important subjects are dictated to you by your rulers and by your religions. I’m writing this book because the time to stay silent is over. Through the simple process of waking up, we become aware that we are creators and recipients of energy. There is much information out there already, but it omits those things that might not make a best seller. It omits those things we deem unimportant or boring or seemingly useless for our endless pursuit of instant gratification. It omits information about the eternal life of the spirit in favor of its promise of temporary monetary gain. It omits the Truth because sometimes the Truth is difficult to tell, and even more difficult for us to hear. We think that what we do here does not i

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