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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

  • cours - matière potentielle : students
  • expression écrite - matière potentielle : skills
  • leçon - matière potentielle : skills
  • leçon - matière potentielle : materials
  • expression écrite
  • interesting reading materials
  • practice as kindergarten students
  • students with positive reading skills
  • positive attitude
  • public school students
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BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, PITAMPURA, DELHI110034  UNITTEST II  CLASS6  SOCIALSCIENCE MAJOR LANDFORMS OF THE EARTH Q1. What is Erosion? The wearing away of the earth’s surface is called erosion. Q2. What is Deposition? The process of rebuilding of the surface of the earth is called the deposition. Q3. What is a mountain? A mountain is any natural elevation of the earth surface. Q4. Define the term Glacier? The permanently frozen rivers of ice are called glaciers. Q5. Name the three different types of mountains. The three types of mountains are Fold Mountains, Block Mountains and the Volcanic Mountains. Q6. Why is the plateau of Tibet special? The Tibet plateau is the highest plateau in the world with a height of 4,000 to 6,000 metres above the mean sea level. Q7. What is the difference between internal and external process of the Earth? Theinternal processleads to the upliftment and sinking of the earth’s surface, whereas theexternal processis the continuous wearing down and rebuilding of the land surface. Q8. Define a Range. Give its example. Mountains may be arranged in a line known as range. Many mountain systems consist of a series of parallel ranges extending over hundreds of kilometres. For e.g.: The Himalayas, the Alps and the Andes are mountain ranges of Asia, Europe and South America, respectively Q9. How is a hill different from a mountain? Ahillis a land surface higher than the local area, whereas a steep hill with an elevation of more than 600 metres is termed as amountain. Q10. Give some examples of Fold Mountains. The Fold Mountains can be old and young fold mountains. For e.g. The Appalachians in North America, the Ural Mountains in Russia and the Aravali range in India are the oldest fold mountain systems in the world.
The Himalayan Mountains and the Alps are young fold mountains with rugged relief and high conical peaks.Q11. What are Block Mountains? Give its examples. Block Mountainsare created when large areas are broken and displaced vertically. The uplifted blocks are termed ashorstsand the lowered blocks are calledgraben. The Rhine valley and the Vosges Mountain in Europe are examples of such mountain systems. Q12. What are Volcanic Mountains? Give its examples. Volcanic mountains are formed due to volcanic activity. For e.g. Mt.Kilimanjaro in Africa and Mt.Fujiyama in Japan. Q13. What is a Plateau? Name some plateaus in the world. A plateau is an elevated flat land. It is a flattoppedtable landstanding above the surrounding area. A plateau may have one or more sides with steep slopes. Plateaus, like mountains may be young or old. For e.g. The Deccan plateau in India is one of the oldest plateaus. The East African Plateau, The Tibet plateau and the Western plateau of Australia are other examples. Q14. Why are the plains most thickly populated regions of the world? Plains are the most useful areas for human habitation. There is great concentration of people in the plains because more flat land is available for building houses, roads etc. Because of fertile soils, the land is highly productive for cultivation as well. Q15. Giving examples, explain how land as a resource is being wasted by the man. If we construct houses on a fertile land Throw garbage on land or Making water dirty,leads to wastage of these precious resources wasted. We should avoid using such important gifts of nature in a careless manner. The available land is not only for our use. It is our duty to leave the earth a better place for future generations as well. Q16. What are plains? How are they formed? Plains are large stretches of flat land. They are, generally, not more than 200 metres above mean sea level. Most of the plains are formed by rivers and their tributaries. The rivers flow down the slopes of mountains and erode them. They carry forward the eroded material. Then they deposit their load consisting of stones, sand and silt along their courses and in their valleys.
It is from these deposits that plains are formed. Q17. How are plateaus useful? Plateaus are very useful as they are rich in mineral deposits. As a result, many of the mining areas in the world are located in the plateau areas. The African plateau is famous for gold and diamond mining. In India huge reserves of iron, coal and manganese are found in the Chhotanagpur plateau. In the plateau areas, there may be several waterfalls as the river falls from a great height. The lava plateaus are rich in black soil that is fertile and good for cultivation. Many plateaus have scenic spots and are of great attraction to tourists. Q18. How are mountains useful for us? The mountains are a storehouse of water. Many rivers have their source in the glaciers in the mountains. . Water from the mountains is also used for irrigation and generation of hydroelectricity. The river valleys and terraces are ideal for cultivation of crops. Mountains have a rich variety of flora and fauna. The forests provide fuel, fodder, shelter and other products like gum, raisins, etc. Mountains provide an idyllic site for tourists. Several sports like paragliding, hang gliding, river rafting and skiing are popular in the mountains.
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