End Procrastination Forever , livre ebook









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If you've ever said, "I'll do it later", then read on!
While Aingeal Rose & Ahonu focus most of their attention in the spiritual realm, they found from 1,000s of inquiries over the last 30 years that spiritual progress for many people was impeded by putting off doing their life's work in the physical world. Many people showed great spiritual integrity while admitting their physical lives were a sham. Others were ashamed at how disorganized they were, how many bad habits they fell prey to, and how inconsistent they were in their approach to being a spiritual warrior. In this book, they focus on daily life and address how to build good habits and how to stop procrastinating.
If you have ever wondered why you haven't reached the success you want for yourself, or why your life isn't how you imagined it, the problem just might lie in procrastination and putting things off until tomorrow. In fact, if you are reading this now, the odds are that's the case.
Putting off important tasks and not building good habits are at the root of most people's lack of success. Everyone gets distracted sometimes but successful people don't let it stand in their way. They overcome because they know with action all circumstances are changeable!
At any moment in time you can change your next step. You can choose to continue down the path you're on, or you can set your life up for miracle-mindedness. You're always one choice away from a completely different life!
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Date de parution

12 juillet 2018

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Poids de l'ouvrage

2 Mo


Ending Procrastination
Why Do You Procrastinate?
How This Book Works
Why Do You Procrastinate?
You Never Have Enough Time
The Easy Way & The Hard Way
Understanding, Motivation, Miracles
To Your Success
Step 1: It All Starts With Settings Goals
Creating Milestones
Creating Milestones
Step 2: A Plan To Get You From A To B
Step 2: A Plan To Get You From A To B
Step 3: Break Down Your Milestones
The First Milestone
Step 4: Eliminate Distractions
A Word About Distractions
Step 5: Feel The Fear But Do It Anyway
Step 6: Beat Procrastination In 5 Stages
Step 7: Get And Stay Motivated
Putting It All Into Action
Putting It All Into Action
Putting It All Into Action
Birds Of A Feather
Don't Overextend Yourself
Our Final Words
Resource Cheat Sheet
6 Ways To Boost Productivity
About The Authors
Connect with The Authors
More to Explore
Keep Reading

Published by Twin Flame Productions LLC
© 2018 Aingeal Rose & Ahonu. All Rights Reserved. E&OE.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright holder. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Under no circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for resale.

End Procrastination, Forever

O'Grady, Aingeal Rose, 1953 –  
O'Grady, Kevin (Ahonu), 1958 -  
End Procrastination, Forever
Aingeal Rose & Ahonu.
ISBN-10: 1-880765-00-4
ISBN-13: 978-1-880765-00-5
Designed and Edited by: Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

Artwork: AHONU.com
Published by Harmony House,
an imprint of Twin Flame Productions LLC
Printed in the United States of America

