Economie politique de la démarchandisation de la société Actuel Marx n° 2ème semestre








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Niveau: Supérieur
Economie politique de la démarchandisation de la société Jean-Marie Harribey Actuel Marx, « Altermondialisme, anticapitalisme », n° 44, 2 e semestre 2008, p. 76-91 Abstract We try to show that non-saleable services have a non-saleable monetary value which is not extracted from the private sector and redirected to the public sector but produced by the latter. Work done in non-saleable services is not exchanged for capital, nor is it exchanged for levied income. Instead, it is exchanged for income that is produced following a collective decision on the anticipation of collective needs. Monetary financing is necessary to start capitalist activity and public activity. We distinguish anticipation of production, financing of production and payement of production. They are three moments of the dynamic process of production. Thus, it is possible to formulate an political economy of the unmarchandizing of the society.

  • capital

  • proportion de la propriété publique

  • création monétaire

  • travailleurs improductifs

  • capitaliste permettant la réalisation

  • capital par la force

  • capitaliste

  • improductive

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Economie politiquede la démarchandisation de la sociétéJean-Marie HarribeyActuel Marx, « Altermondialisme, anticapitalisme », n° 44, 2e semestre 2008, p. 76-91AbstractWe try to show that non-saleable services have a non-saleable monetary value which is notextracted from the private sector and redirected to the public sector but produced by the latter.Work done in non-saleable services is not exchanged for capital, nor is it exchanged for leviedincome. Instead, it is exchanged for income that is produced following a collective decisionon the anticipation of collective needs. Monetary financing is necessary to start capitalistactivity and public activity. We distinguish anticipation of production, financing ofproduction and payement of production. They are three moments of the dynamic process ofproduction. Thus, it is possible to formulate an political economy of the unmarchandizing ofthe society.
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