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Date de parution
22 octobre 2012
Poids de l'ouvrage
5 Mo
Video Atlas of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery brings you the detailed visual guidance and unmatched expertise you need to master the most important and cutting-edge minimally invasive procedures and the treatment of unusual cases. Full-color photographs and narrated procedural videos online and on DVD lead you step by step through today’s most effective techniques. Tips and "secrets" from a veritable "who’s who" in the field equip you to deliver optimal results while minimizing or avoiding complications.
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Date de parution
22 octobre 2012
Poids de l'ouvrage
5 Mo
Video Atlas of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery
Constantine T. Frantzides, MD, PhD, FACS
Director, Advanced Laparoscopic and Bariatric Fellowship Program, Resurrection Health Care, St. Francis Hospital, Evanston, Illinois
Director, Chicago Institute of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Chicago, Illinoisa
Mark A. Carlson, MD, FACS
Professor, Department of Surgery, Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Anatomy, University of Nebraska Medical Center, VA Nebraska Western-Iowa Health Care System, Omaha, Nebraska
Table of Contents
Instructions for online access
Cover image
Title page
Video Contents
I: Thyroid Gland
Chapter 1: Minimally Invasive Video-Assisted Thyroidectomy
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
II: Thorax
Chapter 2: Thoracoscopic Lung Resections
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning in the operating suite
Positioning and placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
Chapter 3: Bilateral Thoracoscopic Splanchnotomy for Intractable Upper Abdominal Pain
Operative indications
Preoperative testing, evaluation, and preparation
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcomes
III: Esophagus
Chapter 4: Minimally Invasive Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning in the operating suite
Placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
Chapter 5: Laparoscopic Esophagomyotomy with Nissen Fundoplication
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Positioning and placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcomes
Chapter 6: Laparoscopic Esophageal Mucosal Resection for High-Grade Dysplasia
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation
Positioning and placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Procedure-specific complications
Results and outcomes
Chapter 7: Laparoscopic Revision of Failed Fundoplication and Hiatal Hernia
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning
Placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
IV: Stomach
Chapter 8: Revisional Bariatric Surgery
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning and placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Procedure-specific complications
Results and outcomes
Chapter 9: Laparoscopic Totally Hand-Sutured Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for the Treatment of Morbid Obesity
Indications for bariatric surgery
Preoperative assessment
Preoperative preparation
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
Chapter 10: Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass with Medial Rotation of the Left Hepatic Lobe
Operative indications
Preoperative assessment and preparation
Patient positioning
Placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Procedure-specific complications
Results and outcomes
Chapter 11: Laparoscopy-Assisted Distal Gastrectomy for Cancer
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning in the operating suite
Positioning and placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
Chapter 12: Laparoscopic Repair of Perforated Peptic Ulcer
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
V: Hepatobiliary System
Chapter 13: Laparoscopic Single-Site Cholecystectomy
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Positioning and placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcomes
Chapter 14: Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Cholecystectomy
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning in the operating suite
Positioning and placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
Chapter 15: Laparoscopic Radical Cholecystectomy
Controversies regarding the proper surgical management
Preoperatively suspected gallbladder cancer
Advent of the laparoscopic approach
Postoperatively diagnosed gallbladder cancer
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation
Value of staging laparoscopy
Patient positioning
Placement of trocars
Operative technique
Excision of previous trocar sites
Postoperative care
Procedure-specific complications
Port site recurrence
Results and outcome
Chapter 16: Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy for Acute Cholecystitis
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Choice of therapies
Positioning and placement of trocars
Operative techniques
Postoperative care
Complications—prevention and management
Results and outcome
Chapter 17: Laparoscopic Liver Resection
Operative indications
Alternative therapies
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning
Placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
VI: Pancreas and Spleen
Chapter 18: Laparoscopic Pancreatoduodenectomy
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning and placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
Chapter 19: Laparoscopic Cholecystojejunostomy
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning and trocar placement
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Results and outcome
Chapter 20: Laparoscopic Management of Pancreatic Pseudocysts
Operative indications
Preoperative testing, evaluation, and preparation
Patient positioning and placement of trocars
Anatomic classification of pancreatic pseudocysts
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
Chapter 21: Minimally Invasive Splenectomy for Massive Splenomegaly
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning in the operating suite
Positioning and placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
VII: Small Intestine
Chapter 22: Challenging Cases of Laparoscopic Enterectomy for Benign and Malignant Diseases of the Small Intestine
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Positioning and placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcomes
Chapter 23: Laparoscopic Management of Acute Small Bowel Obstruction
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning in the operating suite
Positioning and placement of trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
VIII: Colon and Rectum
Chapter 24: Laparoscopic Reversal of the Hartmann Procedure
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation, testing, and preparation
Patient positioning in the operating suite
Positioning and placement of the trocars
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Management of procedure-specific complications
Results and outcome
Chapter 25: Laparoscopic Colectomy for Diverticulitis
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluation
Patient positioning and port placement
Operative technique
Postoperative care
Procedure-specific complications
Results and outcomes
Chapter 26: Minimally Invasive Low Anterior Resection with Total Mesorectal Excision for Malignancy
Operative indications
Preoperative evaluati