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When does becoming part of the team go too far?

For decades, young men and women endured degrading and dangerous rituals in order to join sororities and fraternities while college administrators blindly accepted their consequences. In recent years, these practices have spilled over into the mainstream, polluting military organizations, sports teams, and even secondary schools. In Destroying Young Lives: Hazing in Schools and the Military, Hank Nuwer assembles an extraordinary cast of analysts to catalog the evolution of this dangerous practice, from the first hazing death at Cornell University in 1863 to present day tragedies. This hard-hitting compilation addresses the numerous, significant, and often overlooked impacts of hazing, including including sexual exploitation, mental distress, depression, and even suicide.

Destroying Young Lives is a compelling look at how universities, the military, and other social groups can learn from past mistakes and protect their members going forward.

Introduction: The Perils of Hazing / Hank Nuwer
1. Dead to Rites: The Chlorine Poisoning of Henrietta Jackson / Hank Nuwer
2. Hazing in Fraternities and Sororities: A Primer / Hank Nuwer
3. A Need for Transparency: Parents, Students Must Make Informed Decisions About Greek Life Risks / Douglas Fierberg and Chloe Neely
4. Shame: The Hidden Harm of Hazing for Victims and Hazers / Tracy Maxwell
5. Sexual Hazing: A Wrongful Passage / Norm Pollard
6. Ill Met by Moonlight: The First Fraternity Hazing Death / Hank Nuwer
7. Eliminating Band Hazing: What Must Be Done / Malinda Matney
8. Hazing and Gender: Lenses for Prevention / Elizabeth J. Allan and Morgan B. Kinney
9. Listening to the Voices of the Hazed: An Examination of Race, Violence, and Black Fraternity Membership / Ashley Stone
10. Unspoken Sisterhood: Women in African American Sororities and Their Physical and Mental Ordeals—"Weeding the Good from the Bad" / Gina Lee-Olukoya
11. Sexually Exploitive Athletic Hazing and Title IX in the Public School Locker Room / Susan P. Stuart
12. A Mother's Story: I Lost My Child to Fraternity Hazing / Debbie Smith with Stacey Kennelly
13. How Alfred University Ended the Greek System to Become a Hazing Research Institution / Norm Pollard
14. How Schools May Have Facilitated and Operationalized Hazing: An Interview with Peter F. Lake Author of The Rights and Responsibilities of the Modern University/ Hank Nuwer
15. A Fraternity Model: Addressing Campus Alcohol Misuse and Abuse / Edward G. Whipple and Robert A. Biggs
16. A Realistic Approach to Public Relations for Fraternities in Crisis / Ray Begovich
17. A Sorority Hazing Hero Incurs the Wrath of Alums / Sarah Wild
18. How Reforms and Reformers Played a Role in Changing a Hazing Culture / Allison Swick-Duttine
19. Hazing Hides in Plain Sight: An Open Letter to Hazers from a Nationally Known Speaker / David Westol
20. Hazing and University Ethics: The Need for Faculty Involvement and Guidance / James F. Keenan, SJ
21. Understanding Hazing in the Perilous World of Guyland: An Interview with Michael Kimmel / Hank Nuwer
22. An Unsolved Cold Case: How Did Joe Bisanz Die? / Hank Nuwer
23. Women and a Feminine Leadership Style Can Defeat Hazing / Tracy Maxwell
24. The Purdue Tank Scrap / David Hovde
25. A Blueprint for Greek Reforms: How to Establish an Anti-Hazing Task Force with Concrete "Good First Steps" to Change a Hazing Culture / Travis T. Apgar
26. Hazing and the Law and Litigation: What You Need to Know / R. Brian Crow and Colleen McGlone
27. Smokeouts and Smokescreens: Military Hazing / Hank Nuwer

