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Publié par
Date de parution
04 février 2020
Nombre de lectures
Images and stories about African sexuality abound in today's globalized media. Frequently old stereotypes and popular opinion inform these stories, and sex in the media is predominately approached as a problem in need of solutions and intervention. The authors gathered here refuse an easy characterization of African sexuality and instead seek to understand the various erotic realities, sexual practices, and gendered changes taking place across the continent. They present a nuanced and comprehensive overview of the field of sex and sexuality in Africa to serve as a guide though the quickly expanding literature. This collection offers a set of texts that use sexuality as a prism for studying how communities coalesce against the canvas of larger political and economic contexts and how personal lives evolve therein. Scholars working in Africa, the U.S., and Europe reflect on issues of representation, health and bio-politics, same-sex relationships and identity, transactional economies of sex, religion and tradition, and the importance of pleasure and agency. This multidimensional reader provides a comprehensive view of sexuality from an African perspective.
Note on Sources
Introduction: Reading "sexualities" from "Africa" / Rachel Spronk and Thomas Hendriks
I. Representing "African" Sexualities
1. Is there a distinct African sexuality? A critical response to Caldwell / Beth Maina Ahlberg
2. Which bodies matter? Feminism, poststructuralism, race, and the curious theoretical odyssey of the "Hottentot Venus" / Zine Magubane
3. "Bisexuality" and the Politics of Normal in African Ethnography / Marc Epprecht
4. On Being Area-Studied: A Litany of Complaint / Keguro Macharia
II. Bio-Politics—Sexual Health
5. Dangerous Aphrodisiac, Restless Sexuality: Venereal Disease, Biomedicine, and Protectionism in Colonial Lagos, Nigeria / Saheed Aderinto
6. Irua Ria Atumia and Anti-Colonial Struggles among the Gikuyu of Kenya: A Counter Narrative on "Female Genital Mutilation" / Wairimu N. Njambi
7. "These Women, They Force Us to Rape Them": Rape as Narrative of Social Control in Post- Apartheid South Africa / Helen Moffett
8. "Transparent Sexualities": Sexual Openness, HIV Disclosure and the Governmentality of Sexuality in South Africa / Marian Burchardt
III. Same-Sex Practices—Gendered Identities
9. A Note on "Woman Marriage" in Dahomey / Melville J. Herskovits
10. Sexual Inversion Among the Azande / Edward E. Evans-Pritchard
11. "A Man is a Man Completely and a Wife is a Wife Completely": Gender Classification and Performance amongst "Ladies" and "Gents" in Ermelo, Mpumalanga'/ Graeme Reid
12. The Imagined Homoconference: "Activist-ism" and the Politics of Indirection, Serena Dankwa
IV. Love Transactions—Economies of Pleasure
13. The Materiality of Everyday Sex: Thinking beyond "Prostitution"/ Mark Hunter
14. On remuneration for homosexual practices in Bamako / Christophe Broqua
15. Belonging in Ethno-Erotic Economies: Adultery, Alterity, and Ritual in Postcolonial Kenya / George P. Meiu
16. The Pleasures of the City: Masculinity, Sexuality and Femininity in Dakar / Tshikala K. Biaya
V. Mobilizing Religion—Queering Tradition
17. Post-Colonial Histories of Sexuality: The Political Invention of a Libidinal African straight / Basile Ndjio
18. Homosexuality, Politics and Pentecostal Nationalism in Zambia / Adriaan van Klinken
19. "He Uses my Body": Female Traditional Healers, Male Ancestors and Transgender in South Africa / Cheryl Stobie
20. The sexual potentate. On sodomy, fellatio and other postcolonial privacies / Achille Mbembe
VI. Discrete Pleasures—Defiant Agencies
21. Sex Lives among Young People / Jomo Kenyatta
22. Eroticism, Sensuality and Women's Secrets among the Baganda / Sylvia Tamale
23. Sex, Food and Female Power: Discussion of Data Material from Northern Mozambique / Signe Arnfred
24. My Childhood as an Adult Molester / Zackie Achmat
List of Sources
List of Contributors
Publié par
Date de parution
04 février 2020
Jocelyn Alexander and David Pratten, editors
Edited by Rachel Spronk and Thomas Hendriks
Indiana University Press, in association with the International African Institute
This book is a publication of
Indiana University Press
Office of Scholarly Publishing
Herman B Wells Library 350
1320 East 10th Street
Bloomington, Indiana 47405 USA
2020 by International African Institute
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992.
