
icon subthematics
Mann Vivien Master mention ICD


Mann Vivien Master mention ICD

Vivien Master

Mann Vivien Master mention ICD Alternate Text


Etudes supérieures

Mann Vivien Master mention ICD

Vivien Master


73 pages



Quality Assessment of Grey Literature Farace et al


Quality Assessment of Grey Literature Farace et al

Jerry Frantzen

Quality Assessment of Grey Literature Farace et al Alternate Text



Quality Assessment of Grey Literature Farace et al

Jerry Frantzen


10 pages



OpenSIGLE Home to GreyNet s Research Community and its


OpenSIGLE Home to GreyNet's Research Community and its

Jerry Frantzen

OpenSIGLE Home to GreyNet s Research Community and its Alternate Text


Rapports de stage

OpenSIGLE Home to GreyNet's Research Community and its

Jerry Frantzen


8 pages






Joachim Schöpfel

MASTER Mention ICD Alternate Text


Etudes supérieures


Joachim Schöpfel


84 pages



Joachim Schöpfel Chérifa Boukacem Zeghmouri Conference report Usage assessment the French touch International Symposium: Academic Online Resources: Assessment and Usage Lille France November In the heart of Europe at only hour mins from St Pancras hour from Paris and mins from Brussels Lille hosted the first international conference on digital usage assessment in France LIS professionals and scientists from five continents met for two days on the scientific campus of the Lille University and discussed usage related approaches to academic digital libraries Usage assessment in France Since French information experts and academic librarians developed an intensive research activity to understand and accompany the uptake and usage of scientific digital resources Most of the research is linked to the academic big deals from the COUPERIN consortium and to the CNRS scientific information portals The scientific information centre INIST made available on its website a French version of the COUNTER Code of Practice and created a service on usage statistics The National Research Agency ANR funded a year research project EPEF on usage of journals databases and ebooks by the French academic communities based on a unique partnership between international publishers academic libraries and experts from Lille Nancy and Paris Lille University supports a nationwide study on the development and usage of French open archives and hosted in the first French symposium on usage assessment The event is the message The first message of the Lille conference is unambiguous: usage assessment is a hot topic for the whole value chain of the scientific information market This market is fundamentally international and so is research on usage Half of the speakers sponsors and members of the program committee came from other countries than France The conference language was a muddle up of French and English but as all participants shared similar experiences with digital resources no problems of understanding occurred Scientists and ...


Joachim Schöpfel Chérifa Boukacem Zeghmouri Conference report Usage assessment the French touch International Symposium: Academic Online Resources: Assessment and Usage Lille France November In the heart of Europe at only hour mins from St Pancras hour from Paris and mins from Brussels Lille hosted the first international conference on digital usage assessment in France LIS professionals and scientists from five continents met for two days on the scientific campus of the Lille University and discussed usage related approaches to academic digital libraries Usage assessment in France Since French information experts and academic librarians developed an intensive research activity to understand and accompany the uptake and usage of scientific digital resources Most of the research is linked to the academic big deals from the COUPERIN consortium and to the CNRS scientific information portals The scientific information centre INIST made available on its website a French version of the COUNTER Code of Practice and created a service on usage statistics The National Research Agency ANR funded a year research project EPEF on usage of journals databases and ebooks by the French academic communities based on a unique partnership between international publishers academic libraries and experts from Lille Nancy and Paris Lille University supports a nationwide study on the development and usage of French open archives and hosted in the first French symposium on usage assessment The event is the message The first message of the Lille conference is unambiguous: usage assessment is a hot topic for the whole value chain of the scientific information market This market is fundamentally international and so is research on usage Half of the speakers sponsors and members of the program committee came from other countries than France The conference language was a muddle up of French and English but as all participants shared similar experiences with digital resources no problems of understanding occurred Scientists and ...