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Date de parution

01 mars 2018





Destroying Young Lives
Edited by Hank Nuwer
Indiana University Press
This book is a publication of
Indiana University Press
Office of Scholarly Publishing
Herman B Wells Library 350
1320 East 10th Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47405 USA
2018 by Hank Nuwer
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992.
Manufactured in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Nuwer, Hank, editor.
Title: Hazing : destroying young lives / edited by Hank Nuwer.
Description: Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University Press, 2018. | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017051097 (print) | LCCN 2017057864 (ebook) | ISBN 9780253030252 (e-book) | ISBN 9780253029386 (hardback : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780253030047 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Hazing-United States. | College students-United States-Conduct of life. | Greek letter societies-United States. | Initiations (into trades, societies, etc.)
Classification: LCC LA229 (ebook) | LCC LA229 .H39 2018 (print) | DDC 371.5/80973-dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017051097
1 2 3 4 5 23 22 21 20 19 18
In memory of Harrison Kowiak and all others who have perished due to hazing .
To all the Hank Nuwer Anti-Hazing Hero Award recipients recognized by HazingPrevention.Org .
To my wife, Gosia Wroblewska-Nuwer, for her unflagging support of my research on hazing .
And that is why I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.
-Elie Wiesel, Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
[The hazers ] code of honor exalts perjury as a virtue.
-Julian Hawthorne, The Crime of Hazing, Munsey s Magazine , March 1905
Introduction: The Perils of Hazing, a Few Thoughts on Forty Years of Writing about Hazing / Hank Nuwer
1 Dead to Rites: The Chlorine Poisoning of Henrietta Jackson / Hank Nuwer
2 Hazing in Fraternities and Sororities: A Primer / Hank Nuwer
3 A Need for Transparency: Parents, Students Must Make Informed Decisions About Greek-Life Risks / Douglas Fierberg and Chloe Neely
4 Shame: The Hidden Harm of Hazing for Victims and Hazers / Tracy Maxwell
5 Sexual Hazing: A Wrongful Passage / Norm Pollard
6 Ill Met by Moonlight: The First Fraternity Hazing Death / Hank Nuwer
7 Eliminating Band Hazing: What Must Be Done / Malinda Matney
8 Hazing and Gender: Lenses for Prevention / Elizabeth J. Allan and Morgan B. Kinney
9 Listening to the Voices of the Hazed: An Examination of Race, Violence, and Black Fraternity Membership / Ashley Stone
10 Unspoken Sisterhood: Women in African American Sororities and Their Physical and Mental Ordeals- Weeding the Good from the Bad / Gina Lee-Olukoya
11 Sexually Exploitive Athletic Hazing and Title IX in the Public School Locker Room: Warriors, Machismo, and Jockstraps / Susan P. Stuart
12 A Mother s Story: I Lost My Child to Fraternity Hazing / Debbie Smith with Stacey Kennelly
13 How Alfred University Ended the Greek System to Become a Hazing Research Institution / Norm Pollard
14 How Schools May Have Facilitated and Operationalized Hazing: An Interview with Peter F. Lake / Hank Nuwer
15 A Fraternity Model: Addressing Campus Alcohol Misuse and Abuse / Edward G. Whipple and Robert A. Biggs
16 A Realistic Approach to Public Relations for Fraternities in Crisis / Ray Begovich
17 A Sorority Hazing Hero Incurs the Wrath of Alums / Sarah Wild
18 How Reforms and Reformers Played a Role in Changing a Hazing Culture / Allison Swick-Duttine
19 Hazing Hides in Plain Sight: An Open Letter to Hazers from a Nationally Known Speaker / David Westol
20 Hazing and University Ethics: The Need for Faculty Involvement and Guidance / James F. Keenan, SJ
21 Understanding Hazing in the Perilous World of Guyland : An Interview with Michael Kimmel / Hank Nuwer
22 A Cold Case: How Did Joe Bisanz Die? / Hank Nuwer
23 Women and a Feminine Leadership Style Can Defeat Hazing / Tracy Maxwell
24 The Purdue Tank Scrap / David Hovde
25 A Blueprint for Greek Reforms: How to Establish an Antihazing Task Force with Concrete Good First Steps to Change a Hazing Culture / Travis T. Apgar
26 Hazing and the Law and Litigation: What You Need to Know / R. Brian Crow and Colleen McGlone
27 Smokeouts and Smokescreens: Military Hazing / Hank Nuwer
