Master Student: The Ultimate Guide on How to Manage Stress as a Student, Discover Techniques and Strategies on How to Ease Your Load and Enjoy Your Time at School , livre audio






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Master Student: The Ultimate Guide on How to Manage Stress as a Student, Discover Techniques and Strategies on How to Ease Your Load and Enjoy Your Time at School

Students have relatively carefree lives with not much to worry about except to pass the exams and get good grades. However, despite the simplicity of its design a lot of students still find it difficult to survive because they can’t handle the stress and they have not learned good time management skills. As a student, it is important that you learn the basics of time management. Stress at school is also inevitable and part of life. Your success can be measured by how you are going to respond to the many different pressures that will come your way as your learning in school progresses.

This audiobook will teach you how you can properly manage your time so you can stay on top of your work and increase your productivity. You will also learn useful tips on how to manage stress so you don’t get overwhelmed. When you have time management and stress management handled, you will have a much better time at school.

This audiobook will discuss the following topics:

- The Basics On Time Management For Students

- Changing Your Mindset About Managing Your Time

- Take Inventory Of How You Spend Your Time

- Study Habits For Time Management

- Managing Work And School

- Getting A Grip On School Goals

- You May Need To Cut Ties With Some People

- Make Sure You Don’t Get Overloaded

- The Benefits Of Time Management In School

- Stress At School Basics

- What Causes Stress At School

- The Benefits Of Cutting Down School Stress

- And many more!

School can be quite stressful to attend with all the pressure and deadlines that there are on a daily basis. But this audiobook will teach you how to manage. To learn more, scroll up and click “add to cart” now!

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Date de parution

20 avril 2021





Poids de l'ouvrage

44 Mo

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