Permaculture for the Rest of Us , livre audio






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  • Excerpts offered to Permaculture Activist, Permaculture Magazine, Mother Earth News, Acres USA, Urban Farm
  • Advertising in Mother Earth News, Urban Farm, Permaculture Activist
  • Promotion targeting permaculture and homesteading groups
  • Promotion on the author's website
  • Publicity and promotion in conjunction with the author's speaking engagements including Mother Earth New Fairs
  • Promotion on New Society Publishers social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, our blog and Pinterest
  • Galley available on Edelweiss

  • Permaculture for the Rest of Us is an encouragement manual for anyone interested in enjoying a sustainable lifestyle
  • The book describes how to retrofit even the smallest homestead using the ethics and principles of permaculture
  • It outlines how to succeed in the most adverse conditions: wind-swept, rocky soil, short summers
  • The anecdotal text emphasizes the message "if we could do it, you surely can" while describing the successes and failures which led to the creation of QuackaDoodle Farm
  • All the information comes from years of hands-on experience and relates to a single location
  • Permaculture for the Rest of Us uses mistakes and failures as valuable teaching tools, with the intent of saving others from getting bogged down by similar mistakes and disappointments
  • The author is now certified as a permaculture design consultant
  • She is the author of the children's books The Fisherman and His Wife (McGraw-Hill Ryerson) and Gully Goes to Halifax (Pegasus Publishing), and an adult fiction book Counting Crows (Roseway Publishing)
  • Permaculture for the Rest of Us differs from other books in that that it is an intimate account of a retrofit which succeeds despite adverse climate and conditions.


1. Slug Wars or How it All Began
2. The Nitty Gritty on Building Dirt
3. To Dig or Not to Dig
4. Green Thumbing It 101
5. Easy Starter Crops
6. What? And When?
7. Gotta Getta Greenhouse
8. Warm Wussies
9. Quack, Cluck and Gobble
10. Ethics and Principles
11. Harvest Time: The Reason for it All!

Suggested Reading
About the Author

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Date de parution

20 mai 2021

Nombre de lectures






Poids de l'ouvrage

697 Mo

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