I THANK FRANKLIN College President Thomas J. Minar, Vice President Tim Garner, and the Franklin Steering Committee for approving my sabbatical in 2016 that enabled me to complete this book. My colleagues in the Pulliam School of Journalism under Director John Krull made the sabbatical possible by dividing my advising and teaching load. Franklin colleagues in other disciplines also have been especially encouraging.
James Wiggins, Adele Cooke, John Cirilli, Gary Eller, Dennis Cripe, Diane Raines, Max Aguilera-Hellweg, Jim Garlits, Joe Jansen, the recently deceased Ben Pesta, late Fraser Drew, Maryruth Glogowski, Muriel A. Howard, and many more friends have been in my corner ever since I tackled hazing four decades ago as my area of expertise. My students and former students over the years have been supportive, none more so than James Garlits, Cody Federmann, and Shelby Mullis.
I thank the library staffs at Cornell University, Indiana University, Ball State University, the History Center in Tompkins County (Ithaca, New York), and, especially, Franklin College for assistance with reference questions.
I am grateful to Buffalo State College s Butler Library archivist Dan DiLandro and special collections staff for housing the Hank Nuwer Hazing Collection to provide research materials for current and future scholars. The Hank Nuwer Collection has celebrated its twentieth anniversary.
In addition to the authors and hazing experts included in this volume whom I counted on for advice and criticism, I have received longtime loyalty from school safety and hazing experts educator Chad Ellsworth; NFHS executive Elliot Hopkins; NCAA hazing expert Mary Wilfert; HazingPrevention.Org executives Emily Pualwan, Michael Gordon, Gretchen Barton, and Lenny Sancilio; the StopHazing.org team; and campus security authority S. Daniel Carter. I also received support over the years from many parents of students killed in hazing incidents, and I am particularly indebted to Lianne and Brian Kowiak, Eileen Stevens, and Julie DeVercelly of the Clery Center for Security on Campus. Other antihazing activists to thank include Alice Haben, Maisie Ballou, Edith Heideman, Ruth Harten, Valerie Bisanz, Charles Eberly, Rita Saucier, Debbie Smith, George Starks, Kelly Henson, Jerry Meredith, William Henson, Andy Robison, David Bianchi, Diane Dhanen, Brian Rahill, Fran Becque, and Julia and Scott Starkey.
Finally, I am indebted to my wife, Gosia Wroblewska-Nuwer, for her patience when I needed time to work on this volume in our Indiana and Warsaw, Poland, residences. I also wish to thank editors Peggy Solic, Ashley Runyon, Mary Jo Rhodes, Jamie Armstrong, and David Hulsey for being one email away if I had questions or they had suggestions to make this book better.
Thank you, all.
C HAPTERS 1 , 3 - 10 , and the Debbie Smith portion of chapters 12 - 19 , 21 , 23 , 25 , and 26 were commissioned for this book and are appearing in print for the first time.
Hank Nuwer s review of the Joe Bisanz cold case ( chapter 22 ) was originally published as Why Did Joe Die, Nuvo Newsweekly 11, no. 13 (2000): 1, 14-16.
James F. Keenan s essay ( chapter 20 ) was reprinted from Keenan s University Ethics: How Colleges Can Build and Benefit from a Culture of Ethics (Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015), 105-112.
David M. Hovde s Purdue Tank Scrap article ( chapter 24 ) was originally published as A Manly Spectacle: Purdue University s Tank Scrap, in Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History 26.1 (Winter 2014): 14-25.
Sections of chapter 27 appeared in Hank Nuwer, Broken Pledges (Atlanta: Longstreet Press, 1990), 201-206.
The Stacey Kennelly section of chapter 12 first appeared as In the Basement No One Can Hear You Scream, Diablo Magazine , 36, 8 (August 4, 2015): 50-53, 110.
Chapter 2 first appeared in Hank Nuwer, Hazing in Fraternities and Sororities, in International Encyclopedia of the Social Behavioral Sciences , 2nd ed., vol. 10, ed. James D. Wright, 554-561, (Oxford: Elsevier, 2015).
Chapter 11 is excerpted from a much longer version published as Warriors, Machismo, and Jockstraps: Sexually Exploitative Athletic Hazing and Title IX in the Public School Locker Room, Western New England Law Review 35, no. 2 (2013): 377-423.
The Perils of Hazing, a Few Thoughts on Forty Years of Writing about Hazing
Hank Nuwer
R EVISING YET ANOTHER volume on hazing has been a challenging undertaking made all the more fulfilling for me as I worked with this book s team of Indiana University Press edit

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