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The slave trade, the conquest of the Americas and the invasion of Africa have deeply transformed the relations between Europeans and other groups. The jump from difference to superiority and racial hierarchy was so swift that it led to the moral collapse of Europe and North America. By shifting the devaluation of so-called 'inferior' beings from non-Whites to non-Aryans, Nazism committed the unforgivable crime of bringing into the heart of the European world a ferocity up to then reserved for other continents. In this book, White Ferocity: The Genocides of Non-Whites and Non-Aryans from 1492 to Date, Plumelle-Uribe investigates and demonstrates, with harrowing evidence and analyses, how Europeans justified the destruction of other peoples as unavoidable based on the officially declared belief of others being inferior.
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Date de parution

10 octobre 2020

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4 Mo

White Ferocity
This book is part of the CODESRIA Book Series.
White Ferocity The Genocides of Non-Whites and Non-Aryans from 1492 to Date
Rosa Amelia Plumelle-Uribe
Foreword by Samir Amin & Louis Sala-Molins
Translated from the French by Virginia Popper
Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa DAKAR
©CODESRIA 2020 Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, Angle Canal IV BP 3304 Dakar, 18524, Senegal Website: www.codesria.org
ISBN: 978-2-86978-723-0 (P) ISBN: 978-2-86978-981-4 (E) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without prior permission from CODESRIA.
Typesetting: Daouda Thiam Cover Design: CODESRIA Cover Image: Nineteenth century engravinginL’abolition de l’esclavageby Guy Fau Distributed in Africa by CODESRIA Distributed elsewhere by African Books Collective, Oxford, UK Website: www.africanbookscollective.com
The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) is an independent organisation whose principal objectives are to facilitate research, promote research-based publishing and create multiple forums for critical thinking and exchange of views among African researchers. All these are aimed at reducing the fragmentation of research in the continent through the creation of thematic research networks that cut across linguistic and regional boundaries.
CODESRIA publishesAfrica Development, the longest standing Africa based social science journal;Afrika Zamanihistory; the, a journal of African Sociological Review;Africa Review of Booksand theHigher Education in AfricaJournal of . The Council also co-publishesIdentity, Culture and Politics: An Afro-Asian Dialogue; and theAfro-Arab Selections for Social Sciences. The results of its research and other activities are also disseminated through its Working Paper Series, Book Series, Policy Briefs and theCODESRIA Bulletin. All CODESRIA publications are accessible online at www.codesria.org.
CODESRIA would like to express its gratitude to the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), the Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY), the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Open Society Foundations (OSFs), Oumou Dilly Foundation, Ford Foundation and the Government of Senegal for supporting its research, training and publication programmes.
About the Author............................................................................................vii Foreword to the English Edition – Ferocity of Whites, Ferocity of Capitalism................................................................................ix Samir Amin Foreword to the French Edition – Gorée .................................................xvii Louis Sala-Molins Preface ...........................................................................................................xxix Acknowledgements ...................................................................................xxxiii Introduction .......................................................................................................1
I The Exclusion of Non-Whites or the Institutionalisation of Barbarity 1. The Destruction of Native Americans ............................................... 11 2. The Annihilation of Black People ....................................................... 27 3. Saint-Domingue ...................................................................................... 59
4. From One Continent to Another......................................................... 69
II The Ideological Weight of White Supremacy 5. From the Exclusion of Non-Whites to the Exclusion of Non-Aryans............................................................... 91
6. Business Comes First............................................................................ 113
White Ferocity
7. The Weight of Racist Ideologies.........................................................129 8. The Racist Tradition of the United States.........................................147 9. The Consequences of Normalisation ................................................181
III Apartheid – A Crime against Humanity... But the Other One 10. When Nazism Becomes the Sort of Thing With Which One Can Associate ................................................................................ 197 11. Back Full Circle to the Exclusion of Non-Whites........................... 215 12. Never Again! Well..., Not in Europe Anyway ................................... 227 13. They Did Not Realise Blacks Are Humans....................................... 241
