Knockin’ Doorz Down , livre audio






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Knockin' Doorz Down is the inspirational story of one man's heroic struggle against inner demons that nearly destroy him, though he ultimately recovers and finds a unique pathway to redemption and peace.
Successful entrepreneur and race car driver Carlos Vieira was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the youngest of three siblings. When he was a young child, his working-class parents immigrated to California, where they thrived as sweet potato farmers in the town of Livingston and provided their children with solid values and a strong work ethic. As a teenager, Carlos is popular and athletic, all set to join the family farming business, but when he yields to the allure of recreational drug use, his dreams and goals fade into the back- ground. There follows a series of unexpected challenges that land him in serious jeopardy.
In this cautionary tale, we see how the isolation of addiction affects every aspect of Carlos's existence. Although he attempts a conventional path, the dark side continually dominates as he slowly spirals down, pursuing the party lifestyle for more than a decade.
Here are the binges, the excesses, the relapses, the rehabs, the arrests, the nights in jail, and the multiple resolutions to recover. But when Carlos hits bottom, at the age of thirty-four, he vows to stop once and for all.
So begins his slow journey back to a drug- free, productive life. Through it all, he offers a timeless message: no matter what you may be struggling with--family challenges, addiction, financial issues, health struggles, or relationship problems--you can pull yourself from the brink, knock down a new door, and create a brand-new life, becoming the person you were always meant to be.

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Date de parution

23 mars 2023





Poids de l'ouvrage

753 Mo

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