Manufactured in the United States of America
Cataloging information is available from the Library of Congress.
ISBN 978-0-253-04760-1 (hardback)
ISBN 978-0-253-04761-8 (paperback)
ISBN 978-0-253-04763-2 (ebook)
1 2 3 4 5 25 24 23 22 21 20
Note on Sources
Introduction: Reading Sexualities from Africa / Thomas Hendriks and Rachel Spronk
Part I. Representing African Sexualities
1 Is There a Distinct African Sexuality? A Critical Response to Caldwell / Beth Maina Ahlberg
2 Which Bodies Matter? Feminism, Poststructuralism, Race, and the Curious Theoretical Odyssey of the Hottentot Venus / Zine Magubane
3 Bisexuality and the Politics of Normal in African Ethnography / Marc Epprecht
4 On Being Area-Studied: A Litany of Complaint / Keguro Macharia
Part II. Biopolitics-Sexual Health
5 Dangerous Aphrodisiac, Restless Sexuality: Venereal Disease, Biomedicine, and Protectionism in Colonial Lagos, Nigeria / Saheed Aderinto
6 Irua Ria Atumia and Anticolonial Struggles among the G k y of Kenya: A Counternarrative on Female Genital Mutilation / Wairim Ngar iya Njambi
7 These Women, They Force Us to Rape Them : Rape as Narrative of Social Control in Postapartheid South Africa / Helen Moffett
8 Transparent Sexualities : Sexual Openness, HIV Disclosure, and the Governmentality of Sexuality in South Africa / Marian Burchardt
Part III. Same-Sex Practices-Gendered Identities
9 A Note on Woman Marriage in Dahomey / Melville Jean Herskovits
10 Sexual Inversion among the Azande / Edward E. Evans-Pritchard
11 A Man Is a Man Completely and a Wife Is a Wife Completely : Gender Classification and Performance among Ladies and Gents in Ermelo, Mpumalanga / Graeme Reid
12 The Imagined Homoconference: Activistism and the Politics of Indirection / Serena Owusu Dankwa
Part IV. Love Transactions-Economies of Pleasure
13 The Materiality of Everyday Sex: Thinking beyond Prostitution / Mark Hunter
14 On Remuneration for Homosexual Practices in Bamako / Christophe Broqua
15 Belonging in Ethnoerotic Economies: Adultery, Alterity, and Ritual in Postcolonial Kenya / George Paul Meiu
16 The Pleasures of the City: Masculinity, Sexuality, and Femininity in Dakar (1997-2000) / Tshikala Kayembe Biaya
Part V. Mobilizing Religion-Queering Tradition
17 Postcolonial Histories of Sexuality: The Political Invention of a Libidinal African Straight / Basile Ndjio
18 Homosexuality, Politics, and Pentecostal Nationalism in Zambia / Adriaan S. van Klinken
19 He Uses My Body : Female Traditional Healers, Male Ancestors, and Transgender in South Africa / Cheryl Stobie
20 The Sexual Potentate: On Sodomy, Fellatio, and Other Postcolonial Privacies / Achille Mbembe
Part VI. Discrete Pleasures-Defiant Agencies
21 Sex Life among Young People / Jomo Kenyatta
22 Eroticism, Sensuality, and Women s Secrets among the Baganda: A Critical Analysis / Sylvia Tamale
23 Sex, Food, and Female Power: Discussion of Data Material from Northern Mozambique / Signe Arnfred
24 My Childhood as an Adult Molester: A Salt River Moffie / Zackie Achmat
List of Original Sources by Chapter
List of Contributors
T HE EDITORS WISH to thank Stephanie Kitchen for her invaluable support with the logistics of getting this book together and her flawless enthusiasm; David Pratten and Jocelyn Alexander for their generous and perceptive comments on the Introduction; Siebert Wielstra and Marit Roomer for their diligent assistance assembling the text; and Silva Luna for help compiling the Index.
Note on Sources
A LL ARTICLES FROM Africa are republished courtesy of the International African Institute. Routledge (Taylor and Francis) are thanked for granting gratis permission to use material from the Canadian Journal of African Studies, African Identities , African Studies , and the Journal of Southern African Studies . All rights holders have been contacted and permissions secured as per details below.
Zackie Achmat
(1995) My Childhood as an Adult Molester: A Salt River Moffie, in M. Gevisser and E. Cameron (eds.), Defiant Desire: Gay and Lesbian Lives in South Africa . London and New York: Routledge, 325-41.
