Raising Kids in Today’s Digital Age , livre audio






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“The best strategy for a parent to employ is to instill good values, virtues, and a moral compass into your children from a young age…These ethics and values are what they will take with them throughout their childhood and adulthood.” - Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana
In Raising Kids in Today’s Digital World, best-selling author and parenting advice expert Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana draws on many years of experience improving family communication and her own life experience raising Kids of her own to offer you positive parenting that will allow you to overcome common problems in the current age of overstimulation, ADHD and social media addiction, and raise kids that are respectful, helpful and morally strong.
In this all-inclusive book on raising kids from toddlers to teenaged young men and women, you will learn:
How to use positive discipline and reassurance to reinforce values
The 10 most important core values and morals to teach your kids, including honesty, empathy, respect and love
How to raise kids as a single Mom or single Dad – the unique challenges of being a single parent and powerful time management tips for time-strapped parents
How to identify ADHD in young kids and parenting tips for overcoming ADHD issues, like poor grades in school, disrespect for adults and conflicts with other children
How to use positive discipline and reassurance to reinforce parental values
How raising daughters is different than raising sons and the unique joy of parenting girls
elementary school child, or you are the parent of a headstrong teenager, the time is now to start employing time-tested parenting methods that will help your child to mature into the man or woman that you always hoped your child would become.
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Date de parution

30 janvier 2023





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