Women and Confucianism in Choson Korea , livre ebook









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This volume offers a fresh, multifaceted exploration of women and Confucianism in mid- to late-Chosoán Korea (mid-sixteenth to early twentieth century). Using primary sources and perspectives from social history, intellectual history, literature, and political thought, contributors challenge unitary views of Confucianism as a system of thought, of women as a group, and of the relationship between the two.

Much earlier scholarship has focused on how women were oppressed under the strict patriarchal systems that emerged as Confucianism became the dominant social ideology during the Chosoán dynasty (1392–1910). Contributors to this volume bring to light the varied ways that diverse women actually lived during this era, from elite yangban women to women who were enslaved. Women are shown to have used various strategies to seek status, economic rights, and more comfortable spaces, with some women even emerging as Confucian intellectuals and exemplars.
List of Tables

List of Illustrations

1. Introduction
Michael J. Pettid and Youngmin Kim

2. Portrait of Two Women: Multiple Layers of “Confucianism” in Late Chosŏn Korea
Youngmin Kim

3. The Exemplar Wife: The Life of Lady Chang of Andong in Historical Context
Lee SoonGu

4. Confucian Educational Works for Upper Status Women in Chosŏn Korea
Michael J. Pettid

5. Neo-Confucianism as Free-floating Resource: Im Yunjidang and Kang Chŏngildang as Two Female Neo-Confucian Philosophers in Late Chosŏn
Youngmin Kim

6. The Rights of the Eldest Daughter-in-Law and Strengthening of Adoption of Lineage Heirs in the Mid-Chosŏn Period
Lee SoonGu

7. Questions Concerning Widows’ Social Status and Remarriage in Late Chosŏn
Jung Ji-Young

8. Devalued Bodies, Revalued Status: Confucianism and the Plight of Female Slaves in Late Chosŏn Korea
Milan Hejtmanek

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Date de parution

01 novembre 2011





Poids de l'ouvrage

7 Mo

Women andConfucianism inChos˘onKorea
New Perspectives
Edited byYoungmin Kim andMichael J. Pettid
Women and Conucîanîsm în Cosŏn Korea
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Women and Conucîanîsm în Cosŏn Korea
New Perspecîves
Edîed by Youngmîn Kîm and Mîcae J. Peîd
Pubîsed by Sae Unîversîy o New York Press, Abany
© 2011 Sae Unîversîy o New York
A rîgs reserved
Prîned în e Unîed Saes o Amerîca
No par o îs book may be used or reproduced în any manner wasoever wîou wrîen permîssîon. No par o îs book may be sored în a rerîeva sysem or ransmîed în any orm or by any means încudîng eecronîc, eecrosaîc, magneîc ape, mecanîca, poocopyîng, recordîng, or oerwîse wîou e prîor permîssîon în wrîîng o e pubîser.
For înormaîon, conac Sae Unîversîy o New York Press, Abany, NY www.sunypress.edu
Producîon by Eîeen Meean Markeîng by Anne M. Vaenîne
Library of Congress CataloginginPublication Data
Women and Conucîanîsm în Coson Korea : new perspecîves / edîed by  Youngmîn Kîm and Mîcae J. Peîd.  p. cm.  ïncudes bîbîograpîca reerences and îndex.  ïSBN 978-1-4384-3775-0 (ardcover : ak. paper) 1. Women în Conucîanîsm— Korea—Hîsory. 2. Korea—Socîa îe and cusoms—1392–1910. ï. Kîm, Youngmîn. ïï. Peîd, Mîcae J.
BL1842.W66 2011 299.5'1208209519—dc22
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Lîs o ïusraîons
Caper 1 ïnroducîon  Mîcael J. Peîd and Youngmîn Kîm
Caper 2 Porraî o Two Women: Muîpe Layers o “Conucîanîsm” în Lae Cosŏn Korea  Youngmîn Kîm
Caper 3 he Exempar Wîe: he Lîe o Lady Cang o Andong în Hîsorîca Conex  Lee SoonGu
Caper 4 Conucîan Educaîona Works or Upper Saus Women în Cosŏn Korea  Mîcael J. Peîd
Caper 5 Neo-Conucîanîsm as Free-loaîng Resource: ïm Yunjîdang and Kang Cŏngîdang as Two Femae Neo-Conucîan Pîosopers în Lae Cosŏn  Youngmîn Kîm
Caper 6 he Rîgs o e Edes Dauger-în-Law and Srengenîng o Adopîon o Lîneage Heîrs în e Mîd-Cosŏn Perîod  Lee SoonGu
Caper 7 Quesîons Concernîng Wîdows’ Socîa Saus and Remarrîage în Lae Cosŏn  Jung Jî-Young
Caper 8 Devaued Bodîes, Revaued Saus: Conucîanîsm and e Pîg o Femae Saves în Lae Cosŏn Korea  Mîlan Hejmanek
Tabe 7.1 Tabe 7.2 Tabe 7.3 Tabe 7.4 Tabe 7.5 Tabe 7.6 Tabe 7.7 Tabe 7.8 Tabe 8.1 Tabe 8.2
Fîgure 4.1 Fîgure 4.2
Lîs o ïusraîons
Gender o Successor o Houseoder (%) Types o Successîon o Houseoder (%) Cass and Successors o Houseoder (%) Pace o Resîdence: ïn-Laws or Naa Home Wîdows’ Houseod o Resîdence and Socîa Cass Percenage o Wîdows among Women over e age o Tweny Paerns o Women’s Remarrîage în e Tansŏng Houseold RegîserRemarrîed Women and Wîdows P’îram SŏwŏnNobî Marrîages Tosan SŏwŏnNobîîn a 1708 Roser Marrîages
112 113 115 118 120
126 128 143 143
56 57
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Mîcae J. Peîd and Youngmîn Kîm
hîs voume expores e reaîonsîp beween Conucîanîsm and women în mîd- o ae Cosŏn Korea rom a wîde range o perspecîves, rom socîa îsory roug îeraure and poîîca oug o îneecua îs-1 ory. For ose îneresed în Korean îneecua and cuura îsory, e Cosŏn dynasy marks e ascendancy o Neo-Conucîanîsm as e domînan sysem o socîa governance. ïndeed, Korean socîey underwen sîgnîican canges a afeced women as we as oer members o socîey as Neo-Conucîanîsm became rooed în socîey and cuure durîng e ae Cosŏn dynasy. Despîe a seemîng consensus o scoary opînîon concernîng e genera rubrîc o e “Conucîanîzaîon o e ae Cosŏn dynasy,” e muîdîmensîona cuure mîîeu o ae Cosŏn în genera and women’s îsory în parîcuar demand urer învesîgaîon. Peraps, a seemîngy conradîcory endency în e ied o Korean sudîes woud suIce or demonsraîng e need or suc urer înves-îgaîon. As an îneecua îsorîan noed, one may ind onese rapped în înconsîsency wen one sees e ac a scoars în women’s îsory oten empasîze e conînuaîon o “Conucîanîzaîon” în ae Cosŏn wîe ose în îsory o Korean Conucîanîsm ake noe o new rends suc as e so-caedsîrak(subsanîve earnîng) movemen în e same perîod o e Cosŏn dynasy. ïndeed, as e ever-deepenîng “Conucîan-îzaîon” was an împoran eaure o ae Cosŏn socîey, so oo was e rîse o varîous new rends o oug and cuure. How can we accoun or îs kînd o apparen înconsîsency? One may be emped o expaîn î by noîng a e ormer was oten advocaed
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