Answers From The Akashic Records Vol 5 , livre ebook









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In this book Aingeal Rose & Ahonu explore Consciousness, The 5th Dimension, Chemtrails, The Death Urge, Coming Events, Positive & Negative Thoughts, Origin of The Fall, Ayhuasca, Family and Ancestral Beliefs, Living Longer, Evil People, Disaster Areas, Reptilian Hybrids, Remote Viewing, Multiple Sclerosis, How to be more Psychic, Clairvoyant and Clairaudient, Dark Matter, Islam, Homosexuality, Solar Flares, Dolphin Slaughter, and more!
In the previous book in this series, Vol 4, the questions were on Past Life Memories, Cloning, US Politics, World Politics, the Best Way to Pray, Light Codes, Sun Gazing, Negative Thoughts, Brain Power, Torture, Free Energy, Cremation vs Burial, Higher Consciousness, and more! Some of the profound statements from that book were: God/Source has no judgment around suicide, Sometimes our greatest soul victories are achieved during our darkest hours, Every lifetime provides unlimited opportunities for love and forgiveness, and Your ego is suspended when your I AM presence is invited into your body.
In the next book, Volume 6 of the Answers From The Akashic Records series, the topics will be all about: Chakras, Creation, DNA, Experiences, Forgiveness, Life, Planets, Religions, Technology, Toxicity, Truth, War & more.
About Aingeal Rose & Ahonu
Aingeal Rose (USA) & Ahonu (Ireland) are a twin flame couple who devote their lives to helping you grow in spiritual awareness in an awakening world. Through their online Akashic Record sessions, podcasts, workshops, retreats and private/business consulting; they have empowered thousands of people worldwide. 
Drawing on over 60 years of combined experience in self-mastery and personal empowerment, they bring practical spirituality into a fast changing world so you can find it easier to live, love and grow. Aingeal Rose & Ahonu are ordained ministers in the non-denominational Alliance of Divine Love Ministry and bring that devotion into everything they do.
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Date de parution

06 janvier 2017

Nombre de lectures







Author's Note
7 Planes of Consciousness
5th Plane Master
Earth Changes
Earth Changes
An Event Coming
Why Healthy People Die
Multiple Sclerosis
Self Healing
Reducing Negative Thinking
Past Family Beliefs
What Caused The Fall
Raising Your Frequency
Living Longer
Psychiatric Drugs
Evil People
Human-Reptilian Hybrids
How To Be Psychic and Clairvoyant
Dark Matter
Japan and Dolphins
The Right Path
The Profundities
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Connect With The Authors
About the Authors
More to Explore
Volume 5 (of 100)
Down-stepped By Aingeal Rose & Ahonu

Published by Twin Flame Productions LLC
© 2017 Aingeal Rose & Ahonu. All Rights Reserved. E&OE.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission of the copyright holder. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Under no circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for resale.

Series Info: 5 th in the Series
Answers From The Akashic Records
Library of Congress cataloging in publication data  

O'Grady, Aingeal Rose, 1953 –  
O'Grady, Kevin (Ahonu), 1958-  
Answers From The Akashic Records Volume 5
Aingeal Rose & Ahonu.
ISBN-10: 1-68323-059-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-68323-059-0

Designed and Edited by: Aingeal Rose & Ahonu
From a session on 3 June, 2013.
Published by Akashic Records Press,  
an imprint of Twin Flame Productions LLC
Printed in the United States of America  

The authors and publisher shall not be liable for any misuse of the material in this book. This book is strictly for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. The author and/or publisher do not guarantee or warrant that anyone following the techniques, suggestions, tips, ideas, or strategies in this book will become successful at anything. The author and/or publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to anyone with respect to any loss or damage howsoever caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book. Read the Disclaimer at the end of this book before continuing.
The Akashic Records say b e very careful
what you give your attention to,
as your thoughts energize what you focus on.
We hope this book helps you
give attention to those thoughts
that energize unlimited love
  for you and all your family!
Hello! My name is Ahonu, and along with my wife and Twin Flame Aingeal Rose, we welcome you to Answers From The Akashic Records . You are probably here just like all of us, searching, seeking, looking for answers to the deeper questions of life.
We have been through the dis-information, the lies, the deceit, the coercion, the power and control that has kept us enslaved for eons. We have been injected with mercury from vaccines, inhaled chemtrail-filled air, drunk the fluoridated water, been bombarded with electro-magnetic radiation, eaten irradiated and genetically modified food, and listened to the nonsense and lies coming from our politicians, priests and teachers. But we always knew there was truth we were not being told. We knew the old ways didn’t work, but believed there were no alternatives. So, we continued to obey, and abide by the old rules, and remained enslaved in our own minds, and carried on working 9-5 every day, paying taxes and growing old.
Our world may be in deep trouble and we know we are in a time of major change. We find that some people can move through these changes easily while others struggle with depression, illness and disorientation. We understand that those reading this may have been experiencing the same thing — we have felt it ourselves, and there seemingly was no solution.
For this reason, Aingeal Rose and I decided to invite people to come to weekly group sessions to inquire into the Akashic Records for the purpose of understanding our world, our spirituality, our Earth changes and more. Aingeal Rose had been accessing the Akashic field for over 25 years doing private consultations for people around the world. You are reading the results.
In these volumes of practical spirituality in a changing world , you will find answers to questions about Consciousness, Twin Flames & Soul Mates, Kundalini, Chakras, Gifted Children, Fairies, Healing, Lightbodies, God, Creation, The Future, Inner Earth, Conception, Saints, Longevity, DNA, Marijuana, Free Energy, Famous Deceased, Stress, Prophecies, Prayer, Joy, Christian Sacraments, Alchemy, Dolphins & Whales, Symbolism in your Everyday Life, What the Trees Have to Say, What the Water, the Oceans, the Sky, and the Land has to say.
You will find answers about the Solar System, Crystals, Earth, Evolution, Technology, Luck, Karma, Planes of Existence After Death, Time, Timelines, Ghosts, Spirits, Multidimensional Selves, Sacred Geometry and more topics asked by people around the world.
The answers to these questions became the basis for Aingeal Rose’s first book called A Time of Change which is available from . Her 2nd book, called The Nature of Reality can be ordered from .
For more information about us and our work, go to: . There you will find testimonials, podcasts, healing services, home study courses, private consultations, books, audio books, downloads and more.
This is the time for accelerated advancement and we can all ‘ catch the wave ‘. It is our intention that these volumes will help you shift and adjust to the demands of this time period because this time period is offering the potential for great illumination, joy and blessings. We offer you this information from Source via the Akashic Records and hope you will experience peace, understanding, illumination and personal betterment from what is contained herein.

Aingeal Rose & Ahonu
Central Oregon
January 2017

About The Akashic Records

The Akashic Records is a ‘ place ’ in spirit, a vast library, where the events of creation and everything in it is recorded. Everyone has access to the Akashic Records where all these answers are held if they are able to tune into them. The Records are a field of knowledge about creation and the movement of our lives.

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