Partition complète, 12 orgue préludes, Various, Archer, Jerald Franklin








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Pratiquez les partitions de morceau 12 orgue préludes partition complète, préludes, par Archer, Jerald Franklin , Op. 2 , Various. Cette partition classique célèbre dédiée aux instruments tels que:
  • orgue

La partition comprend plusieurs mouvements: 12 et l'on retrouve ce genre de musique classifiée dans les genres pour orgue, préludes, partitions pour orgue, pour 1 musicien
Redécouvrez en même temps tout une collection de musique pour orgue sur YouScribe, dans la catégorie Partitions de musique classique.
Date composition: 2000
Rédacteur: Jerald Franklin Archer
Edition: Jerald Franklin Archer
Durée / duration: Each prelude is under 10 minutes in length
Dédicace: To the Sacred Heart of Jesus
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Paternité, pas de modification



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4 Mo

-) $UFKHU       12 Organ Preludes  Op. 2  ´'HR *UDWLDVµ       Dedicated to the Sacred Heart of
JESUS      6HFRQG (GLWLRQ 
PREFACE (From the First Edition) And General Copyright Information  7+,6 :25. HQWLWOHG ´ 3UHOXGHV IRU 2UJDQµ DQG EHDULQJ WKH 2SXV 1XPEHU  LV D )5(( :25. LQ +RQRU RI WKH 6$&5(' +($57 2) -(686 ZKLFK 5HSUHVHQWV &KULVW·V 'LYLQH /RYH2PQLSUHVHQW DQG (WHUQDO *LYHQ WR $OO )UHHO\ DQG *HQHURXVO\ ZLWKRXW 5HVHUYH *ORU\ %H WR *RG  This work, I believe, is a Gift from God. Therefore, it is only fitting that I should pass it on to others free of charge. This work may be performed without any royalties pai d to the composer on the conditions that the composer, and more importantly, The Sacred Heart of Jesus, be mentioned and /or included in any program notes in recording or performing endeavors.current copyright laws are those that prohibitThe only restrictions that apply are in regards to the user from recording, copying, distributing and/or selling this work for monetary profit. One may record, copy and/or distribute this work wi thout receiving profit and will be in conjunction and agreement with copyright laws and regulations that protect creative productions from piracy and wanton profiteering. Any profit gained from this work should be dispensed at t he discretion of the performer. Please take advantage of the information available from the United States Copyright Office if there is doubt.  
J.F. Archer Beech Grove, Indiana 2001
“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or what soever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” (I Corinthians -10: 31)  May The Sacred Heart of Jesus be Honored, and Glorified Eternally!
 All Selections Copyright2001 by J.F. Archer Second Edition2010 by J.F. Archer
This Second Edition is an improved version in formatting and presentation, respectively. A few minor changes have been made as to cleaning up some harmonic structures and extraneous notation. The pedal line has been optimized and reconstructed to be more present in the music and there has been an addition of repeat signs, phrasing slurs and some suggested ornamentation is noted as well.
As with the spirit of my other works, I leave the general dynamics to the performer who will see the obvious in what mood each piece should be performed according to the tempo marking and character of the musical line. The music is open to a variety of organ settings that will enhance the style of the pieces, as the performer’s taste dictates.
Jerald Franklin Archer May 11, 2010
Second Edition2010 by J.F. Archer
Prelude 1 in A Major
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