Reprinted by permission of Routledge, Taylor Francis Ltd, http://www.tandfonline.com .
Saheed Aderinto
(2012) Dangerous Aphrodisiac, Restless Sexuality: Venereal Disease, Biomedicine, and Protectionism in Colonial Lagos, Nigeria, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 13 (3).
Reprinted with permission of Johns Hopkins University Press.
Beth Maina Ahlberg
(1994) Is There a Distinct African Sexuality? A Critical Response to Caldwell, Africa 64 (2): 220-42.
Permission courtesy of the International African Institute.
Signe Arnfred
(2007) Sex, Food, and Female Power: Discussion of Data Material from Northern Mozambique, Sexualities 10 (2): 141-58.
Published courtesy of Sage Publishing, UK.
Tshikala Kayembe Biaya
(2001) The Pleasures of the City: Masculinity, Sexuality, and Femininity in Dakar [translated version of Les plaisirs de la ville: Masculinit , sexualit et f minit Dakar (1997-2000) ], African Studies Review 44 (2): 71-85.
Permission courtesy of Cambridge University Press. Translated by Andrew S. Brown.
Christophe Broqua
(2009) On Remuneration for Homosexual Practices in Bamako [translated version of Sur les retributions des pratiques homosexuelles Bamako ], Canadian Journal of African Studies 43 (1): 60-82.
Reprinted by permission of Taylor Francis Ltd, http://www.tandfonline.com . Translated by Andrew S. Brown.
Marian Burchardt
(2013) Transparent Sexualities : Sexual Openness, HIV Disclosure, and the Governmentality of Sexuality in South Africa, Culture, Health Sexuality 15 (S4): 495-508.
Reprinted by permission of Taylor Francis Ltd, http://www.tandfonline.com .
Serena Owusua Dankwa
(unpublished) The Imagined Homoconference: Activistism and the Politics of Indirection.
Published with permission of the author.
Marc Epprecht
(2006) Bisexuality and the Politics of Normal in African Ethnography, Anthropologica 48 (2): 187-201.
Reprinted courtesy of Marc Epprecht and Anthropologica .
Edward E. Evans-Pritchard
(1970) Sexual Inversion among the Azande, American Anthropologist 72 (6): 1428-34.
Reprinted by permission of the American Anthropological Association.
Melville Jean Herskovits
(1937) A Note on Woman Marriage in Dahomey, Africa 10 (3): 335-41.
Permission courtesy of the International African Institute.
Mark Hunter
(2002) The Materiality of Everyday Sex: Thinking beyond Prostitution, African Studies 61 (1): 99-120.
Reprinted by permission of Taylor Francis Ltd, http://www.tandfonline.com .
Jomo Kenyatta
(1938) Sex Lives among Young People, from Facing Mount Kenya. The Traditional Life of the Kikuyu, Nairobi: Heinemann Educational Books (EA) [originally published by the International African Institute], 155-62.
Permission courtesy of the International African Institute.
Keguro Macharia
(2016) On Being Area-Studied: A Litany of Complaint, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 22 (2): 183-90.
Republished by permission of the copyright holder, Duke University Press, www.dukeupress.edu .
Zine Magubane
(2001) Which Bodies Matter? Feminism, Poststructuralism, Race, and the Curious Theoretical Odyssey of the Hottentot Venus, Gender and Society 15 (6): 816-34.
Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications.
Achille Mbembe
(2006) Le potentat sexuel: propos de la sodomie, de la fellation et autres privaut s postcoloniales [ The Sexual Potentate: On Sodomy, Fellatio, and Other Postcolonial Privacies ], Le Messager , February 13.
Permission courtesy of Achille Mbembe. Translated by Andrew S. Brown.
George Paul Meiu
(2016) Belonging in Ethnoerotic Economies: Adultery, Alterity, and Ritual in Postcolonial Kenya, American Ethnologist 43 (2): 215-29.
Reprinted by permission of the American Anthropological Association.
Helen Moffett
(2006) These Women, They Force Us to Rape Them : Rape as Narrative of Social Control in Postapartheid South Africa, Journal of Southern African Studies 32 (1): 129-44.
Reprinted by permission of Taylor Francis Ltd, http://www.tandfonline.com , on behalf of the editorial board of the Journal of Southern African Studies .
Basile Ndjio
(2012) Postcolonial Histories of Sexuality: The Political Invention of a Libidinal African Straight, Africa 82 (4): 609-31.