In Quest of the Rock - Discussion Guide , livre ebook









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From the monastic devotion of the church fathers and mothers to the spiritual disciplines we espouse today, the church has always searched for ways to deepen discipleship and to grow in Christ. In the book that this discussion guide complements, In Quest of the Rock, the author delves into the source material, exploring Peter’s transformation from fisherman to apostle through the power of relational encounter.
As readers are empowered to see their own journeys in the light of Peter’s, they will recognize their disappointments and unfulfilled aspirations as invitations into the reshaping and healing of their own hearts. This is a powerful resource for all who desire to grow in Christ, as well as those involved in the discipling of others.
Intended for small group settings, this accompanying discussion guide journeys through each chapter of the book, to deepen the reader’s understanding and encourage fruitful, challenging conversation.
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Date de parution

02 mai 2023





In Quest of the Rock
Peter’s Transformative Journey with Jesus
Michael F. Kuhn
Illustrated by Bethany Giles

© 2023 Michael F. Kuhn
Published 2023 by Langham Global Library
An imprint of Langham Publishing
Langham Publishing and its imprints are a ministry of Langham Partnership
Langham Partnership
PO Box 296, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 9WZ, UK
978-1-83973-855-5 Print
978-1-83973-856-2 ePub
Michael F. Kuhn has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 to be identified as the Author of this work.
All attributions in relation to any part of this work should include the following information: Michael F. Kuhn, In Quest of the Rock Discussion Guide. Carlisle: Langham Global Library, 2023.
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Scripture quotations unless indicated are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-83973-855-5
Illustrations and Cover picture: © Bethany Giles
Cover & Book Design:
Langham Partnership actively supports theological dialogue and an author’s right to publish but does not necessarily endorse the views and opinions set forth here or in works referenced within this publication, nor can we guarantee technical and grammatical correctness. Langham Partnership does not accept any responsibility or liability to persons or property as a consequence of the reading, use or interpretation of its published content.

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Before You Begin

Introduction A Spiritually Formative Journey

Prologue Spiritual Formation

1 Facing the Shadow-Self

2 Stepping into Chaos

3 Awakening

4 Unveiling

5 Serendipity

6 The Unmasking

7 The Sifting

8 The Pursuit

9 Spiritual Reflexes: Part 1

10 Spiritual Reflexes: Part 2

11 The Reorientation

12 The Confrontation

13 The Legacy

Epilogue 1 Going Deeper

Epilogue 2 Peter’s Letters

About Langham Partnership

Before You Begin

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