In the Business of Change , livre audio






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  • Co-op available
  • Features offered to: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Millennial Money, Huffington Green, ESG Magazine, Environmental Finance, finance section of daily papers
  • Excerpts offered to: Green Money Journal, Green Business, Green America Money
  • Advertising in: Green Money Journal, Green America
  • Galley available on Edelweiss
  • Promotions through BALLE and B Corporations
  • Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the authors' speaking engagements
  • Simultaneous ebook release and promotion
  • Promotion on New Society Publishers social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, our blog, Pinterest, and Instagram

  • Author is the co-founder and publisher of SEE Change Magazine
  • She has been a journalist for over 15 years and written for major newspapers and magazines including Elle, Profit and Zoomer
  • As communities across North America struggle with economic decline and bankruptcy, governments and social services are fall short of meeting needs.
  • Enter the social entrepreneur. Social entrepreneurs are innovative people who focus their creative energy and business mind-set on social change
  • This book is a practical and inspirational guide to social entrepreneurship
  • The book highlights stories of social entrepreneurs around the world who are using business as a force for change
  • Includes stories from New York, Yonkers, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Oakland, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Columbus, Detroit, San Francisco, St. Louis, New Orleans, Vancouver and Fogo Island
  • Readers will learn how to apply business savvy to social change
  • Topics include: job creation; economic revitalization; affordable housing; education; food security; social justice; human rights; disadvantaged youth; violence and more
  • Shows people how to use business as a true force for change in their communities including profiles of social entrepreneurs, tips and lessons for success

    Story examples

    Komal Ahmad, founder & CEO of San-Francisco-based Copia, a social enterprise with a mission of solving the dual challenges of food insecurity and food waste.

    Alan Ricks, co-founder of MASS Design, a disruptor in the field of architecture. Boston-based MASS' mission is to build and advocate for architecture that promotes justice and human dignity.

    Laura D'Asaro, co-founder of Chirps Chips, a company that produces chips (and are working on other products) made from cricket flour.

    David Stover, one of three co-founders of Bureo, a for-profit social enterprise that uses discarded commercial fishing nets to produce skateboards and other products.

    Teri Dankovich and Jonathan Levine, co-founders of Pittsburgh-based Folia Water, a revolutionary new technology - silver infused filter papers - that eliminate bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.

    Rosanne Haggerty, CEO and founder of Community Solutions, a company that applies the best problem-solving tools from multiple sectors to help U.S. communities end homelessness and the conditions that create it. One of their initiatives, Built for Zero, is designed to help communities end veteran homelessness.

    Tom D'Eri, who teamed up with his dad to found Rising Tide Car Wash, a company based in Florida that hires 80 percent of its employees on the autism spectrum based in Florida.


  • Business leaders, economic development professionals, municipalities and cities, social entrepreneurs, millennials and boomers looking to make a difference


Chapter 1: Sustain This: The Rise of Social Entrepreneurship

Chapter 2: Innovate or Bust

Chapter 3: From Crisis to Opportunity

Chapter 4: The Power of Partnerships

Chapter 5: Community Engagement

Chapter 6: Perchance to Scale

Chapter 7: Toward Financial Sustainability

Chapter 8: Storytelling

Chapter 9: Measuring Social Impact

Chapter 10: Support Systems




About the Author

A Note about the Publisher

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Date de parution

31 mars 2020





Poids de l'ouvrage

933 Mo

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