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Publié par
Date de parution
21 avril 2020
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
754 Mo
Face the truth of climate change, accept your fears, and become the hero that humanity needs.
At the time of writing, these locations in the US have declared a climate emergency:
Almeda, CA
Ann Arbor, MI
Berkeley, CA
Chico, CA
Crystal Bay, MN
Davis, CA
Duluth, MN
Fairfax, CA
Hayward, CA
Hoboken, NJ
Los Angeles, CA
Manhasset, NY
Marin County, CA
Montgomery County, MD
Napa, CA
New Britain, CT
New Haven, CT
New York City, NY
Oakland, CA
Outer Cape Cod, MA
Palo Alto, CA
Petaluma, CA
Philadelphia, PA
Sacramento, CA
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, City and Region, CA
Santa Barbara, CA
Santa Cruz, City and County, CA
Sonoma County, CA
Audience: Anyone concerned about climate change, including those unable to act or in denial, climate change activists looking for better ways to initiate change, anyone feeling anxiety about the future
NYC – Network includes approximately 75 leading climate influencers
California – Focus for The Climate Mobilization work
Washington, DC – Centre for climate professionals, about 40 personal connections there
Cambridge and Boston – Salamon went to school there and is still active in the climate change community
Philadelphia – Salamon's in-laws live there and have extensive network through Green Building Council
Ann Arbor – Salamon s hometown and parents home
Hawaii – Where the book was written
International: Salamon works with Extinction Rebellion based in the UK
Australia/New Zealand – Climate Emergency is well-known; Salamon has good connections in Melbourne specifically
Sweden and Germany – Very active in the climate emergency movement
Canada – 435 governments in Canada have declared a climate emergency
Complete list: https://climateemergencydeclaration.org/climate-emergency-declarations-cover-15-million-citizens
Quebec has more climate emergency declarations than any other province or state in the US
Vancouver – Salamon is connected to Seth Klein (Naomi Klein's brother) and Christine Boyle, Vancouver city councilor
Step One: Face Climate Truth
Step Two: Welcome Fear, Grief, and Other Painful Feelings
Step Three: Reimagine Your Life Story
Step Four: Understand and Enter Emergency Mode
Step Five: Join the Climate Emergency Movement
Conclusion: Live as a Climate Warrior
Additional Resources: Continue Your Journey
Works Cited
About the Authors
About the Organization
A Note about the Publisher
Publié par
Date de parution
21 avril 2020
Poids de l'ouvrage
754 Mo