The Career Success and Responsible Adult , livre audio






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You’ve worked hard, got good grades and graduated from high school, trade school, or college.  Now what?
In The Career Success and Responsible Adult 2-in-1 Combo Pack, best-selling author and parenting advice expert Bukky Ekine-Ogunlana draws on over a decade of experience offering valuable life lessons to young women and men to offer you proven methods that will help you decide which type of career is right for you and your family, and help you to develop the strong character and good habits necessary for long-term success in adulthood.
In this life-changing career guide, you will learn:
What is a career and why is choosing the right career path so important?  How does a person’s career affect personal relationships, self-esteem and family life?
How to find a healthy life balance and learn how to value family and morals, while still having a rewarding career and becoming financially stable
How to choose the right type of career for YOU.  Are you best suited to a professional career, leadership career, becoming a freelancer, being a small business owner, or being an employee with fewer time constraints and commitments?  Learn proven ways to help you choose a career.
The time-tested list of character traits that all successful people have and how you can develop these traits to guarantee career satisfaction– self-confidence, determination, conflict resolution skills and resilience, to name a few
6 powerful tips to help career women find jobs with leadership potential
The Unlucky 13 Career Killers that can derail a promising career and how you can avoid them.
Deciding on a career path is one of the most difficult and important life decisions that a young person must make.  Why not have all the tools that you can have to help you find a job or profession that allows you to look forward to going to work every day and guarantees you financial stability for the rest of your life?
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Date de parution

02 mars 2023





Poids de l'ouvrage

625 Mo

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