Dancing A Quantum Dream , livre ebook









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This book is a commitment I made to Spirit 40 years ago. Back then, Spirit asked me, "Would you dance a new dream for the people?" This book is that realization. It contains my quantum poetry, heart-centered tai-chi, and my connections to the Grandmothers and Grandfathers (who I identify as the Denisovian Shamanic forbears, discovered by the shamanic experiences of a Siberian particle physics scientist and a Siberian medical doctor/psychiatrist). Amongst much metaphysical teachings and potent new planetary information, it includes Graham Hancock's conversation with Robert Bauval about the purpose of the Sphinx and Pyramids at the Giza complex, and the testimony of Mary Magdalene about the teachings of Jesus. It is all laid onto a background of 80 years of quiet miracles of healing, teaching, and communicating shamanically online and off, on 4 continents.
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Date de parution

01 mai 2022

Nombre de lectures






Dancing A Quantum Dream



Dreams Are Real



Rolling Thunder

1. The Heart And The Heart’s Code

Non-sense of Reality: A Quantum Physics Rap

Warrior of the Light

2. The Dreamcatcher Heritage Collection

The Unbroken Circle

Dream After A Dream

3. T’ai Chi For The Heart

The Wind

Many Dreams

Who—What Are You?

4. The Heart And Healing


5. Mishanagqus Of Utowna

Dancing Through The Stars

Listening To Whispers In The Heart

Twin Towers of Tragedy

Angels Of The Light

Twin Flames

Grandmothers & Grandfathers Of Ishpeming

6. Laughing Bird

The Marriage Of Sun And Moon

Ch 7—Conversation With Ego-Mind

I AM The River

Earth Dream Theater

7. White Feather

8. Grandfather Story Stones

9. Prophecy Of The Seventh Fire

10. Mary, The Migdala


11. You Are A Child Of God’s Universe

Come World

God’s Universe has brought me into being to be a Master of Play

12. Dancing A New Dream

Dancing A New Dream

Soaring With The White Eagle

Dancing A Quantum Dream ~ allen aslan heart


Thank you for reading!

About the Author


Dreams Are Real

Dreams are real, even if you cannot touch them. Healing happens, sometimes you cannot feel it. Departed ones are not gone, they are as close as ever, there is no such place as far away, no such time as then. Co-existing with our common world of time and space is another world, a quantum world in which time and space do not exist. Dreams come from either of these co-existing worlds.

allen aslan heart ~ whiteaglesoaring
Warning—Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty

Copyright © 2022 allen aslan heart
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information and retrieval systems without prior permission from the publisher in writing.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Heart, Allen Aslan, 1941-
Dancing a Quantum Dream: 70 years of Quiet Miracles of Healing, Teaching and Shamanic Communications
/ allen aslan heart.

ISBN Paperback: 9798885440035
ISBN eBook: 9798885440042
ISBN Hardback: 9798885440059

Cover and Interior Artwork: AHONU.com
Manuscript Editor: AHONU
Manuscript Designer: AHONU.com

First Edition.
Published in the USA

Address all inquiries to:
World of Empowerment
an imprint of Twin Flame Productions LLC
Via eMail to admin@twinflameproductions.us
Or phone +1-224-588-8026

The author and publisher shall not be liable for your misuse of the material in this book. This book is strictly for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. The author and/or publisher do not guarantee or warrant that anyone following the techniques, suggestions, tips, ideas, or strategies in this book will become successful at anything. The opinions of the author are not necessarily those of the publisher. The author and/or publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to anyone with respect to any loss or damage howsoever caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book. Always consult a licensed health practitioner for all health issues.
allen aslan heart