Conclusion .....................................................................................................259
Bibliography ...................................................................................................265
Index ...............................................................................................................273
About the Author
France-based lawyer and essayist Rosa Amelia Plumelle-Uribe was born on 24 December 1951 in Montelíbano, Colombia. Towards the end of the 1970s, in Bogota, the capital of Colombia, Rosa Amelia Plumelle-Uribe was part of the “Black Culture” group, where she became aware of the position of Blacks in the history of humankind. From then on, she has focused her work on denouncing crimes and injustices perpetrated under the banner of white domination and oppression and the racial discrimination of other groups, including the slave trade, slavery, massacres of indigenous peoples by settler populations, colonialism, Nazism and apartheid. Through her work over the years, she continues to build a different North–South relationship.
White Ferocity
In 2001, Plumelle-Uribe’s research and reections over many years came to fruition with the publication ofLa férocité blanche. Des non-Blancs aux non-Aryens : génocides occultés de 1492 à nos jours(Albin Michel), and a German edition published in 2004. Another workTraite des Blancs, traites des Noirs : aspects méconnus et conséquences actuelles(L’Harmattan, 2008) focuses essentially on how on one hand Arab-Muslim slave traders exported Africans to Asia, Europe and the Middle East, and on the other hand how Europeans had continued to sell themselves to one another.
In recent years, the demand for reparations for the crimes of the slave trade has triggered great hostility among the powers implicated in those crimes. Confronted by the opposition to reparation by all those that felt threatened by the very idea, Plumelle-Uribe publishedVictimes des esclavagistes musulmans, chrétiens et juifs. Racialisation et banalisation d’un crime contre l’humanité(Anibwé, 2012) to demonstrate the responsibilities of the players, benefactors and beneîciaries of slavery and the slave trade.
Following the deadly terror attacks of November 13, 2015 in France, Plumelle-Uribe published13 novembre 2015. Victimes innocentes des guerres (Anibwé, 2016) to analyse the historical circumstances and causes that have made civilian populations vulnerable and jeopardised everyone’s security. She examines elements that help to understand that, in the new reality of the twenty-îrst century, the reciprocity of violence is such that military interventions in the South are no longer feasible without compromising the security of civilian populations in the North.
Plumelle-Uribe has also contributed to several collective works such asEsclavage, colonisation, libérations nationales(L’Harmattan, 2000),Déraison, esclavage et droit(UNESCO, 2006),Crimes de l’histoire et réparations : les réponses du droit et de la justice(Bruylant, 2004), and50 ans après, quelle indépendance pour l’Afrique(Philippe Rey, 2010) among others.
Foreword to the English Edition
Ferocity of Whites, Ferocity of Capitalism
Samir Amin
Rosa Amelia Plumelle-Uribe’s book needed to be written; now it must be read. The crimes against humanity perpetrated on a huge scale since 1492, centuries before the Nazi crimes – the genocide of the Native Americans,the Atlantic slave trade and slavery – are known, or should be known, to everybody. But any reference to these crimes is immediately buried in the complacency of the public today, at least the citizens of the United States and of Europe. All this belongs to the past, albeit a sad, sickening one, but nonetheless a page of history that has fortunately,deînitively,been turned (my emphasis).
We now live in the best of all worlds, striding forward on the radiant path of full respect for human rights, for all humans, on the road towards democracy (for all). It is the “end of history” we are told by Fukuyama: liberal democracy has written history’s last chapter and there will be no more hereafter because this system is capable, by peaceful, nonviolent means, of solving all the problems faced by humanity. It already allows access and will increasingly allow access to all the beneîts of civilisation both material and ethical. This nonsense is unfortunately the daily fare of some hundreds of million human beings: probably a majority of the 15 per cent of humanity that lives in the United States and Europe (to which I would add Japan, it being “honorary Whites” in the eyes of the apartheid regime!), and a small number of those who live elsewhere on the planet, i.e. “Western” facsimiles.
The magnitude of the crimes described in detail by Uribe is not disputed, as she points out in her preface. There may be here and there some eminent specialists (and I am not one of them) who could add some details, maybe correct some errors (that escaped my notice). That could be, but no researcher could, in good faith, claim any more than that.
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