Joachim Schöpfel Chérifa Boukacem Zeghmouri Conference report Usage assessment the French touch International Symposium: Academic Online Resources: Assessment and Usage Lille France November In the heart of Europe at only hour mins from St Pancras hour from Paris and mins from Brussels Lille hosted the first international conference on digital usage assessment in France LIS professionals and scientists from five continents met for two days on the scientific campus of the Lille University and discussed usage related approaches to academic digital libraries Usage assessment in France Since French information experts and academic librarians developed an intensive research activity to understand and accompany the uptake and usage of scientific digital resources Most of the research is linked to the academic big deals from the COUPERIN consortium and to the CNRS scientific information portals The scientific information centre INIST made available on its website a French version of the COUNTER Code of Practice and created a service on usage statistics The National Research Agency ANR funded a year research project EPEF on usage of journals databases and ebooks by the French academic communities based on a unique partnership between international publishers academic libraries and experts from Lille Nancy and Paris Lille University supports a nationwide study on the development and usage of French open archives and hosted in the first French symposium on usage assessment The event is the message The first message of the Lille conference is unambiguous: usage assessment is a hot topic for the whole value chain of the scientific information market This market is fundamentally international and so is research on usage Half of the speakers sponsors and members of the program committee came from other countries than France The conference language was a muddle up of French and English but as all participants shared similar experiences with digital resources no problems of understanding occurred Scientists and ... Alternate Text


Collège - Lycée

Joachim Schöpfel Chérifa Boukacem Zeghmouri Conference report Usage assessment the French touch International Symposium: Academic Online Resources: Assessment and Usage Lille France November In the heart of Europe at only hour mins from St Pancras hour from Paris and mins from Brussels Lille hosted the first international conference on digital usage assessment in France LIS professionals and scientists from five continents met for two days on the scientific campus of the Lille University and discussed usage related approaches to academic digital libraries Usage assessment in France Since French information experts and academic librarians developed an intensive research activity to understand and accompany the uptake and usage of scientific digital resources Most of the research is linked to the academic big deals from the COUPERIN consortium and to the CNRS scientific information portals The scientific information centre INIST made available on its website a French version of the COUNTER Code of Practice and created a service on usage statistics The National Research Agency ANR funded a year research project EPEF on usage of journals databases and ebooks by the French academic communities based on a unique partnership between international publishers academic libraries and experts from Lille Nancy and Paris Lille University supports a nationwide study on the development and usage of French open archives and hosted in the first French symposium on usage assessment The event is the message The first message of the Lille conference is unambiguous: usage assessment is a hot topic for the whole value chain of the scientific information market This market is fundamentally international and so is research on usage Half of the speakers sponsors and members of the program committee came from other countries than France The conference language was a muddle up of French and English but as all participants shared similar experiences with digital resources no problems of understanding occurred Scientists and ...


3 pages



MASTER MENTION ICD Option: Sciences de l Information et du Document


MASTER MENTION ICD Option: Sciences de l'Information et du Document

Cedric Rougeaux

MASTER MENTION ICD Option: Sciences de l Information et du Document Alternate Text


Etudes supérieures

MASTER MENTION ICD Option: Sciences de l'Information et du Document

Cedric Rougeaux


50 pages



MASTER MENTION ICD Option Sciences de l Information et du Document


MASTER MENTION ICD Option Sciences de l'Information et du Document

Aurore Plichon

MASTER MENTION ICD Option Sciences de l Information et du Document Alternate Text


Etudes supérieures

MASTER MENTION ICD Option Sciences de l'Information et du Document

Aurore Plichon


77 pages



DESS Information Scientifique et Technique et Intelligence Economique


DESS Information Scientifique et Technique et Intelligence Economique

Maude Bony

DESS Information Scientifique et Technique et Intelligence Economique Alternate Text


Rapports de stage

DESS Information Scientifique et Technique et Intelligence Economique

Maude Bony


103 pages



How to get a French doctoral thesis especially when you aren t French Paillassard P Schöpfel J Stock C


How to get a French doctoral thesis especially when you aren't French Paillassard P Schöpfel J Stock C

Joachim Schöpfel

How to get a French doctoral thesis especially when you aren t French Paillassard P Schöpfel J Stock C Alternate Text


Rapports de stage

How to get a French doctoral thesis especially when you aren't French Paillassard P Schöpfel J Stock C