This book is a commitment I made to Spirit 40 years ago. Back then, Spirit asked me would I dance a new dream for the people? This book is that realization. It contains my quantum poetry, heart-centered tai-chi, and my connections to the Grandmothers and Grandfathers (who I identify as the Denisovan Shamanic forbears, discovered by the shamanic experiences of a Siberian particle physics scientist and a Siberian medical doctor/psychiatrist).
Amongst much metaphysical teachings and potent new planetary information, it includes Graham Hancock's conversation with Robert Bauval about the purpose of the Sphinx and Pyramids at the Giza complex, and the testimony of Mary Magdalene about the teachings of Jesus. It is all laid onto a background of 70 years of quiet miracles of healing, teaching, and communicating shamanically online and off, on 4 continents.
This book is a steppingstone on a journey across tempestuous seas of mind and ego in this tumultuous time in the 21st century. I will introduce you to the Grandmothers and Grandfathers who have guided and cajoled me each step along the way, from childhood to old age. I suspect they might have once been children in Siberia, perhaps among the inhabitants of the Altai Mountains. They learned and intuited their ways from their elders who had discovered another world that co-existed with our world of time and space.
This other world had different rules—time and space did not exist. Therefore, the other world was forever, had no rules for dimension—no up, down, left or right, no weight or height, no forward or back.
They had discovered the quantum world that our civilization would not discover until the beginning of the 20th century and call it “quantum mechanics”. They found another reality that they chose beyond mind and body so that they could pass their discoveries and wisdom to the human civilizations throughout eternity—a quantum heaven.
These Grandmothers and Grandfathers were able to arrange for me, an awesome journey of unexpected deep learning. The Dreamkeeper spoke to me one morning as I awakened from a deep sleep. I had gotten sick on my way to an art show in Santa Monica, California. After struggling to get through the show, I decided the smartest choice was to return to my home in Denver and create my own version of a sweat lodge—several layers of clothes, crawl into bed under several layers of blankets, and “sweat it out”. It worked! And as I awakened, I heard a voice saying my name. I answered, and the voice asked me,
“Allen, would you dance a new dream that the people might live?”
I answered, “Yes… but what does that mean?”
The voice answered, “We will show you.”
For the next 30 years or more they have shown me. This book is the completion of that journey.
Bawaudjigeyaun wae-ondji manitouwiyaun! (—Ojibwe, To dreams I owe the mystery!)

allen heart
We are children of God’s Universe
We close our eyes and pray
Until we’re wrapp’d in holiness
Where we dance and sing and play.

allen heart

Growing up on a farm in Minnesota I had many opportunities to climb trees and barn roofs, build treehouses, gather gooseberries in the woods, skinny-dip in the river, tame pigeons to sit on my shoulder, go fishing with my dad and brother. Nights I’d read the Bible cover to cover with a flashlight, under a blanket to extend my reading past bedtime. I loved to sit by a window during a thunderstorm to watch the light show and feel the power of thunder and lightning. On summer nights I’d lie on the lawn to watch the stars, note the changes of the moon, awed by the Sun and its eclipses.
During my nighttime chores, milking our one cow, I’d tune our old gothic radio I had in the barn so I could explore the broadcasts in search of faraway radio stations, much like Dr. Arroway searching for contact in faraway galaxies in the movie. I was thrilled to contact far flung broadcasts of XERF, Del Rio, Texas in that wonderful South Texas twang. And it helped me to be in touch with a larger world than I experienced in the small world of our family farm.
I listened to the spirit wind. I learned to pause often to listen. Sometimes, when plowing or cultivating in the north forty, out of sight of my watchful Dad, I’d stop the tractor for a while and walk down to the nearby creek to lie in the tall grass and watch the play of clouds and listen to the gentle whisper of the breeze in the grass. From my days as a young boy on a farm in Minnesota in the 1950’s I was introduced to possibilities beyond the expected norm. I’ll share elements of this life journey with you so that you can be open to the miracles of existence that I experienced and the discoveries I made as these miracles began to connect.
Humans are remarkable beings with amazing capacities confirmed and studied scientifically. Here is a small sample of my childhood inner journey that I‘ve captured in poetry.

Under a golden summer sunny afternoon
cloud-wisped, blue sky
we raced raucously into the farmyard headlong,
boysterously kicking dust into a storm around us.
Passing the gate,
I froze in amazement!
I had been here before!
We had been here before!
Doing exactly what we had done before!
Does space and time repeat itself?
Are there holes in space and time?
leaking past or future
into the present?
Are there other me’s ahead
standing frozen in amazement,
remembering seeing us do
what they just did?
Or was this just an illusion,
a half-remembered dream?
Perhaps dreams are places where I meet my past and future.
Perhaps there’s more to life than… they were staring at me.
So, I grinned and laughed.
“Sorry, guys. I just thought I saw us doing this before.
Just my imagination, I guess, huh?”
We all laughed and took off on a dead run for the house and lunch.
Just my imagination… I guess.
The Spirals sighed and danced a chaotic rhythm.
“He lives playfully in his heart and dances with the clouds and stars,” they all sang.
“Most importantly, he feels his connection to all that is and lets go of doing, to just be,” replied a Grandmother.
“He’s already experimenting with Reality! He will need to open his mind as well as his heart to show others the path of the heart,” said the Dreamkeeper.
I awakened early one morning to watch a total eclipse of the sun through my dad’s welding helmet. Remembering that morning many years later I was moved to write this:

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