Learning Cognitive Behavior Therapy Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle , livre audio






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Learning Cognitive Behavior Therapy Bundle, 2 in 1 bundle: Cognitive Behavior Therapy Basics and CBT Basics and Beyond
Are you interested in learning more about cognitive behavior therapy and how it can help you or your clients overcome negative thoughts and behaviors? This audiobook bundle is the ultimate guide to cognitive behavior therapy, offering practical tips and techniques for improving mental health and well-being.
In "Cognitive Behavior Therapy Basics," you'll discover the fundamental principles of CBT and how it can be applied to treat a range of mental health conditions. With insights from leading experts in the field, this audiobook offers practical advice for using CBT to overcome anxiety, depression, and other common mental health issues. Meanwhile, "CBT Basics and Beyond" provides a deeper dive into the advanced techniques and methodologies of CBT. With a focus on real-world scenarios and hands-on practice exercises, this audiobook is a must-have for anyone looking to become a skilled CBT practitioner.
This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks:
1. Cognitive Behavior Therapy Basics: An Introduction to Changing Negative Thoughts and Behaviors and Overcoming Common Mental Health Challenges
2. CBT Basics and Beyond: The Essential Guide to Understanding and Implementing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Help Overcome Negative Thoughts and Emotions
If you want to learn more, download your copy of Learning Cognitive Behavior Therapy Bundle today!

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Date de parution

19 mars 2023





Poids de l'ouvrage

215 Mo

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