Joachim Schöpfel


23 pages



sic version


Sic version

Joachim Schöpfel

sic version Alternate Text


Etudes supérieures

Sic version

Joachim Schöpfel


12 pages



Analysis of the downward trend in document supply in pharmacology: a case study from INIST in France part Chérifa Boukacem Zeghmouri Pascal Bador Thierry Lafouge Hélène Prost Joachim Schöpfel Keywords Document supply Impact Factor Serials Electronic Resources Longitudinal Study INIST Abstract Purpose: The article investigates the evolution of document supply of print serials Approach: The study is based on data from INIST CNRS document supply requests and access to electronic resources of serials with JCR impact factors in pharmacology Data were collected from to Findings: The results distinguish four groups of serials each with a different evolution of supply requests Nevertheless the overall decline from is a global phenomenon linked to growing access to online journals and there seems little likelihood of a slowdown for the next few years Originality: This is the first of three articles on a longitudinal study over years on different aspects of the relationship between document supply and impact factor citations in pharmacology a scientific domain with a high use of scientific information


Analysis of the downward trend in document supply in pharmacology: a case study from INIST in France part Chérifa Boukacem Zeghmouri Pascal Bador Thierry Lafouge Hélène Prost Joachim Schöpfel Keywords Document supply Impact Factor Serials Electronic Resources Longitudinal Study INIST Abstract Purpose: The article investigates the evolution of document supply of print serials Approach: The study is based on data from INIST CNRS document supply requests and access to electronic resources of serials with JCR impact factors in pharmacology Data were collected from to Findings: The results distinguish four groups of serials each with a different evolution of supply requests Nevertheless the overall decline from is a global phenomenon linked to growing access to online journals and there seems little likelihood of a slowdown for the next few years Originality: This is the first of three articles on a longitudinal study over years on different aspects of the relationship between document supply and impact factor citations in pharmacology a scientific domain with a high use of scientific information

Pascal Bador

Analysis of the downward trend in document supply in pharmacology: a case study from INIST in France part Chérifa Boukacem Zeghmouri Pascal Bador Thierry Lafouge Hélène Prost Joachim Schöpfel Keywords Document supply Impact Factor Serials Electronic Resources Longitudinal Study INIST Abstract Purpose: The article investigates the evolution of document supply of print serials Approach: The study is based on data from INIST CNRS document supply requests and access to electronic resources of serials with JCR impact factors in pharmacology Data were collected from to Findings: The results distinguish four groups of serials each with a different evolution of supply requests Nevertheless the overall decline from is a global phenomenon linked to growing access to online journals and there seems little likelihood of a slowdown for the next few years Originality: This is the first of three articles on a longitudinal study over years on different aspects of the relationship between document supply and impact factor citations in pharmacology a scientific domain with a high use of scientific information Alternate Text



Analysis of the downward trend in document supply in pharmacology: a case study from INIST in France part Chérifa Boukacem Zeghmouri Pascal Bador Thierry Lafouge Hélène Prost Joachim Schöpfel Keywords Document supply Impact Factor Serials Electronic Resources Longitudinal Study INIST Abstract Purpose: The article investigates the evolution of document supply of print serials Approach: The study is based on data from INIST CNRS document supply requests and access to electronic resources of serials with JCR impact factors in pharmacology Data were collected from to Findings: The results distinguish four groups of serials each with a different evolution of supply requests Nevertheless the overall decline from is a global phenomenon linked to growing access to online journals and there seems little likelihood of a slowdown for the next few years Originality: This is the first of three articles on a longitudinal study over years on different aspects of the relationship between document supply and impact factor citations in pharmacology a scientific domain with a high use of scientific information

Pascal Bador


15 pages



Au service de la recherche


Au service de la recherche

Jean Nouvel

Au service de la recherche Alternate Text



Au service de la recherche

Jean Nouvel


3 pages






Charlotte Conjaud - Decoster

Charlotte CONJAUD DECOSTER Alternate Text


Etudes supérieures


Charlotte Conjaud - Decoster


62 pages



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