The authors and publisher shall not be liable for any misuse of the material in this book. This book is strictly for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. The author and/or publisher do not guarantee or warrant that anyone following the techniques, suggestions, tips, ideas, or strategies in this book will become successful at anything. The author and/or publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to anyone with respect to any loss or damage howsoever caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book. Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.  
“The really happy people are those who have broken the chains of procrastination, those who find satisfaction in doing the job at hand. They’re full of eagerness, zest, productivity. You can be, too.”
— Norman Vincent Peale
My name is Ahonu, and along with my wife and Twin Flame Aingeal Rose, we welcome you to End Procrastination, Forever . You are probably searching, seeking, and looking for how to be more efficient, how to earn more money, or how to get more done in what seems to be ever-shortening days.
Aingeal Rose has been accessing the Akashic Field for over 30 years doing private consultations for people around the world ( https://Aingealrose.com ) and one of the main issues for people is the fear of dying before they accomplish what they’ve come here to do.
So, we went back to many of the old reliable ways of doing things because they worked. We built our business on documenting our journey of consciousness so we can help you, too, and now use that as our tagline in our banner headlines.
Because we know what works (and how to defeat procrastination), in the last few years we wrote and published over 100 books, created over 250 videos, hosted over 275 podcasts, organized live workshops, and ran 3-4 meet-ups a week from our home in Bend, Oregon. This book outlines how we achieved so much and we condensed it all down into an easy-to-follow guide so you can do what you came here to do. Here is the answer to procrastination!
We are in a time of major change and many perceive our world to be in deep trouble, but the key issue is how we handle it. Sometimes change causes people to go into a deep depression and a kind of paralysis; for others, it challenges them to make their lives better.
Some people can move through these changes easily while others struggle with a lack of direction and disorientation.
In this book we help you avoid procrastination. We condensed it all down into simple ways to help you become more purposeful, more fulfilled, and in that way, happier.
Remember, we are in a time of accelerated personal and spiritual advancement. This time cycle is offering the potential for great illumination, joy, and blessings and we can all catch the wave. It is our intention that this book will help you shift and adjust to the demands of this whirlwind opportunity called life. We offer you this guide and hope you will experience peace, understanding and illumination by overcoming procrastination and achieving more by never saying, “Not now, later!”
While Aingeal Rose & I focus most of our attention in the spiritual realm, we found from 1,000s of inquiries over the last 30 years that spiritual progress for many people was impeded by putting off doing their life's work in the physical world. Many people showed great spiritual integrity while admitting their physical lives were a sham. Others were ashamed at how disorganized they were, how many bad habits they fell prey to, and how inconsistent they were in their approach to being a spiritual warrior. For the first time in this book we focus on daily life and address how to build good habits and how to stop procrastinating.
If you've ever wondered why you haven't reached the success you want for yourself, or why your life isn't how you imagined it, the problem just might lie in your putting things off until tomorrow. In fact, if you're reading this now, the odds are that's the case. Procrastination, distractions, putting off important tasks and not building good habits are at the root of most people's lack of success.
The most successful people in the world procrastinate, and everyone gets distracted sometimes, but successful people don't let it stand in the way of what they want. They overcome, because with action, all circumstances are changeable!
At any moment in time you can change your next step. You can choose to continue down the path you're on, or you can set your life up for miracles. You're always one choice away from a completely different life. What will you choose now, in this moment?
For people who have made a habit of procrastination, it can seem like reaching goals and quitting your procrastinating ways is impossible.
So if you...
• Have been working hard but just can't seem to create the success or abundance you see in the lives of others around you...
• Continue to experience health challenges, fatigue, or stress despite having changed your diet, lifestyle habits, and exercise routine…
• Feel hopeless because the happiness you've longed for continues to elude you...
• You feel like your life is good but you want to take it to the miraculous... then this book is for you!
When you embrace miracles and stop making the mistakes that keep your miraculous life away, everything can change — sometimes instantaneously!
Remember, people overcome difficulties every day, and in that way, you are already an achiever. What you need most now though, is a plan of action.
This plan of action is your step-by-step guide. Inside we show you how to end procrastination in your life. We teach you how to make good habits. We teach you the keys to getting things done right away, in the best way! These are good habits that will stand by you throughout your life.
This book is a step-by-step guide to help you eliminate procrastination and manage your time better. There are seven main steps you will follow, and each step is broken into smaller ones (a philosophy you'll soon be implementing yourself). The steps are digestible, and able to be completed easily in a short time. So, begin at the beginning, and complete each step in sequence.
This book takes you through the entire process of completing a single, large goal and removing the obstacles that stand in your way, like poor time management, getting distracted by email or Facebook, and other techno-distractions.
In each chapter, we discuss common mistakes people make that have kept miracles from flowing into their lives.
Common Mistakes We See People Make
Holding on when it’s time to let go. Not thinking you’re worthy of miracles. Using the power of your mind to visualize what you don't want. Surrounding yourself with the wrong people. Overcoming procrastination will turn those mistakes around so you can start living more in the miracle zone!

Some people procrastinate without realizing they are doing it, while others are well aware yet do not take any course of action to stop it. Aingeal Rose & I looked into what might cause people to procrastinate, and we found many reasons. Three common ones came to the surface as to why people fall into procrastination.
The Immense Fear Of Failure

Sometimes procrastination is based on fear. We don't do what we want to or think we should because we fear failure. We could be afraid of how much work is involved or how much time it will take. These fears might feel as if they are paralyzing us. However, there are individuals who treat failure as a stepping stone towards learning and ultimately success in life. Others have a different viewpoint of failure. It seems that failure has a devastating effect on them, making them

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