Adventures in the Forest , livre audio






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In loving Memory of Arlene m Menkel.
When Arlene, aka Hilenie, was a little girl, she often sat on her grandfather's lap, whom she called Pappy. Those were extraordinary times for the two of them. Pappy's enjoyed reading to her as much as she enjoyed listening to him. Pappy would start the stories with what sounded like "Once-a-pon-a-time. Pappy instilled a love for storytelling deep within Arlene. Her plots sprang from what her ear heard as a child. Throughout her life, she had a passion for making up her own stories. She was also motivated to write, songs, limericks, and poems. The Hilenie and Friends Series Audiobooks are told from Hilenie's perspective. She always begins and ends her stories in a pickle. She has two imaginary sisters: the unsympathetic Hinenely and the supportive sister Hilena. Little Hilenie loves the land of make-believe, where animals talk. Her woodland characters are often in need of help which sometimes requires a rescue mission. The bears, bunnies, cats, cows, llamas, sheep, goats, Bigfoot, and many others live in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest near Vancouver, Washington, USA. All of Arlene's/Hilenie's stories are based on true life, especially experiences that she had with her children. Each story has a story of its own, but that, of course, is another story. The Hilenie Series Books resonate with those who love reading. These stories not only appeal to the young, but they also appeal to the young at heart.

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Date de parution

23 janvier 2023

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Poids de l'ouvrage

234 Mo

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