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Togetherness cannot ever be made obvious when our thoughts, emotions and beliefs are contradictory to what we say we want to experience. Being part of the togetherness movement requires an underlying belief system that does not, can not, limit our ability to relate openly and authentically with others. This book shows how to achieve this transition.
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Date de parution

01 juillet 2019

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Copyright © 2019 Daryl Ochs
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means including information and retrieval systems without permission from the publisher in writing, except for brief quotations in book reviews or scholarly journals.
Ochs, Daryl, 1940 –
Making Togetherness Obvious: First Printing 2019 Daryl Ochs.
ISBN 10: 1-880765-91-8 ISBN 13: 9781880765913
Cover Artwork & Design : Ahonu ( Manuscript Designer : Ahonu (
Warning—Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty The author and publisher shall not be liable for your misuse of the material in this book. This book is strictly for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. The author and/or publisher do not guarantee or warrant that anyone following the techniques, suggestions, tips, ideas or strategies in this book will become successful at anything. The author and/or publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to anyone with respect to any loss or damage howsoever caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book. Always consult a licensed health practitioner for all health issues.
Address all inquiries to:
Ahonu & Aingeal Rose Twin Flame Productions LLC 70 SW Century Drive Suite 100-162, Bend, OR 97702, USA +1-224-588-8026
Ch 1: Moving Backward To Go Forward
Ch 2: Keeping The Main Thing The Only Thing
Ch 3: Small Spaces
Ch 4: Omelets Require Broken Eggs
Ch 5: Beware A Pig
Ch 6: A Heavy Burden
Ch 7: Can I Play On Your Team?
Ch 8: Evolutionary Community
Ch 9: Pollyanna Rocks
Appendix I
Appendix II - A Quick Summary
More To Explore
‘Authentic Community’ cannot be recognized until a working sense of Oneness and Connection is in place.
~ Daryl Ochs
I dedicate this book to all those who long to be accepted, listened to, understood, supported and appreciated—while expecting to continue only in the longing. In other words, to all those who seek to understand practical relationships. May this book bring you at least a beginning awareness of how to offer the kind of relationship you long for, so that it will come back to you multiplied many times over.
Special appreciation is due Deanna, my faithful and long-suffering wife, who has encouraged me through years of apparent failure to get my thoughts sufficiently expressed to actually result in a published book. Her unfailing ability to reveal my lack of clear communication when reading early editions saved me repeated embarrassment and wasted effort! Through it all, she has inspired and enabled me to continue pushing ahead until reaching this long-intended result.
Thanks to several friends who read and commented on the evolving editions of this manuscript over several years: Douglas Vernon, Jim Pasmore, Mark McFeely, Annalea Cornell, Paul & Mieke Benton, Hank Queen, Kelsey Collins and probably several others who have been overlooked.
A special thanks to Douglas Vernon who read, commented and provided valuable first-line editing throughout his long involvement with my attempts at making ideas usable for others. This, in addition to his friendship and abiding support over many years.
Inspiration, direction and input from a host of friends and companions along my journey continue to instill hope and expectation for the future. Many of these are personal friends and acquaintances here in Central Oregon, while others have become fond memories through their own writing, lectures and infrequent contact. My college and seminary classmates Ed Boyatt and Edward Turner have maintained their friendship despite our mutually varied paths through, and beyond our ministerial years. Their examples have been a beacon of warmth.
Many cherished friends throughout this endeavor are intellectual giants within various disciplines who have richly enhanced my life and experiences with their wisdom and grace without ever knowing it.
They are men and women whose names are included in the Appendix and without whom I would never have reached this delightful conclusion.
To all of them I owe a debt of gratitude and appreciation.
But a very special recognition goes to my incredible publisher, Ahonu & Aingeal Rose of Twin Flame Productions LLC ( Their encouragement, guidance and suggestions were responsible for this book actually coming to completion. Their knowledge of the publishing industry allows them to offer services and benefits seldom experienced by new authors. With heart-felt appreciation I am delighted to entrust my words to their processes of putting this book into hands and minds around the world.
Thank you, my friends!
The positions presented in this book derive from a curious mixture of personal experience, some wisdom from living this long, ancient wisdom from various spiritual traditions, current scientific understandings, expansive cosmology and a wealth of insight and experience from numerous writers of our day.
I’m often asked if I have another book in the making. Based on the history of this book in the process, I doubt that I’d live long enough to even make the effort for another. The reality is that I’ve already written about eight books over the past fifteen years that now beg for repurposing and publishing, but with different reasons than existed when originally putting thought to print.
Late blooming recognition allows me to now see that each of the other books were simply reflective of a personal journey that slowly led to this point in time. The topic of togetherness was always the purpose of my previous efforts; it took a long time for that to mature into meaningful conversation.
My prior attempts at thoughtful writing were for my personal edification and expansion, not for the benefit of others. Now I’m beginning to understand that my previous involvement in moving forward in life experience may actually have benefit for those who are attempting to further their own exploration of what life is offering.
Much—perhaps even most—of what you’ll encounter here is rapidly becoming public domain and entering the thinking and language of our 21st Century cultural evolution, even if not accompanied by the actual experience of moving from there to here.
It’s one thing to confront a stimulating idea for the first time and quite another to actually live through the steps of how the idea has taken on a life of its own.
In addition to courses, classes and pod casting through my website, I expect to enjoy reverting back to earlier days and sharing my experiences from the stage. So, the definitive answer to the question regarding a new book is a rather emphatic “No!” ... with wriggle room for the unexpected.
While I don’t consider what I have to say herein as more than Night Language (see chapter 6), I constantly cross-check with my sources and resources in the attempt to stay coherent. If I sometimes seem a bit pedantic or biased, it’s likely that I am, in spite of efforts to move away from that stance. For this I apologize in advance.
That’s my story and for now, I’m sticking to it!
The lead-in to the book says there are five steps for repairing the damages of contempt, separation and fear that permeate our culture.
What are they?
Actually, there are many more than just five steps, but the five most important ones are those you select as appropriate for you.
I cannot select them for you, but I would love to know which you select. As you work your way through the book, make notes as to what appears to be calling to you and then select the five that call the loudest. Ask yourself why that is.
And then ask yourself what you’re personally going to do about them. How will you allow those five steps to inform and direct your future? They will become beacons to your soul and to your future.
This is your assignment as you read and contemplate. Don’t be in a hurry; allow your thoughts to mingle with imagination and allow your inner voice to speak truth to you. That will be YOUR truth and no-one else’s.
Oregon 1st Sept 2019
About The Author
I am Daryl Ochs, the founder of . My wife Deanna and I live in Bend, OR where we interact with an evolving group of people focused on learning how to make life more enjoyable and rewarding.
I was 40 years old before it began to dawn on me that perhaps none of us realized what a problem we were collectively creating back in those days. As an ordained evangelical pastor of a southern Oregon church in the mid-1970s, I lived my heart’s desires. Unexpectedly that idyllic life started eroding as I began questioning the credibility of my tribe's theology. Then my role within that mindset turned suspect. It took a couple more years to reach the point where I knew my tenure as a pastor was over.
Taking a leave of absence from my church, then my denomination and finally from all traditional religious beliefs, resulted in virtually all our friends concluding we'd left our minds somewhere behind us! Our struggle for survival led me to experience elements of life I could never have imagined. Suicidal thoughts, infidelity, greed, criminal activities, jail time, loss of identity, bankruptcy, despair, anger, fear and depression finally turned the corner in 2000. I began rebuilding my life.
Since 1976 everything contributed to a slowly-growing awaren

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